National University vice-chancellor Ian Young says a cartoon published in a student newspaper satirising Islam overstepped the mark.
The student newspaper Woroni originally published the cartoon as part of its 'Advice from Religion' infographic. It was part of a series previously featuring Mormonism, Catholicism, Scientology, and Judaism. The university has forced the editors to retract the piece online and issue a formal apology.
Professor Young says he acted after the university received formal complaints from international students. "They felt it was both offensive and discriminatory," he said. "That was the view of the university as well. We felt that it actually breached the rules of the university in terms of student conduct and indeed we believed it breached the rules of at least the Australian Press Council principles to which Woroni abides."
Professor Young says he was also concerned the satire could have provoked a violent response.
"There have been a number of cases internationally of satirical cartoons about the Koran which can have some very unfortunate side effects," he said.
Editors from the Woroni say they feel the university had ulterior motives for banning the cartoon. Editor Gus McCubbing says the cartoon was part of a series poking fun at different religions. "We've been called homophobic, we've been called sexist, chauvinist," he said. "I guess every edition given we're a student publication we choose a line between satire and bad taste. "The problem I had here was never before had the Chancelry taken such an active role in disciplining us and saying what we can and can't publish."
The cartoon in question