okai! firstly TAKE THE BATTERY OUT!! water will never wreck it ipod/phone/electronicz, only water mixd with electricity from the battery will!!! Then follow these instructions, if you havnt shorted out the ipod too much it should be work!
You will need the following:
Methylated Spirits
A small container (Plastic food tub with lid) or shallow dish
Washing-up liquid
A toothbrush (Not your everyday one)
A small towel or flannel
Introduction: Water is not bad for your phone! When water is mixed with electricity however, it starts to react with the metals within your phone and causes damage! Please ensure that your battery is removed from your phone ASAP after any water incident! This will prevent water “damage” and cause only “Water in your phone”! This is much easier to clean and much more successful!
Fill your plastic container or shallow dish with meths and place PCB in! Make sure it’s deep enough to submerge the PCB entirely!
Leave to soak for about 20 mins, after which you should now place a small amount of washing up liquid into your bowl and fill with cold water!
Remove your PCB and run it under a cold tap, both sides to ensure that board is free of meths! Place PCB on towel and with the toothbrush and bowl, scrub the board thoroughly and firmly in all directions and angles! Please do this with care! Make sure there are loads of suds, scoop the suds from the bowl with the toothbrush to ensure this! This whole scrubbing process should last for 15 mins!
Again, run PCB under a cold tap both sides to remove all traces of the suds! Lightly pat the PCB dry with the towel and then position the board down on a hard surface like a bench top! Turn on hair dryer at highest heat temp, but a lowest blow mode and slowly go from top to bottom and back, of each side at about 5cm distance! Each pass should take about 20 secs, ensure you use one angle on the way up and the opposite on the way down! This will ensure that it’s dry under the components
lie hair dryer down at about 20 cm distance from top of PCB and allow the hot air to blow OVER, not at, the board for a further 7-8 mins! Allow board to cool as it will be extremely hot!
With the board now cool, place back in phone and test it! If it works, your home free! If still no luck, buy a new ipod

and next time remember to take it out of ur pants before you wash them!!
P.S you may need to replace the battery to even get it to power on, if the battery has been shorted out by the water, use a multimeter to check if batter is okai or dead. you can get new batterys from jaycar or ebay, go to jaycar though cause if something goes wrong you can take it back and complain.
ummmz this is all i can think of for now.
take care
lemme know how it goes!