My teacher says
###1. Check format of header and footer on Written part.
2. Title in centre also axis titles and/or units on Gantt chart.
3. Costs i.e. financial feasibilty, expected to be in a correctly formatted spreadsheet( these comnments were made on the assessment tasks last year?????????????????????????????????).
4. IPO needs header section (see examples I;ve already gicen you)
5. DFDs have external enitiy incorrect, data flows unlabelled, hardware????? Needs work
6.Decision tree - change wording of 1st decision so the options are clearer
7.Turn Decision table into a table i.e. format borders
8.anything to add to appendices?
9.Bibliography good###
I understand most of them just 4 5 and 6 I don't really get could ya help me out please. Thanks alot