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Is your SDD teacher as crap as mine? (1 Viewer)


Jun 26, 2004
Haha, I have never had a good, wait not even one decent teacher at high school.
My SDD teacher is quite pathetic. He's one of those totally meticulous person that will talk about some BS no one cares about for hours. I'm telling you, all we have done since the beginning of this year is Sorting Algorithms. That's it.

I really don't understand how all these teachers can be so bad. It's just proof that the education system in Australia is a piece of shit I guess.

Teaching SDD? What's so hard about that for fuck's sake? If I was the SDD teacher this is what I'd do:

- Read various SDD books / do relevent exercises with class.
- Write syllabus notes and have them checked.
- Regular homework in the form of HSC style questions to be completed
- Regular topic tests (one every chapter in the book for example).

That's how simple I think teaching is. Hell you don't even need any previous knowledge of the topic you're teaching. I don't know why we even need teachers, let us study the books and syllabus by ourselves, they seem to do a much better job at teaching.
Nov 4, 2004
I wish SDD had a more better refined and structured syllabus like chemistry (so we know how indepth too study for each topic)

and even if not, not many books have SDD, whereas chemistry is everywhere

its easy to teach yourself true, but low on resources, plus half the syllabus hasnt got any solid ground as too similar answers, ie. i find different answers in different books that have little similar meaning (not so for definition like authorship, but Planning and design, defining the problem, etc..)


Betazed Ambassador
Oct 16, 2002
in a galaxy far far away
Whoa ... I go off and mark a few exam papers and geee... more postings on SDD in few days than we have had in a year

Ok I am keen to get your points of view/recommendations
the Computer Studies Teachers Assn have just asked teachers to comment on 2 surveys - one for IPT and one for SDD - asking for feedback about the courses and problems with the syllabii and having just done a quick read of yr comments I think there is some good stuff there

to treelovinhippie: I work in the public system which most of you also seem to be "involved" in

to HellVen: Teaching SDD? What's so hard about that for fuck's sake? If I was the SDD teacher this is what I'd do
Yes well my original comment is a reflection on that concept - I did what you suggested and yes I got some kids into Band 5 - but I knew in my heart I didnt hv the talent to get kids into Band 6 - I didnt hv the diversity of in depth knowledge that the syllabus calls for and as I initially said "anyone capable of teaching it to the level expected should probably be out in industry earning $100000+"
and so I dont teach the subject anymore - my choice/decision

my advice - past papers will give u a guideline on the types of questions you will have to deal with - that can then help you decide on what theory to focus on and which theory you must perfect

if you can send your feedback/frustrations to me in point form so I could perhaps make up a list?? to send to CSTA email me on lwaxana@austnet.org

and to answer the next obvious question - how does it get that way ??
Cause the Dept Ed changes syllabii / introduces new subjects and teachers are given no extra time to LEARN it and certainly most play a game of catch up with resources/ lesson plans/ knowledge/ student needs and exams

I have a quantity of SDD resources - too much to upload - and not much in digital format - so whilst I am happy to share, the practicalities of it .........


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
I shall try and send you my perceptions tomorrow.

Well that's nothing. I said that |2+2i|=2. *shudders*
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New Member
Feb 5, 2004
noone is as bad as my last year software teacher. noone. you will not be able to comprehend how bad he is. when we went to learn, we got dumber. in the end, he ended up giving me constant and consistant full marks because i had made a shit storm for him with the software head and the deputy. honestly, think yourself lucky not to have been in my class.


....Theonly One
Aug 15, 2004
Honestly? I think you guys in here are full of sh*t bagging the teacher as much as you are.

Many of them do the best as they can, for many f them this is the first time teaching this stuff, whats the use of a uni degree? it's allmost the cutting edge of technology? anything they learn in uni will be several years out of date at least... and teachers straight out of uni are hopeless for teaching seniors, they just don't have the teaching talent quite often..

Read the sylibus, take notes on the work, don't rely on your teacher, want to go well in a subject? don't leech of the teacher, figure it out for yourselves and do some researching..

The science courses have ALOT of stuff in them, just the same as tne MAths courses, and SDD is no different, it has alot of things in it, many are useless to everyone, our teacher has taken the liberty of teaching us extra things, yes EXTRA things that we're not expected t know, but we're grateful for that, it's increased our knowledge in a way that is needed to know sometimes.

Our teacher has let us slack off.. but has also fed us work pretty well, he's a damn good teacher, and this is the 2nd time he's tought a SDD class.
last year there were 8 people, 2 did nothing, they say back and surfed the net, he didn't mind, it was THEIR job to learn.. they got Band 3's i think.. 3 got Band 4's, 2 got high band 5's, and one scored a medium-high band 6,
That band 6 guy was set in learning software development, it may have helpedthat he was into it a fair bit and knew most of the work, but took it into his time and went out to get more info, and researched what the class were working on.

I'm in a class of 25 at a rural public school in NE NSW, Computers don't reach up here very much, it's mainly focused on Metro areas.. the teachers have just got new computers in their staff rooms, yes, thats right, looks like the P133-266's can be thrown out now, XP never did really run on those.. Where are these extra 33PC's that were promised late last year.. still waiting for those.. they'll get here eventually however.. aparantly.. this last paragraph is just a summing up that technology is limited in some areas, and just felt like adding it in. for a senior, like me, there is rarly a moment when during a study period you'll be able to locate a free computer in teh school to look some more info up, or to finish that SDD work.. the 2mbit internet link is often saturated(yes i checked the proxy server config myself to see why.. it was literally all the users hanging off it..) - the School was said to be on the 10mbit testing list, ans a new cable was being put in.. that was start of term 4 last year, Gee theres been no notice of it at the school.. Rang them up in the last weeks of the school the admin did, "A New cable is being put in from your local exchange according to our records, sit tight"



New Member
Feb 5, 2004
double d man, seriously, stfu. there is no content in anything to do with high school, and the only time you can understand this is when you have a *real* full time job, or are in uni, both of which i doubt you will have the capacity for.

you are talking out of your ass, do you know why, because sdd content relates to shit over older then 5 years. you show a complete ignorance in terms of "technology". you think teachers info is outdated? man you goto stfu next time you want to voice someting. cutting edge... stfu, seriously stfu.

if a teach cannt fulfill a students expectation, they arent fit for the job. if they cannot "teach" they dont deserve to be payed for teaching, and if the students arent happy, either scrap the course, or remove the shitheads. by shithead, im also refering to you.

if a teacher *cannot* program in vb, and explain, that person doesnt have the neccesary head to teach sdd. if one, who is *meant* to know atleast 1 language cant figure out vb in <1 hour, that person deserves no less than castration.

you are full of shit. you are a no talent, and whats worse is that you seem to think you know some shit.

seriously i dont even know why i bother, you wont understand this, you will come back with a retorte instead of questioning yourself and will ultimatley drag this down to donkey level and will think you "proved" something when everyone turns around and gets back to important shit. fucking zub

edit: jees i cant stand this moron, alot of work? holy shit your in for a surprise dude. wait for real life. even 4unit + 3unit + physics doesnt equal 1 unit of work in uni. holy shit what a cock, and you dont even do 4unit, you suck man your not smart just shutup
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<this space for rent>
Mar 22, 2004
Cardboard BOX
DoubleD, I envy that you actually have a good SDD teacher. The thing is, until you have someone else, you'll never know what it's like to have a really shit one..... good teachers are always taken for granted!

Regarding your technology being out of date... have another look in the text book and what we're supposed to know for the HSC. Is there anything about SLI, NCQ, PCI-E, dual core processors? ... NO

What's in the book is the basis or starting point of SDD, it includes simple algorithms which every program uses, simple coding structures, simple development procedures and when it refers to a bit of hardware it only talks about logic gates which are most likely still being used today an have been used since the start of computer technology.

Until quantum computing or 64 bit computing come in and get going, then you can say the SDD course is out of date. It's not of of date, but just needs a complete overhaul and re-configuration as well as teaching techniques for teachers.

Also I think that as many people have said, there is no standard, set answer to a question and many text books say different things. So I also think that since all the course, although new compared with century, millenia old maths and physics, the course needs to be standardised. Sure it won't be as standard as maths, but maybe it could get to something like chemistry or physics one day.

For all those unfortunate to have a bad SDD teacher, how about we share any sites or resources here that can be helpful?

I know Lwaxana said she/he had some.



Jun 26, 2004
Yeah it gets to the point that I don't see a need for teachers. After all, what can a teacher do that a textbook can't? I would be much more productive with a decent book than with most teachers.

Someone please tell me what's so hard about being a good teacher.


....Theonly One
Aug 15, 2004
...Looks like your in for a treat, most of the negitiveness of my previously typed message will be gone(as in the one i typed NOTthe one you must insist on baggin), i am over it, i say most of you are idiots if your going to act the way you do.

siavash_s_s your an idiot. full stop
there is no content in anything to do with high school, and the only time you can understand this is when you have a *real* full time job, or are in uni, both of which i doubt you will have the capacity for.
Your an idiot, you really know that? You think that ANY high school course could line you up for the real world?

if a teach cannt fulfill a students expectation, they arent fit for the job.
i don't personally think your worth wasting time on, but does that mean the teacher can ignore you, unfortunatly for them, they cant

if a teacher *cannot* program in vb, and explain, that person doesnt have the neccesary head to teach sdd. if one, who is *meant* to know atleast 1 language cant figure out vb in <1 hour, that person deserves no less than castration.
Yeah, And just because you can't lean Bash Scripting or Regex in 5 minutes must mean your an idiot as well..
Programming languages arn't a must for SDD, infact none at all are, other than Psuedocode and Whats it called? (thier also refered to as 'RailRoad Dagrams'), which are harder to understand VB, But say, IF i was a teacher i woudn't need to know Vb, even if the student wants to use it, fine go ahead, but don't expect any help from me with it, might be able to loate some resourses for it, but i don;t KNOW it nor woudl i have to.

For the name, you've got some obvious intelegence, unlike others,
I envy that you actually have a good SDD teacher. The thing is, until you have someone else, you'll never know what it's like to have a really shit one..... good teachers are always taken for granted!
Just emphasis my fisrt point about you, Good teachers are taken for granted, but good teachers are there because of the way the student acts, if your an asshole to a teacher, your not likely to get anything out of it are you?
have another look in the text book and what we're supposed to know for the HSC.
What a Quote i laugh at.. your blaming the BOOK for being out of date, the BOOK i hear you say! WTF! it's a BOOK! made by a company, not by the BOS, Teachers can use whatever they want, one book may be better than the othes, do you feel like buying 6 textbooks or each student at $30 each? Do you think teachers have enough time to basically write a whole book themselves? Do you think many schools can afford to buy new textbooks each year? Use the internet pal.. i thought you had some intelegence.

Is there anything about SLI, NCQ, PCI-E, dual core processors?
Naw, But still, might like to point out that it's your choice to learn about it, If you must complain, complain to someone who cares, the teacher, ask what in the sylibus says about it? complain to he Head computing teacher, the deputy, teh principal, SOMEONE will listen and set them straight, IF you don't feel comfortable talking to those people, talk to a teacher who you are comfortable talkign to and get them to pass it on, anonymously.. write a letter, etc.

Also I think that as many people have said, there is no standard, set answer to a question and many text books say different things.
Can you please tell me where there IS a standard for these things? i'd be interested in a read.. It varies state-state, country-to-country, company-to-company, there is NO set standard for the world.. and the ones who set standards IEE, well they don't get listened to, whats a KB, 1024Bytes? Nope, 1000B = 1KB acccording to the standard, 1024Bytes = 1KibiByte, Yeah, those 'ibi' things have been around since 1999, still don't know which 'Standard' To go by in this course.. i've asked both IPT and SDD, neither have a definite answer and both were supprisd to find out it even existed.. so in the Exam, if you get asked to convert Bytes to KILObytes, they what do you use? 1000, or 1024?

Well i'm doing sdd in yr 12 atm and its basically a go home and study subject.
As all subjects are, Study the work, any quaestions? Ask a teacher... simple.. why must people be scared of them.. their a resource, USE THEM!

However ive seen people in my class go to various source code sites and dl their work while others have done orignal work.
Ever thought of mentioning that? But then again, Theres nothing wrong with using Freely available code if it's available. Just acknologe it, Done. As long as you can put up the theory and documentation up it;s allright, Why? Because Programming is a measily 10%, why bother?
Funny enough tho my teacher dosent know caus he/she dosent look at the source code, rather he/she just looks at all the functions and pretty colors.
I Wonder if you were to include this in your sourcecode it would be noticed
comment: I WANT TO KILL YOU.. Your likely to get a knock from the police or at least the principal i doubt it would go unnoticed.
I have not written down a single word in SDD caus we dont do any notes.
And i thought you said it was "a go home and study subject" ???????
Your stuffed mate, You NEED notes, you can't just sit back and watch things go by it don't WORK like that!
Whats even more weird is in previous years students have acctually got band 6 results
Now i wonder what they did? Studied, knew the work, knew the sylibus, gave answers specific to the question(many don't, read the Markers notes)

Many students in SDD don't even know the Glossery of terms the BoS(official) give out. Let me guess, Someones going to complain their out of date terms? Well i've got news for you, History of computing is something you NEED to know, IF i was to say that i know large banks that still use Windows 3.11 would you be supprised? i know i'm not, Because that does the job, I doubt you'd know the programming language used either...

Anyway, People who are watching this, Rethink for a second before posting again, Is it really worth your time to make some studpid self-centered post about how lame you are thinking that you need to be spoon-fed al the course information.. Sorry of course some of you need to be, you dont know any other way of learning, I'll be supprised about that person who said i woudlnt survive work or uni, i'd be suprised if you got anywhere in life, Lazying back expecting things to happen and com to you,it dones't work that way mate, GET A FSKING LIFE!!! Don't Leech!

And since Someone asked.. Heres some resources.
In partiulr these set of links they have: http://www.schools.ash.org.au/cbhs/sdd_sites.htm
http://google.com/ - Supprise supprise, type in a term and it gives your page results OMG! How revolutionary! Go search for infformation idiots.. Where do you think those 2 pages came from originally? No i didn't randomly type in letters, i went to google and done a few searches, came back with heeps of definitions that i was looking for in them,

Now, G'Luck to those who plan on going well in this subject, if you plan to go well, you'll need to Luck, If your a leecher who likes to sit back and watch things come to them and make everything harder than it is for yourself, well piss off, you shoudlnt' be in teh subject, it's a relitivly easy course, it's not a hard one either, theres not alot to learn when you look at it, if your really interested and not after the net access you might understand some of the things said..

Also, Those who sat back during the prelim course, got news for you, it may not be directly in teh HSC Exams, but many of these things you have trouble with in the HSC was covered slightly in prelim, just to give you a general brisk idea of it..

Man some people piss me off..
Those of you have done the HSC SDD Exam(as in passed....) Then What was your study? Sit back and do nothing? Get a good mark? Focus on the subject? Or ignore it eisted and continued smoking Pot/dope/weed and getting drunk every friday night?

Question is now.. Does this essay fit into the post length?


<this space for rent>
Mar 22, 2004
Cardboard BOX
Anyway, People who are watching this, Rethink for a second before posting again, Is it really worth your time to make some studpid self-centered post about how lame you are thinking that you need to be spoon-fed al the course information.
I don't know what kind of scare tactics you're trying to implement there DoubleD, but this is the internet, this is australia, this is a community forum, opinions and speech are free and equal for every person.... and flaming is something that no one likes

/start post

OMG DoubleD, you my friend are the idiot.... and I'm sure everyone who has posted in here will agree and those who have, or are reading this will agree that you just have absolutely no connection to the frustration and annoyance that most in here feel.

From the majority of posts here, I would say that most people doing the SDD course feel the same way as myself regarding both the course and the teachers, teaching it.

As I said before, I envy that you actually have a good SDD teacher, but until you actually have a really bad SDD teacher you have NO right to be flaming others who have posted their opinions.

In repsonse to a few of my comments you bagged out... with the text book I was referring to it being out of date in terms of the latest in computer technology, which was a response to your comment that anything teachers learn at uni for SDD will be out of date.

Regarding the standards, yes that is one of the many things in computers that is not standardised as yet. However your particular example is something that will never be asked in a SDD HSC exam. I was saying there needs to be a standard developed by someone for the SDD HSC course in particular - perhaps BOS could sit down, read as many text books as available, consult experts and come up with standard answers/info and make this available freely to text book writers >> wallah! you've just solved the standardisation issue regarding the SDD HSC course.


You also appear to be stamping everyone who has posted in here with a big label saying "you're lazy, stupid and sitting back doing nothing" >> great generalisation buddy!! In this thread and almost the entire bored of studies forum, I think that label would apply from less than 1% to almost no one!

Why would people be browsing and posting on and educational forum if they were lazy, did no work and didn't care about their HSC mark or success at school?!?!?!?!!

Everyone in here is seriously concerned about their HSC success in particular regard to SDD. All of us in here want to go the best we can and to do that we all must and do put in the hard work to get there. If they happen to have a good teacher, then they can rely more upon the teacher and less on the text book to learn what they need to.... whilst others with a bad teacher must lean more towards the text book than the teacher's 'teachings'.

While I'm at it, I'll go into another current happening in my SDD class. I'm not sure whether my teacher has a serious mental problem or has something against me for some reason... but here's the story.....

OK, I studied very hard for all my half-yearly exams and it must've paid off. Without the intent to brag, but more so to disprove DoubleD's theory that we're all bludgers.... I came about 3rd in English and then 1st in all the rest of my subjects which includes Maths 3U and 4U, Physics, Chemistry and what do you know, Software!

Now about 2 days before our exams started (i.e. also 2 days before regular lessons were over for the term).... our SDD teahcer decides to cram in all the theory we hadn't done that was likely to have questions in the exam. Now, I listened in well to these days of cramming in new things/knowledge/topics, since I knew they would most likely be in the half-yearly exam.

One such thing that was included was the shift, add operation (you know the one used for multiplying binary numbers). So having had about a 5min quick run-down on the shift, add operation I joted down a few notes.... but didn't fully understand what to do in those 5min. So when it came closer to the exam and I was going over everything we had to know, I came across the shift, add operation. Not completely understanding my notes, I turned to my trusty excel SDD book >> I figured I had to learn myself from the text book since I have such a crap teacher. So I understood the whole concept quite quickly and the process was securely embedded in my head.

Did the exam, had a shift, add operation question.... easily completed it and all was good. (exam was last term - term 1)

Start of term 2, now got my exam back, marked. I find it's not a terribly good mark of 99.5/126 >> though I still came first by around 14 marks from the person that came 2nd. (shows how much our class on a whole knows as a result of such a poor teacher)

So we got the eam back, and the teacher went through it a little bit (just the first few questions).... so I go through and check the rest myself.

I come across the shift, add operation which was worth a total of 3 marks and find I have a single 'X' and no marks out of three.

I then look at a couple of other people's tests and find that they have the exact same answer as what have, a slightly different method, but still got 3/3 marks. WTF?!?!

So there and then I say to the teacher, why did I get nothing for this question when I got the same answer as others that got 3 marks. He says I did it wrong because I didn't use the method that he did on the board! I say that I used the exact same method for the shift, add operation they use in the excel book. He then just says NO.... so I said, OK I'll bring in the excel book tomorrow and show you.

The next day, I bring in the excel book and tell him that I have the book with the method that I used. He says blunt out "I don't wanna know [insert my nickname], get lost!"

I then ask him again at the end of the period (incase that was just a random psycho burst) and he says in a tone that it's wrong because I didn't use the method he did on the board >> so I'm still left with 0/3

WTF is with that! Anyone? Plz, can anyone tell me?

I have been robbed 3 marks on an HSC assessable exam because I had/have been forced to learn from the text book as I have a crap teacher. So I learnt from the text book, did it the correct way, got the correct answer and got 0/3. Is it just me or is there something weird/wrong about this?

Having come first by a pretty big margin, I'm not really fussed about the 3 marks, but it's just the principle!

Now I'm sort of stuck in a limbo. If I complain about this and our teacher finds out about my complaint, our teacher is such a strange person that he is likely to take it out on me and most likely treat me worse than he already does in class, and will most likely deliberately give me bad marks for things such as my major project. And there would be nothing I could do about that as he could just make up some BS about why he gave me such a crap mark.

SO, that's my story.

I already have enough stress and BS in my life to have to put up with more!

Oh and also, I haven't got something against all teachers! There are only a small minority that really tick me off with their 'ways' >> and I can't be biased, since both my parents are teachers.

I hope you enjoyed that constructive response to your arguments/comments DoubleD.... see if you can do the same without flaming and abusing others, hey? It's not terribly difficult.

I'm not the one to post scare tactics, but I'd suggest that you carefully think about what you post next (if you do post), and remember that you are in completely different shoes in not having such a bad teacher.


(if the Internet were stored on a floppy, I'd have just filled it! :D)
Nov 4, 2004
my teachers pathetic but i still manage to score well, just use SDD as a subject to see how well you can learn by learning off a book

its a shame SDD isnt as well developed as chemistry, ie. not as much books available, if it where chemistry as a bad teacher, i'd be able to pick it up and teach myself alot easier because of the masses of available books, there is no "success one SDD" unfortunatley :(, only shithouse excel and some other ones that are well padded (hinemann, sam davis etc..)
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Feb 7, 2005
Casmira said:
my teachers pathetic but i still manage to score well,
Aren't you just comparing yourself to people who are taught by the same pathetic teachers? So scoring 'well' doesn't really mean anything.
Nov 4, 2004
the other SDD class has my IT teacher, she is good, they put in almost no effort at home and score well, my point is people in my class work harder to go well

i dont think my teacher is very organised which is her problem, see we are learning planning and design right now, but planning and design was in the exam, nobody knew most of it which is probably why the average was 30/80

she cant explain things too well, but she does know her VB code relatively well so thats a big plus

the biggest problem is she just gets sam davis books for planning and design, removes bits from paragraphs/flowcharts and asks to 'fill in', then the questions in the book makes us do that, but i seen her mark, she looks at a PAGE of writing for 2-3 sec then ticks it, im not sure if thats dodgy or just me

i think she just needs to refine her methods of resources, and teaching, i dont mind the large amounts of homework, hell when she handed out 'planning and design' it was a 40 page book, every week we where set 6 pages homework, i finished the whole book so i wouldnt have to worry about it later

maybe its not all her fault since there isnt too many resources available for teaching SDD unlike chemistry, SDD isn't very solid, i have 3 SDD books and each gives its own interpretation of finding min/max, linear search, binary search etc...

i just dont feel confident in her teaching methods, i mean my friend replied to the answer of a "compare and contrast", so what he did was define the two (i think it was tyypes of searches, but for arguments sake lets assume it was linear/binary search)
his first paragraph was defining linear search, the second was defining binary search, and the third drew out similiarities and differences, he used the terms differences etc..., the teacher wrote on the 2nd paragraph (he left a line each paragraph, out of the total 3 paragraphs), she wrote "you didnt compare and contrast, using key words such as differnces", but if you read the 3rd paragraph he DID use differences, and when he showed her she said "oh thats not part of the question, but its clearly labelled b) then the paragraph under labelled c), she refused to give him any marks still so he has to go to the head teacher to sort it out

she isnt amazing too bright and overall slow, i used to always be nice to her etc.. but she used to keep picking on me in class because she made mistakes in her flowchart ( idont mean logical errors where she could use a more effecient design, i mean total big mistakes, flowcharts didnt make sense) back in year 11, for example she's use a SQUARE for a decision, i said isnt it a <> shape (i drew it) and she told me off

she doesnt pick on me any more after i had a go at her, but ?! i mean i don't feel amazingly confident on her teaching, im not going to go and bash her over the head about it i'll just teach myself it, 3/4 of SDD is common knowledge, the stuff I gotta worry about is flowcharts, algorithms, arrays and that shit


Jan 5, 2005
The Shire
well since i got da yr12 SDD teacher, i cant b anymore happier shes a full HSC marker and all unless my yr 11 teacher, all he did is make us have push up contests :S


Mar 30, 2004
nuffin is worse than our teacher......v have 2 SWD classes and our class consisted of 10 students...because of our teacher 8 of the students droped the subject and now 2 r left....one of them is unfortunately me...:(

both of us do nuffin in class.... v surf the net right in front of em and still he dosent say nefin..its not like he gives us work and vr deciding to ignore it....its the complete opposite..v cum to class and there is never a set lesson...

lol..oh vl looks like v have to teach ourselves....
Nov 4, 2004
i'll be dead honest with you guys, my teacher has picked up her pace, she has structured her work given out alot better than I expected, she reacts good to get discipline, ie. laughs to jokes etc.., im really impresssed! maybe she read this ? :p


New Member
May 16, 2005
Sydney, Australia
Well according to all my favoured friends, along with siblings who have done this subject. I would say that most Software teachers would not have a clue on how to teach you correctly.

My advise is, read the god-damn text book. The whole subject (As told from experience) is learning yourself.

My software teacher is unable to write efficently, uses incorrect spelling and likes to 'crap on about nothing'. Somtimes the teacher would prefure us to play a lan game of Doom then 'learn anything.

There are plenty of study books out there. But then again this site does have quite alot of usefull information to get you along.
Nov 4, 2004
unfortunatley there isn't too many sources of SDD books, only really hinemann, sam davis, excel (argh), and maybe one or two more, hienemann has alot of holes in its structure of information, sam david/excel fill those up

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