Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Re: Israel & Palestine

JayB said:
tempco, the anti-semitic (anti-jewish) = anti - zionist argument requires a flow of points. the belief begins with a few axioms, that if are accepted, then the satement is true, and if not, then you wont think so.

1) do you believe that the jews were in clear and present danger before israel existed? y/n?

2) do you then believe that following the creation of israel, worldwide jewry faced an increase in security and safety? y/n?

3) do you then equate that the creation of israel and its subsequent existance and actions lead to the safety and security of jews around the world? y/n?

4) if you answer yes to the previous continuum of questions then it leads to this point...

if israel is responsible for the worldwide safety and security of the jewish people worldwide, then saying that you want to destroy it is saying that you want to create danger for the jewish people worldwide. remove the cause, and the effect changes or is destroyed. so if the belief is that, (and i believe truly so) that israel represents safety for the majority of jews around the world, then the removal of the state means the removal of that protection. which is an anti-jewish idea.


Your thesis is similar to the guy i talked about before who said that "we need israel just in case there's another holocaust here in the united states"

i dont get it.

Do you feel insecure here in Australia?

havent read the following posts, so i dunno if u clarified it later on, lemme get bak to reading

mr EaZy

Active Member
May 28, 2004
punchbowl bro- its the best place to live !
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
“Do you believe the Palestinians were and still are in clear and present danger after israel was created?”

No they are not. They were given the chance to have a state alongside Israel, they refused for some reason…At the moment, the only people that are in danger are those who wish to harm Israel and their supporters.
I think you're in denial about the situation, might be cultural defence or grounded on a religious moral principal which i respect... but i dont think your ever going to publicly admit that israel is a source of poverty, desolation and segregation to palestinians- even the arab israelis living in israel

now im going to say this once:

Zionism is grounded on racist ideals- a better people, a better culture, a better religion

Look up the "doctrine of Discovery" on a search engine

you're not the only ones to hold such views- after spending 1 semester looking at colonial policies of europe in the 1600s - i am more convinced than ever that zionism is based on racism

ask lloyd george- a right wing christian, self confessed zionist, and PM of Britain in WW1, what zionism represents- he'll tell u!

being opposed to zionism, is the same as being opposed to racism.

its just that people who claim to be into anti-racism can also be racist themselves- . it has always been the possibility that no one is perfect.

zionism also plays a role in the consumption of common resources in the middle east - like the dead sea- see the differences in consumption on the jordanian side with the israeli side. Also the idea that ISrael cannot accommodate the millions of palestinians outside its borders because it wants to remain jewish- thats zionism. Also the idea that Palestinians must not live in bungalows on the sea front as jews do and must live in flats- thats zionist.

zionism is an evil policy to follow and has led to many jews (who i haven't seen here on BOS for months now) to regurgitate abhorrent views of their superiority over non-jews (esp arabs and muslims). One jew on BOS publicly said to another jew (i think he was referring to me): "these are the same people who want to push us back into the sea" or something around that, both of the jews, i havent seen for a while; i think banco will remember that!

So thye palestinians are living in slums, but didnt the jews of europe live in slums by force? (ghettos?) what happened when equality was eventually given to them?

i think you should realise that jews are not the only people who have endured suffering , moreover they should realise that they can be a cause of it as well

you do believe in some kind of 'satan' dont you? its in you're books, well at least in genesis! just beware of him.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

mr EaZy said:
zionism also plays a role in the consumption of common resources in the middle east - like the dead sea- see the differences in consumption on the jordanian side with the israeli side. Also the idea that ISrael cannot accommodate the millions of palestinians outside its borders because it wants to remain jewish- thats zionism. Also the idea that Palestinians must not live in bungalows on the sea front as jews do and must live in flats- thats zionist.

zionism is an evil policy to follow and has led to many jews (who i haven't seen here on BOS for months now) to regurgitate abhorrent views of their superiority over non-jews (esp arabs and muslims). One jew on BOS publicly said to another jew (i think he was referring to me): "these are the same people who want to push us back into the sea" or something around that, both of the jews, i havent seen for a while; i think banco will remember that!
So you seriously think if Israel were to let 3-4 million palestinians into their borders and give them full rights they would all live happily ever after?

p.s I'm not jewish


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
So you seriously think if Israel were to let 3-4 million palestinians into their borders and give them full rights they would all live happily ever after?

p.s I'm not jewish
Every country has its own problems. In my opinion that's better than making the Palestinians suffer and remain homeless, whilst putting them under constant attack.

Banco, you know this as well as I do. It has nothing to do with security, that's like me being branded anti-semitic. Zionists have such a strong immunity. They're immune to logic, reason and to forming an argument not based on conjecture.

You know as well as I do that the reason Israel has closed borders, unfair international policies, and the selective flow of migrants. (Only people born of Jewish mothers.) is not because of security. But as Mr Eazy so eloquently put it;
zionism is an evil policy to follow and has led to many jews (who i haven't seen here on BOS for months now) to regurgitate abhorrent views of their superiority over non-jews (esp arabs and muslims).
That's what zionism is based on and you know it. Probably better than I do. (There are currently 1.3 million Arab-Israelis. Even though they are treated unfairly, they still haven't been a matter of concern to Israel. Even though they live in seperate parts of the country, work in seperate sectors, etc. They have posed little threat to Israel's "Existance" right?)

[This message is directed at banco55, and I would appreciate it if only he responds to this post.]


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

banco55 said:
p.s I'm not jewish
I can't speak for everybody here, but I've personally only been dealing with arguments that people have been making. (Not their religion or personal beliefs.)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“I think you're in denial about the situation, might be cultural defence or grounded on a religious moral principal which i respect... but i don’t think your ever going to publicly admit that Israel is a source of poverty, desolation and segregation to Palestinians- even the Arab Israelis living in Israel”

I honestly don’t get think you get the situation. Before I start it would help your case to give examples to support your argument, but as you haven’t I’m going to work off what you have said. The only people that have caused poverty, desolation and segregation to the Palestinian people are themselves. No at this point you might start saying ‘but its Israel who’s keeping them back and separating them from the rest of the world.’ That’s just wrong. The Palestinians are suffering right now because they refuse to give up terrorism and recognise Israel. That is why they are under economic sanctions, that is why there is a wall between them and Israel. Until they give these things up, the peace process in the region is not going to move forward.

“Zionism is grounded on racist ideals- a better people, a better culture, a better religion

I fail to see where Zionism says that Jews have a better culture, religion or people. Please point that out to me. You can’t, so please don’t go making it up.

“Look up the "doctrine of Discovery" on a search engine”

I looked at it and failed to see how it had anything to do with Zionism

“You're not the only ones to hold such views- after spending 1 semester looking at colonial policies of Europe in the 1600s - i am more convinced than ever that Zionism is based on racism”

The essay seemed to be based on the fact that a religion came in and enslaved or killed anybody that opposed it. Early Zionists used the UN and after the state of Israel was born encouraged Arabs to come and work with them, hence the 1.5 million Arabs in Israel now. No where did Jews claim ownership of the land. Jews bought land (unlike the Spanish who invaded) and petitioned the UN for a state alongside that of the Arabs. The Arabs rejected this and started a war in which they lost. I fail to see Zionism as the aggressor here, in actual fact it should be obvious that the only aggressors were the Arabs themselves.

“Ask lloyd george- a right wing christian, self confessed zionist, and PM of Britain in WW1, what zionism represents- he'll tell u!”

I would but he’s dead and frankly and I don’t really care what he thinks about Zionism

Being opposed to Zionism, is the same as being opposed to racism.”

First give me a source for that. Secondly, if he was a ‘self-confessed’ Zionist, I very much doubt he would be saying that.

“Zionism also plays a role in the consumption of common resources in the middle east - like the dead sea- see the differences in consumption on the jordanian side with the israeli side.”

You really need to state a source here. As to the dead sea, I fail to see anything foul here, can’t any country use their resources anyway they want? The Israeli side of the dead sea is not the Jordanian side so what is wrong with the consumption of resources?

“Also the idea that Israel cannot accommodate the millions of palestinians outside its borders because it wants to remain jewish- thats zionism.

I am sorry, but these people left their homes out of their own free will. I don’t see how that is the fault of Israel, nor do I see any relation with Zionism. As to the second part, Israel was created to be a Jewish state, it doesn’t force people to go there, nor does it impose its will on others what is wrong with that? It’s not as if people discriminate on colour, not long ago a whole lot of Ethiopian Jews came to Israel.

“Also the idea that Palestinians must not live in bungalows on the sea front as jews do and must live in flats- thats zionist.”

How? Palestinians living in bungalows has got nothing to do with Zionism. It might however have something to do with the fact that they left their houses during ’48 out of their own free will and at the urgings of other Arab leaders.

“zionism is an evil policy to follow and has led to many jews (who i haven't seen here on BOS for months now) to regurgitate abhorrent views of their superiority over non-jews (esp arabs and muslims).”

Haha, no. There is no such thing as superiority over other people in either Judaism or Zionism. The people you probably talked to where just bad people.

“One jew on BOS publicly said to another jew (i think he was referring to me): "these are the same people who want to push us back into the sea" or something around that, both of them jews, i havent seen for a while; i think banco will remember that!”

No idea what you’re talking about…

“So the palestinians are living in slums, but didnt the jews of europe live in slums by force? (ghettos?) what happened when equality was eventually given to them?”

Relevance? Whatever, I think it is obvious what happened, they left Europe. You go to Europe now and the Jewish population is tiny compared to that of the US or Australia.

“I think you should realise that jews are not the only people who have endured suffering , moreover they should realise that they can be a cause of it as well.”

Do you think I have not realised that? Why do you assume I live in my own little world without knowing what the hell is going on in the real world? I assure you I don’t.

“You do believe in some kind of 'satan' dont you? its in you're books, well at least in genesis! just beware of him.”

I was never aware of their being a satan in Judaism and I am pretty sure there isn’t. You say there is one in Genesis? I confess I don’t know it off by heart so would you care to provide a passage. However I do know there is a satan in Christianity, just be careful you use a Jewish Bible not the Christian one because there may be differences in them.


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Every country has its own problems. In my opinion that's better than making the Palestinians suffer and remain homeless, whilst putting them under constant attack.

Banco, you know this as well as I do. It has nothing to do with security, that's like me being branded anti-semitic. Zionists have such a strong immunity. They're immune to logic, reason and to forming an argument not based on conjecture.

You know as well as I do that the reason Israel has closed borders, unfair international policies, and the selective flow of migrants. (Only people born of Jewish mothers.) is not because of security. But as Mr Eazy so eloquently put it;

That's what zionism is based on and you know it. Probably better than I do. (There are currently 1.3 million Arab-Israelis. Even though they are treated unfairly, they still haven't been a matter of concern to Israel. Even though they live in seperate parts of the country, work in seperate sectors, etc. They have posed little threat to Israel's "Existance" right?)

[This message is directed at banco55, and I would appreciate it if only he responds to this post.]
I'd be the first to admit that the Jewish section of the Israeli public is determined as far as possible to mainint the "jewish" character of the state. But to deny they have valid security concerns is rediculous.

I don't have time look up the stats but from memory if a large % of the palestinian population were allowed to return to Isreal/Palestine the Jewish population would be outnumbered. That's leaving aside the Arab Israelis that already live there. Given the high birth rates of the palestinian population their demographic lead over the Jewish Israelis would only grow.

It would look like Northern Ireland on steroids as the Jews and Palestinians fought it out. After all the palestinians in Gaza can't even live peacefully with each other. Even in Lebanon different religious groups of ARABS struggle to live in peace.

As for the Arab Israelis they don't serve in the army and the Israeli internal security unit keeps a close watch on them. Plus as you well know the Israeli arabs have more civil rights in Israel then they would in virtually any arab country (with the possible exception of Lebanon).


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Every country has its own problems. In my opinion that's better than making the Palestinians suffer and remain homeless, whilst putting them under constant attack.
Please stop with the lie of Israel is making Palestinians homeless. It doesn't work, the only thing that is holding them back is renouncing terrorism and not recognising Israel's right to exist. Been reading the news lately? I think it is your presious Palestinians that have been killing each other and shooting rockets at Sderot.

sam04u said:
Banco, you know this as well as I do. It has nothing to do with security, that's like me being branded anti-semitic. Zionists have such a strong immunity. They're immune to logic, reason and to forming an argument not based on conjecture.
Not commiting demographic suicide has nothing to do with security? News to me...

sam04u said:
You know as well as I do that the reason Israel has closed borders, unfair international policies, and the selective flow of migrants. (Only people born of Jewish mothers.) is not because of security. But as Mr Eazy so eloquently put it;
To any reasnable person looking at the conflict it is obvious why Israel has closed borders (hint hint, terrorist attacks monthly sometimes weekly for some areas). Unfair international policies? You must be referring to the time that Israel offered 97% of the West bank to the Palestinians... As for the selective flow of migrants, Israel is a Jewish country and was made for Jews specifically by Jews. However all types of people are welcome, as evidenced by the Armenian, Christian and Muslim sectors of Jerusalem (1 example).

sam04u said:
[This message is directed at banco55, and I would appreciate it if only he responds to this post.]
Too late, I had to correct your lies so people don't get the wrong impression of Israel.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:

I agree with Sams last paragraph.

Atilla89 why do you post links from jew sites? its bias and stupid, nobody will believe it either use other websites or dont post anything to do with it at all:)
I really don't see what your problem is. You can check the sources that they use to see if the information is correct. And you know what, it is!

As for Sam04U, nice extended ad hominem, your response to my arguements really enriched this thread. Keep it up!


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
I really don't see what your problem is. You can check the sources that they use to see if the information is correct. And you know what, it is!
and how is one able to look at a piece of information and discern its factual substance from its fiction? its an external form of information, you dont look at a source and say "oh this is correct".
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

No it isnt.

Everything you post is anit-Palestine and supporting Israel, do you really believe all your sites are not bias?

I've checked most of the sites you post up, and really dont believe any of them, dont know about anyone else here..

go off at him OR get off over him?
umm.. you must be really bored

Whats with the bos today? so many trolls :|


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nah eazy, in australia things are cool. but problem is that they were cool in germany and russia too. they were cool in pretty much every country before genocide or pogroms or religious cleansing happened. you dont know where its gonna be next.

but to your answers to the yes/no questions, look at these three things, but they are just 3 of many.

Operation Magic Carpet

Operation Solomon

Operation Entebee

three clear cut examples of jews being in danger around the world and israel stepping in to rescue them. evidence for questions two and three.


Mar 9, 2004
Re: Israel & Palestine

Several posts have been deleted.

Rather than responding to trolls, please report them to me so we don't have some silly tangent. Thank you.


Feb 2, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
You really need to read the commentary of the Torah to begin to understand it. BTW, much of western law is based Torah as well as this, Christians also use the Torah as part of the New Testament, so I really don't find it that absurd.

On a purely curious note, are you Christian?
I am Jewish and I am ashamed at the way JEWS run Israel, its shameful the way JEWS behave.


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
What has anybody in this thread said which would lead you to believe that they were Anti-Semites? I think the majority of the people who are debating in this thread are Semites (Whether they're Jew or Arabs.) I think only one thing has clearly been established, and that is that BritneySpears is racist and ignorant. Also, that the majority of your arguments are based on deflecting the questions which are asked and conjecture. (You provide little evidence of what you have said and instead counter arguments using irrelevant information.
Whether people are semitic or not does not have anything to do with whether they are anti-semitic or not. You are anti-semitic and you are in denial. So much so that you refused to look at the meaning of anti-Semitism, comforting yourself with your own definition of anti-semitism. You believe that Arabs CANNOT be anti-semitic because they are semitic race. While the facts have proven that Arabs by nature are the most anti-semite on earth along with Nazi germany. The History of Arabs is riddled with thousands of jewish persecutions since islam was founded and arabs invaded the middle east including Israel and Lebanon and assimilated the original rightful owners such as Jews in Israel as well as any other natives in the middle east and north africa because they multiply like pigs and massacred most of the natives or force themout elsewhere. before accusing me of racism, why don't you stop your racist treatment of Palestinians I mentioned before or are you too scared to get in to that topic because it embarass you. There is a whole article seperately for Arabs anti-semitism on wikipedia , read and enlighten yourself how arabs countries treat jews, killed them, murdered them, discriminate them since 1000 years ago. Of course they are not surprising looking at how Lebanon treat Palestinians whom it lovingly called its brothers as nothing better than slaves.

I don't believe every Jew believes that the Jewish people deserve a home at the expense of 5,000,000 Palestinians suffering and being displaced from their homes. (Which they've lived in for over 30 generations.)
Whether you believe or not or whether some jews believes or not, a vast majority of the world believes that jews, as the tradititional and rightful owners of Israel deserve their own homeland as the UN vote clearly stated that 33 Countries said YES create Israel while 13 countries voted NO, mostly arab/islamic countries and 10 abstained.

Furthermore, your 5 Million (exaggerated) Palestinians were made refugees by your country Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq (which does not even have any border with israel) invasion of the new State of Israel with a aim of killing all jews. Arabs countries( with millions of soldiers) not only failed but made themselves a fool after being defeated in all fronts by a tiny jewish soldiers (less than 50,000 mostly civilians). Of course as an arab you would never blame yourself for instigating such humiliating wars which only created more problems for Palestinians, your pride is too hard to swallow.

I think I've figured out what you do when you cant counter somebodies argument. You try to attack the person and use cheap insults which are very generalised and not even directed at parts of her posts. Well atleast I'll be able to explain myself when I do it. You're too pathetic and moronic to counter other peoples arguments so instead you accuse them of being Anti-Semites or attack them.
Talking about Cheap insult, you and your girl Maniella aspire to kick my bootylicious ass didn't you?

Mr Eazy said:
Zionism is grounded on racist ideals- a better people, a better culture, a better religion

Look up the "doctrine of Discovery" on a search engine

you're not the only ones to hold such views- after spending 1 semester looking at colonial policies of europe in the 1600s - i am more convinced than ever that zionism is based on racism
What is wrong with aiming for better people, better culture and better religion? Every culture thinks they are better and strive to do better than others and thats why the world is moving towards a better, more advanced and developed place. Just because islam is backward and incompatible with development of the 21st century does not mean other cultures that adapt and thrive well are racist. In fact many australians believe that Australia is the best country in the world , for you that must be RACIST as well. Based on your logic Islam is a racist religion which believes in the exclusivity of muslims as the only people who deserve better treatment and everyone else as subordinate to muslims. Either way your argument failed. and The UN agreed with me. Here

Last edited:


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

mr EaZy said:
I think you're in denial about the situation, might be cultural defence or grounded on a religious moral principal which i respect... but i dont think your ever going to publicly admit that israel is a source of poverty, desolation and segregation to palestinians- even the arab israelis living in israel

now im going to say this once:

Zionism is grounded on racist ideals- a better people, a better culture, a better religion

Look up the "doctrine of Discovery" on a search engine

you're not the only ones to hold such views- after spending 1 semester looking at colonial policies of europe in the 1600s - i am more convinced than ever that zionism is based on racism

ask lloyd george- a right wing christian, self confessed zionist, and PM of Britain in WW1, what zionism represents- he'll tell u!

being opposed to zionism, is the same as being opposed to racism.

its just that people who claim to be into anti-racism can also be racist themselves- . it has always been the possibility that no one is perfect.

zionism also plays a role in the consumption of common resources in the middle east - like the dead sea- see the differences in consumption on the jordanian side with the israeli side. Also the idea that ISrael cannot accommodate the millions of palestinians outside its borders because it wants to remain jewish- thats zionism. Also the idea that Palestinians must not live in bungalows on the sea front as jews do and must live in flats- thats zionist.

zionism is an evil policy to follow and has led to many jews (who i haven't seen here on BOS for months now) to regurgitate abhorrent views of their superiority over non-jews (esp arabs and muslims). One jew on BOS publicly said to another jew (i think he was referring to me): "these are the same people who want to push us back into the sea" or something around that, both of the jews, i havent seen for a while; i think banco will remember that!

So thye palestinians are living in slums, but didnt the jews of europe live in slums by force? (ghettos?) what happened when equality was eventually given to them?

i think you should realise that jews are not the only people who have endured suffering , moreover they should realise that they can be a cause of it as well

you do believe in some kind of 'satan' dont you? its in you're books, well at least in genesis! just beware of him.
If your view is unshakeable that Zionism is racism then you demonstrate just two things. One - you don't have a clue what Zionism is about and two - you are a bigot who is unwilling to take on ideas from others and your only purpose for being on this forum is to trumpet your own brand of racism.

The idea that you are peddling has even become boring to the United Nations so please get real.

BTW Zionism is a simple political idea which can be expressed as follows: Because Jews throughout their history (post-Roman times) have been unable to find a place where they were allowed to coexist peacefully with their neighbours the solution is to establish their own country.


Recession '08
Apr 19, 2006
inner west
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
BTW Zionism is a simple political idea which can be expressed as follows: Because Jews throughout their history (post-Roman times) have been unable to find a place where they were allowed to coexist peacefully with their neighbours the solution is to establish their own country.
does that definition describe whether or not it is at someone elses expense?


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

no, the ideal was expressed as a longing for a homeland. i would however be interested in hearing how any country is created without expense to someone? besides which, the land was bought, its not at someones expense. reading the posts on here you would assume the mass of jews cut a bloody swathe through africa and europe to reach israel. it was declared, partially bought, and otherwise voted for and given.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
NO, I am saying that they are rejected because they are against the interests of the Jewish community. Agreeing with the sworn enemy of Judaism is treason, I think by any standards that is enough to move away and disassociate with this group.

Nah, I wouldn't call it hatred, more like a serious dislike to those people
who believe that Jews shouldn't have a homeland.

Ant that's is supposed to mean what exactly?
"that's is" supposed to mean that you only use that as a tool to try to blemish the people here who are against israel into silence. As in basically trying to pressure those who disagree with you and who publicly express some criticism towards israel's policies, by making them think that they have been caught up in a what you call "anti-semitic" discourse. You basically re-enforce that, by then saying "ZOMG!! look at the people in gaza!! They are butchering each other!!" That's just another cheap zionist political creed, really, its a damn old tactic, that shouldn’t be used no more, this stunt is soooo out of date :D

Atilla89 said:
You bring up a very small fringe group of Jews who number about 5,000. Good work! You seem to keep forgetting that these people do not represent the Jewish community and have been fully rejected by the Chasidic movement. Why bring up a Jewish source if it has become clear that just about every Jew is Zionist.
You can reject these groups all you want, your desperate attempts to disrepute them are failing....sorry for breaking it to you :)

Atilla89 said:
You can live in denial all you want, but it won't change your beliefs.
When you and Nathan say "change you belief" do you like expect me to break down, and go: "Atilla you were ever so right, I truly am a anti-semitic..*sobs hysterically*" if thats what your aiming at, then your wrong, because your try hard endeavours in distorting the truth is plain obvious and people arent falling for it ;)

Atilla89 said:
Lol, know you're trying to conduct an arguement without sources? Yeah, I can tell we have a top class debator here, lol. As well as this, you make generalisations of people not reading your sources - I ask you, how do you know that? Oh wait, you don't! Lol, your debating skills are pitiful!
Yes!! Iam a top class debater, otherwise you wouldnt be killing yourself trying to answer my posts :rolleyes: At least I use my eyes to read other peoples arguments, and I urge you to please use them next time too, god gave them to ya for a reason you know :wave: In that post I was telling Nathan that he shouldn't ask me for sources. I was refering to nathan's post (which he deleted). in that post he said that he doesn't even click on the links I provide, so that last sentence was aimed at him, so next time please use your eyes…lulz.

Atilla89 said:
Lol!!! You believe you're not an anti-semite yet your words speak the exact opposite. Do you have a split personality or something? Really you should read your own posts, because it has become quite clear just what an anti-semite you are.
Yes, iam not a anti-semitic, and thats the last time i'l say it, because i dont really enjoy repeating myself.
As for the disorder part well, LOL to that, your pathetic, and YOUR debating skills are obviously pitiful my dear ;) I wont address your disgraceful attitude, because when I debate, I debate with etiquette and style ;)


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