is smoking weed bad? (1 Viewer)


Dec 5, 2006
^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
say what you will but i don't have much respect for people who smoke pot, unless they do it for medical reasons, and even, not a fan. i have family members who use/used it and it's fucked them all over in various ways. my uncle developed schizophrenia and as far as i know is now in a mental institution in south australia, just as an example. my dad's epileptic and i know he used to use it. i can't prove there's necessarily a connection there, but i know that pot can have side effects of that nature. he only started having seizures a couple of years after.

im not going to tell anyone NOT to use it, but just think about what it might do to you.
it seems everyone who thinks like you happens to have a family member who "got schizophrenia" from smoking weed. bottom line is, the relation between schiziophrenia and weed is the same as depression and alcohol. does one cause the other, or is one simply more suspectible to using the other? maybe you uncle always had schizophrenia. i dont know, maybe he didnt, but i dont think you can use that sort of argument to denigrate weed in this context.

anyway, my view on weed is pretty simple - if things like alcohol and tobacco are still legal, pot should be as well. i use it occassionally myself (as one would any other "recreational drug" eg coffee, alcohol, tobacco, perhaps less). regulated and legislated...i cant see any harm in legalising it.


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
look, i see your point, and maybe taking marijuana works for you, that's fine. I was just trying to say that it has varied effects on different individuals, you can't necessarily predict what it's going to do to you, and i honestly can't say i have a whole lot of respect for people who are willing to take that kind of risk with their body just to get high. that's all i'm saying. if it's taken for medical reasons i guess i can accept that but i won't say i'm comfortable with it, because i'm not. i saw it screw up people i care about which is probably why i am so against it. the effects of pot, like i said, are different for everyone - which would explain why it apparently helps your epilepsy whereas it seemed to trigger my dads.

I don't know anyone who has an alcohol addiction so i can't fairly draw a comparison between the two things, but i will say (and i apologise if it sounds flippant) that the body has mechanisms to metabolise alcohol (the liver) and it's possible to get a liver transplant (i know that sounds like i'm trivialising the effects of alcohol; i'm not). but marijuana has irreversible effects on the brain if you take it for extended periods of time. you cannot replace your brain. the effects of the damage it will do are more or less permanent. The body can get rid of alcohol in a matter of hours; THC camps out in your fatty cells and can stay there for weeks. There's also the issue of lung disease - when you smoke a bong you're drawing the smoke deeper into your lungs and holding it there for longer than a normal cigarette which cannot be good for you.
so basically, if you know all this and are still willing to take it just to get high or to look cool, then i think you're a dropkick, okay. if you take it for medicinal purposes i can accept that even if i don't like the idea.
I don't have the same level of disrespect/whatever you want to call it for people who drink because i have never seen it cause the same havoc in someone's life. besides, if you drink responsibly, in moderate amounts and don't go on binges, your health will be fine. your body will metabolise the alcohol, and as long as it doesn't become a habit and an addiction (which i know it can, dont get me wrong) you're okay. Marijuana is a different story and i think i've already explained why. i didnt mean to offend you or anything, it's just my opinion.

yeah but you're completely missing my point re: alcohol and furthermore you're choosing to ignore its PROVEN effects just because you've never had to personally deal with it in your life. you can't truly predict what effect alcohol will have on you either but i rarely hear anti-green people mention this. you keep saying you can't respect people who do it 'just to get high' but again, you seem to have no problem with people who drink 'just to get drunk'. in fact, i assume when/if you go out drinking, you have the eventual aim of at least becoming tipsy, but please correct me if i'm wrong. if your body is a temple and you don't pump it with toxins then more power to you. so why exactly is there this double standard? in sheer numbers AND proportionately to the number of users, alcohol causes more health problems, causes more family breakdowns, is often more of a financial pressure, not to mention road accidents, acts of violence etc.

not being personally affected by alcohol is no excuse to feel you can lecture on one and not the other. for the record my family etc has been affected by both, and i recognise that drugs can be very, very can't say 'alcohol is fine as long as you don't get addicted, but weed is always bad [except for certain medicinal purposes]'. yes the body can GENERALLY metabolise away and recover from a night of heavy drinking but just like weed, factors can come into play where that one night could be very damaging. and these are not links which have been hypothised but not proven - these are proven medical links, accepted by the medical community more or less unanimously. additionally, the way you're talking about weed is like everyone who smokes is a habitual/addictive user, which just isn't the case! the majority of pot smokers indulge occasionally or rarely. whereas, again, with alcohol, it may only be a minority of people who are technically addicted, but alcohol users are much more likely to binge drink on an average of once a week and drink throughout the week. whatever you say about your liver's metabolising ability, these things do add up over a period of time. pretty stupid risk in the long run 'just to get drunk'.

your dad probably did have a predisposition to epilepsy, it often doesn't emerge until late in life - i've known of 70yos suddenly having seizures. i'm not denying that his marijuana use may have had something to do with it, but the fact remains that it can't be proven and it could've just have easily been triggered by a number of other factors! and for the record, unless he's constantly getting seizures and can't control the condition via medication... yes it's a sucky thing to have, i wish i didn't have it, but it is by no means a life wrecker. again, correct me if i'm wrong, i know nothing about what types of seizures your dad gets (grand mal, petit mal, absence etc) or their frequency or severity, so this is mostly assumption. if i'm wrong and it's really debilitating, i apologise.

for the record, for everything i'm saying about alcohol, i drink and i recognise my hypocrisy. however i usually only mention this in regards to people who lecture about marijuana, because there is usually such a latent double standard in play, as you've admitted to having.

i'm not personally offended by anything you're saying for the record, but like i said, most people who spout what you're spouting just have such double standards! at the end of the day i do get your point, but i still think it's retarded to label all recreational weed users as dropkicks without acknowledging the more prevalent and more importantly proven ill-effects of alcohol.

^CoSMic DoRiS^^

makes the woosh noises
Jan 13, 2005
middle of nowhere
oh man, i just went and replied to all of that in detail which took me fucking forever and then my internet died on me. I really cant be fucked to do the whole thing again, I'm sorry. Let's just leave it and agree to disagree, mmkay.


Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
glycerine said:
yeah but you're completely missing my point re: alcohol and furthermore you're choosing to ignore its PROVEN effects just because you've never had to personally deal with it in your life. you can't truly predict what effect alcohol will have on you either but i rarely hear anti-green people mention this. you keep saying you can't respect people who do it 'just to get high' but again, you seem to have no problem with people who drink 'just to get drunk'. in fact, i assume when/if you go out drinking, you have the eventual aim of at least becoming tipsy, but please correct me if i'm wrong. if your body is a temple and you don't pump it with toxins then more power to you. so why exactly is there this double standard? in sheer numbers AND proportionately to the number of users, alcohol causes more health problems, causes more family breakdowns, is often more of a financial pressure, not to mention road accidents, acts of violence etc.

not being personally affected by alcohol is no excuse to feel you can lecture on one and not the other. for the record my family etc has been affected by both, and i recognise that drugs can be very, very can't say 'alcohol is fine as long as you don't get addicted, but weed is always bad [except for certain medicinal purposes]'. yes the body can GENERALLY metabolise away and recover from a night of heavy drinking but just like weed, factors can come into play where that one night could be very damaging. and these are not links which have been hypothised but not proven - these are proven medical links, accepted by the medical community more or less unanimously. additionally, the way you're talking about weed is like everyone who smokes is a habitual/addictive user, which just isn't the case! the majority of pot smokers indulge occasionally or rarely. whereas, again, with alcohol, it may only be a minority of people who are technically addicted, but alcohol users are much more likely to binge drink on an average of once a week and drink throughout the week. whatever you say about your liver's metabolising ability, these things do add up over a period of time. pretty stupid risk in the long run 'just to get drunk'.

your dad probably did have a predisposition to epilepsy, it often doesn't emerge until late in life - i've known of 70yos suddenly having seizures. i'm not denying that his marijuana use may have had something to do with it, but the fact remains that it can't be proven and it could've just have easily been triggered by a number of other factors! and for the record, unless he's constantly getting seizures and can't control the condition via medication... yes it's a sucky thing to have, i wish i didn't have it, but it is by no means a life wrecker. again, correct me if i'm wrong, i know nothing about what types of seizures your dad gets (grand mal, petit mal, absence etc) or their frequency or severity, so this is mostly assumption. if i'm wrong and it's really debilitating, i apologise.

for the record, for everything i'm saying about alcohol, i drink and i recognise my hypocrisy. however i usually only mention this in regards to people who lecture about marijuana, because there is usually such a latent double standard in play, as you've admitted to having.

i'm not personally offended by anything you're saying for the record, but like i said, most people who spout what you're spouting just have such double standards! at the end of the day i do get your point, but i still think it's retarded to label all recreational weed users as dropkicks without acknowledging the more prevalent and more importantly proven ill-effects of alcohol.
i take smoking dope very seriously


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
^CoSMic DoRiS^^ said:
oh man, i just went and replied to all of that in detail which took me fucking forever and then my internet died on me. I really cant be fucked to do the whole thing again, I'm sorry. Let's just leave it and agree to disagree, mmkay.
hahaha fair enough.


New Member
Jun 25, 2007
well smokin weed aint that bad i guess, but it certainlly affects your every way, my brothers on pot and his become more violent and agressive. Its the biggest turn off for a person too...


New Member
Jun 28, 2007
Ofcourse its bad, any of that shit is. I've never understood those people who chose to take that shit for 5 minutes of fun and then have a fucked life as a result, its not a trade off I'm willing to make I'm afraid. Before anyone jumps down my throat, I don't drink or smoke either, I just can't see the point in taking something for a brief thrill only to die young.
Get a life and find some other way to spend your time.


May 14, 2007
the toilet store
Health concerns asside i find u have good trips and bad trips. Sometimes you have the best time but others i just freak out or become really withdrawn and anti-social. Hence i much prefer drinking.


New Member
Jun 28, 2007
kols_kebabs said:
...because everyone who touches ganja, tobacco or alcohol automatically becomes an addict and fucks up their life?

No one dies young directly because of weed. Alcohol and Tobacco definetly, but not ganja.

Most people who are involved in a heavy dope habit in their teens and 20's give it up by the time they're in their 30's and 40's. Statistics back this up. It's an easy habit to drop, and leaving aside the controversial potential for mental illness, has no long term side effects.

Are you even 18? You're just bitter that you're not allowed to drink and smoke.

I'd love to hear the awesome way you spend your time...
God help you if the only way you can spend your time is in a chemically induced haze. There's a lot more to the world than smoking dope, and if you haven't discovered it yet I can't help you. I won't feel sorry for you when you're stuck in a home too fucked to wipe your own arse because you were so cool and smoked dope as a kid.
Get a fucking life.


May 14, 2007
the toilet store
mountainman said:
God help you if the only way you can spend your time is in a chemically induced haze. There's a lot more to the world than smoking dope, and if you haven't discovered it yet I can't help you. I won't feel sorry for you when you're stuck in a home too fucked to wipe your own arse because you were so cool and smoked dope as a kid.
Get a fucking life.
Whats wrong with experimenting with a drug that is relatively harmless. Its one of many experiences life has to offer.


Loose lips sink ships
Nov 15, 2004
to the left, a little below the right and right in
mountainman said:
God help you if the only way you can spend your time is in a chemically induced haze. There's a lot more to the world than smoking dope, and if you haven't discovered it yet I can't help you. I won't feel sorry for you when you're stuck in a home too fucked to wipe your own arse because you were so cool and smoked dope as a kid.
Get a fucking life.
A joint or cone every few months to take the edge off and relax is not going to fucking kill you. Especially if you know not to drive or do anything stupid and just relax which is what the majority of people I know do.


New Member
Jun 28, 2007
kols_kebabs said:
Don't call me a kid, I'm old enough to beat you up.
Yep, that just about proves your level of maturity I think. What that has to do with anything I'm not quite sure, but there you go.


so don't even ask me
Nov 30, 2003
okay, both sides of that last argument are stupid. not every person who drinks, smokes up etc is an addict/derelict who can only enjoy life through a chemical haze, and not every person who abstains from these things is a socially retarded loser. seriously, there is a middle ground here and if someone chooses not to partake in drugs etc, good for you, I respect your decision, but you can't be so quick to judge others for their choices or so quick to label them a junkie.

although I do agree, lectures in life from people who have yet to leave school are kind of irritating. :)


Jul 17, 2003
nExT dOoR fOoL!
Habib said:
A bunch of my friends do it and they love it, whats so bad about it?
i tried it once and i told another friend and he was like 'oh my god are you serious? youre baaaad....' but i didnt see the big point of it.
although i do feel shit for it, but why? whats this all weed-is-bad stuff?
Its simple... It's BAD cos its illegal... Cigarettes have just as many wacked substances as weed does... You're friend is just being his/her innocent self...

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