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Intimate Experiences Thread (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold

My first experiences happened a few weeks ago after a college party. Drunk girl comes up to my room and we haz fun :p no sex though, cos I was missing mah equipment. But hey, it was very interesting experience. FIRST TIME KISSING A GIRL. Felt so odd, but pleasurable and enticing at the same time. Weird.


Jun 8, 2012
When my friend and i became the very best like no one ever was and caught all the pokemon back in the red/blue era


shepherd of the people
Mar 28, 2013
When I was 12 I had my first sexual experience. At the time, I lived in a little suburb outside of Cleveland and anyway, the girl next door and I were really good friends. Our parents were both gone for the day and she was over playing Transformers with me. So anyway, we kinda got.. Bored I guess? And we started playing truth or dare, which turned into ‘you show me yours, I’ll show you mine". So anyway there I Was, 12 years old, heart pounding, blood rushing in my ears, and the chick (who was a year older than me actually) takes off her panties and hikes her little skirt up. so What did I do, you ask? I whistled for a cab, and when it came near, the license plate said “fresh” and there were dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was rare, but I thought “naw forget it, yo home to bel-air!” I pulled up to the house about seven or eight and I yelled to the cabbie “yo homes smell ya later!” Looked at my kingdom, I was finally there. To settle my throne as the prince of bel-air.


ON is my homeboy
Mar 4, 2012
i talk to the internet

internet is my friend


Jun 8, 2012
dat overly optimistic condom wallet carry on the first date and then that moment she sees it when ur paying for dinner


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
So the story goes like this. Several family members and friends of mine live in a placed in POland which translates to "The White Hill". Twas a cold winters night in January, when my friend decides to give me an unexpected call about a uni party for foreign exchange students. The time was 6pm, darkness had enveloped the city for 3 hours already, so I figured, why not, lets go for it, might even get lucky tonight (not. lol) We meet up at the CBD crystal fountain which everybody knows, intensely breathing the frosty -10 degree air in anticipation of what was surely going to be a night of drunken frolicking in the company of wicked cheerie and reckless polish youth. We march together to the bus station, hitler style, and catch a short bus to the street literally called Academic street, where one of the uni's most famous pubs lies, called The Underground Whore (lollll). INside the party is already starting, music pulsing from the walls in soft EDM beats, with many a babe of swedish, brazilian, czech, german, italian and spanish descent, amongst many others as well as a tonne of gorgeous polish girls themselves, present.

My friend and I met some absolutely crazy girls with the hottest bodies any of you could ever imagine, but the absolute cream of the crop was a girl with initials AA, a preposterously beautiful woman of age 21, with a figure blended between kim kardashian and rosamund pike. Blonde hair, gorgeous face.

She was absolutely hammered, so I didnt pay much attention to her, and thought anyway, that she was wayyyy out of my league. Just forgot about her.

OK this is too slow I'll speed things up lol

Close to the end of the night she is feeling super sick, and then the cousins best friend, a girl, approaches me and says "My sister needs help" (I met the cousin before) and so I rushed to the rescue. I kind of didnt know how to grab AA but I got her with one arm around the waist and the other awkwardly like alternating between behind the back to like under the butt n stuff trying to keep her elevated, she was falling in every direction. But my god just physical contact with her was ELECTRIC I tell you, she had the most beautiful curves ive ever seen. But I very quickly kicked those thoughts out of my mind, as I knew she was sick and this was no time to think about that.

I heaved her outside and then sat next to her on the side of the road as she vomited all into the gutter and stuff. The sister was like "Keep rubbing her back to keep her warm" (-10 degrees and she was in crop top and skinny jeans hah) so yea I took her in an embrace leaving space for her to puke if she needed to, and yea we stayed like that for a good 15 20 minutes outside, just having her there kept me warm, idk if I was able to keep her warm, hope so. The sister also said "Kiss her on her head, it really helps." I was like wtf, but okay I did it anyway. Felt so good HAHAHA omg <3 Cut to the chase, she left in taxi, I enjoyed rest of night with my cousin dancing, and got home thinking nothing would come of it.

Next day I get message from her saying how utterly grateful she was like 5x for me helping her out when she was so drunk. Same with sister, theyw ere like, "Cousin told us you're damn strong so we thought you'd be best to help out, and you really did, thank you so much <3 <3 ;) ;) :) :)" etc. So I was pretty impressed with myself but still took no notice of things.

Later that day, cousin suggests we go out with that hot girl and her sister for billiards. He calls them up and sure enough they're both free and more than happy to come play with us.

Next post in a sec.
Last edited:


Jun 8, 2012
So the story goes like this. Several family members and friends of mine live in a placed in POland which translates to "The White Hill". Twas a cold winters night in January, when my friend decides to give me an unexpected call about a uni party for foreign exchange students. The time was 6pm, darkness had enveloped the city for 3 hours already, so I figured, why not, lets go for it, might even get lucky tonight (not. lol) We meet up at the CBD crystal fountain which everybody knows, intensely breathing the frosty -10 degree air in anticipation of what was surely going to be a night of drunken frolicking in the company of wicked cheerie and reckless polish youth. We march together to the bus station, hitler style, and catch a short bus to the street literally called Academic street, where one of the uni's most famous pubs lies, called The Underground Whore (lollll). INside the party is already starting, music pulsing from the walls in soft EDM beats, with many a babe of swedish, brazilian, czech, german, italian and spanish descent, amongst many others as well as a tonne of gorgeous polish girls themselves, present.

My friend and I met some absolutely crazy girls with the hottest bodies any of you could ever imagine, but the absolute cream of the crop was a girl with initials AA, a preposterously beautiful woman of age 21, with a figure blended between kim kardashian and rosamund pike. Blonde hair, gorgeous face.

She was absolutely hammered, so I didnt pay much attention to her, and thought anyway, that she was wayyyy out of my league. Just forgot about her.

OK this is too slow I'll speed things up lol

Close to the end of the night she is feeling super sick, and then the cousins best friend, a girl, approaches me and says "My sister needs help" (I met the cousin before) and so I rushed to the rescue. I kind of didnt know how to grab AA but I got her with one arm around the waist and the other awkwardly like alternating between behind the back to like under the butt n stuff trying to keep her elevated, she was falling in every direction. But my god just physical contact with her was ELECTRIC I tell you, she had the most beautiful curves ive ever seen. But I very quickly kicked those thoughts out of my mind, as I knew she was sick and this was no time to think about that.

I heaved her outside and then sat next to her on the side of the road as she vomited all into the gutter and stuff. The sister was like "Keep rubbing her back to keep her warm" (-10 degrees and she was in crop top and skinny jeans hah) so yea I took her in an embrace leaving space for her to puke if she needed to, and yea we stayed like that for a good 15 20 minutes outside, just having her there kept me warm, idk if I was able to keep her warm, hope so. The sister also said "Kiss her on her head, it really helps." I was like wtf, but okay I did it anyway. Felt so good HAHAHA omg <3 Cut to the chase, she left in taxi, I enjoyed rest of night with my cousin dancing, and got home thinking nothing would come of it.

Next day I get message from her saying how utterly grateful she was like 5x for me helping her out when she was so drunk. Same with sister, theyw ere like, "Cousin told us you're damn strong so we thought you'd be best to help out, and you really did, thank you so much <3 <3 ;) ;) :) :)" etc. So I was pretty impressed with myself but still took no notice of things.

Later that day, cousin suggests we go out with that hot girl and her sister for billiards. He calls them up and sure enough they're both free and more than happy to come play with us.

Next post in a sec.
lost it


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
So we get to the billiards place before them, with my cousin, it was in a part of town that literally looked like meth lab central, and we walk into this awesome open dark space with no lights except a bulb at the bar, bottom left corner of the place, bottom right corner a few bulbs illuminating a tv area, and then 11 tables scattered throughout the place, each with a bulb overhead. Was a pretty awesome place if I do say so myself.

So cousin and I sit down at tv place to wait, and we start talking. He reveals to me he has a crush on AA's sister, who actually also named AA LOL, lets say mine is AA1, his is AA2. I tell him I think I fell in love with AA1, and we both start laughing nervously wondering if this was terribad idea. Turns out it wasnt, cos I have pretty unbreakable confidence when talking to a girl I am into.

They arrive, AA1 as gorgeous as ever, and AA2 actually pretty attractive too, AA1 was a fair bit better though. We kick things off with multiple games of pool, and I decide to work at my flirting capacities. Works like a damn charm man, never worked for me ever before, but with this one polish girl it was so smooth and flowed so perfectly I couldnt believe it. She even started flirting back, with little winks here and there, and nudging me playfully and kind of pushing infront of me with the stick with a lot of body contact :p to get to the cue ball of course.

Fast forward

Night with this girl was absolutely AMAZING, felt like best night of my life, even though I didnt kiss her or anything, and the cousin and AA2 were there. I was just happy to have met such a wonderful girl with so much I can relate to ^_^

Next day
she texts me again
with many love hearts and smiley faces about omg how fun that was we should do it again etc etc.

I gather the courage to call her. I ask her out on a date. To White Hills most prestigious, expensive chocolate cafe, for only the most elegant couples apparently. She very enthusiastically accepts.

Final post in a moment.


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Calabi Yau Manifold
The night was cold on this third day. -15 degrees. But goddamn I was ready. My first date with a girl I truly have an incredible connection with. I put on my 50 cent beanie bought from beijing, some nice warm fluffy gloves and my dads thickest jacket, and step outside for what would become the best night ever to date.

I arrive at chocolate cafe1 hr early, and would you believe it, 10 sec after I walk in, a travelling group of down syndrome patients, like 25 of them, comes into the cafe, and all sit down with their carers, screaming and giggling at each other. I just looked at them and the first thing that came to mind was how sorry I felt for them, second thing that came to mind is, how interesting for something like this to occur on such a big night. To me it didnt matter, but I thought, it would be a true test of AA1's personality to see how she reacts to their presence when she arrives.

I sat there for 45 mins oh so eagerly anticipating the moment her beautiful face would come through those doors. I panicked. There was a back section to the cafe which had three tables, I went to the very corner and sat there, fearing for how things were going to go. Interestingly enough, the date was scheduled for 5pm, and I kid you not, the down syndrome group left on the dot 4.55

During the wait I was chatting and joking around with the good looking waitresses at the cafe too, who immediately asked where I was from. I wondered if I had developed accent in polish, they said no, there's simply no way you can be polish and be such a cheerful, vivacious young man. Polish youth basically never talk to others if they dont have to, and here I was happily chatting to them and enjoying myself. So yea. Apparently I was a big change to their daily clientele. I told them I was waiting for the most beautiful girl ive ever seen, and they started getting all giggly about it and saying "omg u no wat u should totes get a rose secretly hidden here and there" etc and stuff like "want me to bring u chocolate marshmallow heart/s or something cute like that?"
and I thought that was really sweet of them, trying to make things go better for me hehehehe.


She arrived 5.05, she sits down, and I tell her listen, my currency is 3x stronger than yours, so take anything and everything you want, and its all on me" and she was shocked at first, and refused many times, but after great insistence on my part she accepted, and ordered like 3 different bigass cakes and smoothie things lol.

She legit did 90% of the talking, and through most of the talking we held our hands together over the table just enjoying the warmth of each other. She said absolutely loved how soft my hands were, like the softest silk, and couldnt stop touching and massaging them (I dont moisturise. Idk how the hell I have such soft hands but they do a damn good job of impresssing girls :p)


then my cousin calls and is like "AA2 told me she wants to come visit you guys at the cafe. We'll be there in 10 mins"

I was like

wtf m9 did u really just say that... but he hung up and was too late, they both arrived and sat with us 15 mins after that call. I was like, fuck thats the end of the night for me, no getting anywhere tonight. But it was not to be so.

Fast forward

Lots of conversation, fun times, jokes, I payed for everyones meals, and it only ended up 20 aussie dollars lol for like enough to feed 5 fat men :p so beautifully cheap.

Then AA2 is like hey we should go on an adventure! lets climb onto the roof of one of the apartment buildings!

So we get our winter gear on and travel outside to Skyrim like temps at the temple on top of the mountain XD

the cousin at least uses some of his IQ points to realise that its better for us both if we split up with AA1 and AA2, so he walks fast ahead and around the corner with AA2 and im back walking with AA1. I think to myself, this is the moment that the night has been building up to, now is my chance. SO I stop her.

"listen, AA1, I want to ask you something."
"Yes?" She smiles brightly

"Do you trust me? like, really trust me?"
She giggles and pauses for a moment before saying yes again.

"Ok I want you then to close your eyes, and hold out your hands. I have something I want to give you."

She says ok and obliges. I gently take her by the hands and lean in for the kiss. Our lips touch, for a good 5/6 seconds, 5/6 seconds of beauty, 5/6 seconds of perfection, fulfillment and the most amazing feeling of warmth in the universe. Our lips part. She goes red in the face and looks down,

"Well I sure wasnt expecting that"

"Me neither." i said. We both laugh, hug for a good 30 sec and then walk with my arm over her shoulder to catch up to the cousin and AA2. I wont bore you with the rest of the details after that :p nothing much better happened.

End of story

Hope you enjoyed :D

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