Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)

Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Not exactly a win of goal, not a lose, not a status quo but a complete hammering of lebs terrorists and destruction of terrorists infrastructure by israel therefore Israel Won.
They destoryed the terrorists? By terrorists do you mean Hezballah who are still where Israel last left them? Or do you mean the 1000+ innocent civilians who died for no reason other than the fact that they didnt leave the country as an outsider ordered them to. THAT is terrorism!

They didnt get Hezballah, they didnt teach Hezballah a leason, and they didnt return their soldiers, now that does mean they didnt win.

There were many lebs who wanted terrorists to release their hostage so as to avoid the wrath of Israeli anger. Yet here you support those terrorists calling them freedom fighter and encouraging violence against israel.
haha trying to mak me the one who's supporting terrorism are you?!

1-Hezballah aimed at the Israeli soldiers and their military
2-they even kidnapped two soldiers
3-Israeli soldiers were murdering young innocent children who had done nothing to deserve this, and they murdered women, and men. ALL these people were innocent

During the war they were defending the civilians, so yes i wanted them to win, for the sake of these innocent people. If they were doing the same thing as the Israeli soldiers [killing hundreds of innocents, destroying homes and airports etc] then i wouldnt have supported them.

Do you really think suicide bombing and launching crude rocket simply to cause mayhem and kill innocent civilians by hizbollah and hamas will make you safer? I mean, by killing innocent children, women and old men as terrorists always targeted civilians?

THAT is EXACTLY what the Israeli soldiers did in Lebanon, so thank you for admitting that the Israeli soldiers who were taking orders from the Israeli gov are terrorists :D

Also i am safe, because i am living in Sydney, i've never been to the Middle East and when i do go it wont be to live there, only to visit. :)

No it is not obvious, egyptians are not palestinians, syrians are not palestinians, lebs are not palestinians and israel does not stole lands from anyone. If it was right for Arabs countries to aim to destroy Israel completely then why are you complaining about half of lebanon destroyed by Israel as you claimed? Should not you apply your logic of complete destruction of your enemy and therefore, allow israel to destroy lebanon completely and solve the problems once and for all? :mad1:
Ha! I for one do believe Israel should belong to the Palestinians.

I didnt say it is it is right to destory the country, i said when going to war people have that in mind, but if they destroy half of it [Israel-Lebanon] then there is a motive, Lebanon was attacked, when? in their summer, which is usually when profit most, Israel destoryed many parts of Lebanon not to get rid of 'terrorists'

Read properly, dont assume.

Nice to see you're still here Aryan


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
They destoryed the terrorists? By terrorists do you mean Hezballah who are still where Israel last left them? Or do you mean the 1000+ innocent civilians who died for no reason other than the fact that they didnt leave the country as an outsider ordered them to. THAT is terrorism!

They didnt get Hezballah, they didnt teach Hezballah a leason, and they didnt return their soldiers, now that does mean they didnt win.
This is one of the few wars that Israel did not win. Yet Hezbollah did not win either. Both failed in their goals but if you think that Hezbollah won that war then I would hate to see what you would consider a loss. Just look at the deaths of Hezbollah and Israel and you will see the clear winner.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
haha trying to make me the one who's supporting terrorism are you?!

1-Hezballah aimed at the Israeli soldiers and their military
2-they even kidnapped two soldiers
3-Israeli soldiers were murdering young innocent children who had done nothing to deserve this, and they murdered women, and men. ALL these people were innocent

During the war they were defending the civilians, so yes i wanted them to win, for the sake of these innocent people. If they were doing the same thing as the Israeli soldiers [killing hundreds of innocents, destroying homes and airports etc] then i wouldnt have supported them.

So you support Hezbollah? Interesting, do you know that they are listed as a terrorist organisation in Australia and in many parts of the world? Did you know that actively (through the giving of money, weapons, etc) supporting them can get you arrested? Did you know that Hezbollah was indeed killing innocent civilians, destroying their homes, using Lebanese a human shields (hence the amount of Lebanese civilian deaths) and destroyed large forests in Israel? By your logic you should not be supporting them.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Ha! I for one do believe Israel should belong to the Palestinians.
So you believe that what the UN decreed in 1948 was wrong? And that instead of the Arabs accepting land during that partition they were right to try and destroy Israel? Lol.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I didnt say it is it is right to destory the country, i said when going to war people have that in mind, but if they destroy half of it [Israel-Lebanon] then there is a motive, Lebanon was attacked, when? in their summer, which is usually when profit most, Israel destoryed many parts of Lebanon not to get rid of 'terrorists'
Of coarse there was a motive for going to war. Did you forget that Hezbollah took hostages? Did you forget that it was Hezbollah who started this war? When in war do you not try and destroy the enemy?

BTW do you consider Hezbollah a terrorist organisation or a resistance movement?

Please answer my questions.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

Here is an interesting article that everyone posting on this topic should read.

Jenin comes to Lebanon. So where is the outcry?
Jonathan KayNational Post

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Last week, the Lebanese army attacked a squalid Palestinian refugee camp that's become infested with Islamist suicide terrorists and guerilla fighters. On May 20, government troops surrounded the camp, with tanks and artillery pieces shelling it at close range. Army snipers gunned down anything that moved. At least 18 civilians were killed, and dozens more injured. Water and electricity were cut off. By week's end, much of the camp had been turned into deserted rubble. Thousands of terrified residents fleeing the camp reported harrowing stories of famished, parched families trapped in their basements.

How did the rest of the world react? The Arab League quickly condemned "the criminal and terrorist acts carried out by the terrorist group known as Fatah al-Islam," and vowed to "give its full support to the efforts of the army and the Lebanese government." EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana also condemned Fatah al-Islam, and declared Europe's "support" for Lebanon. And the UN Security Council called the actions of Fatah al-Islam "an unacceptable attack" on Lebanon's sovereignty. As for the Western media, most outlets ignored the story following the first flurry of news reports.

At this point, please indulge me by re-reading the first paragraph of this column -- except this time, substitute the world "Israeli" for "Lebanese" in the first sentence. Let's imagine what the world's reaction would be if the ongoing siege were taking place in Gaza or the West Bank instead of the Nahr al Bared refugee camp on the outskirts of Tripoli, Lebanon.

First of all, a flood of foreign journalists would descend on the camp to document Israel's cruelty and barbarism, and the story would remain front page news to this day. Al-Jazeera would be a 24/7 montage of grieving mothers swearing revenge on the Zionist butchers, and rumours would swirl of mass graves and poison gas. The Arab League, EU and United Nations would condemn Israeli aggression -- as would the editorial board of The New York Times. The Independent would dispatch Robert Fisk to embed with Fatah al-Islam. And the newspaper's cartoonist, Dave Brown, would produce another award-winning rendition of his signature theme: Jews eating Palestinian babies.

Actually, we don't need to speculate: What I have just written is exactly what happened when the Israeli army invaded the Jenin refugee camp to root out terrorists in April, 2002, a battle that was similar in scale to this month's siege at Nahr al Bared. (At Jenin, 52 refugee camp residents were killed -- most of them gunmen, according to Human Rights Watch. At Nahr al Bared, the figure is 45 and climbing.) The main difference between the two sieges is that Israel's army put its troops at far greater risk by invading Jenin with infantry -- whereas the less humane Lebanese army has simply pummelled Nahr al Bared with explosives from a distance. Jews apparently care a lot more about saving Palestinian civilians than do Lebanese soldiers.

For years, we have been told that Palestinian suffering and "humiliation" is at the root of the Middle East conflict, as well as the Western-Muslim clash of civilizations more generally. This is nonsense: The 200,000-plus Palestinian refugees who live in Lebanese camps are treated worse than dogs -- with no access to decent schools or good jobs -- and no one in the Arab world cares a whit. In fact, many Arabs seem to embrace the same blind anti-Palestinian hatred of which Israel is typically accused. When Lebanese armoured personnel carriers rolled through Tripoli on May 20, they got a standing ovation from local residents. "We wish the government would destroy the whole camp and the rest of the camps," one local told The New York Times. "Nothing good comes out of the Palestinians."

Just as Lebanon's stew of eternally warring Sunnis, Shiites, Christians, Hezbollah terrorists and militarized clans serves as a Mediterranean microcosm for the political dysfunction of the Arab world, this month's events capture perfectly the utter cynicism of the Islamic world's trumped up vilification of Israel, and the West as a whole. As with the Muslim- on-Muslim slaughter in Darfur, Iraq, Pakistan, Gaza and a dozen other hot spots, the siege at Nahr al Bared shows that what inflames "the Muslim street" (for lack of a better cliche) isn't Muslim suffering, but the relatively tiny fraction thereof that jihadi propagandists and their Western apologists can lay at the feet of Jews and Christians.
Muslim blood apparently comes cheap -- but only when it's drawn by other Muslims.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

What's the use in reading that article when I know better than the person who wrote it what happened? It was a terrorist organisation staging a "national" power struggle. If it was left undefeated it would have definately caused a civil war within Lebanon. The real question is where have this group come from? Who armed them and put them in power?

(Don't say Syria as a nation, without evidence as the imbecilic neo-con media does.)

Contrary to what some people believe, Syria has no political interest in the state of Lebanon. It would actually be trying harder to not be associated with terrorists. Therefore, we should rule that out. (Even now the Zionists in this forum are trying to distract the Issue with the wider middle-east. Will now be preparing fabricated articles about Syria which are usually not based on anything more than "Speculation".)

Regardless, I'll just pre-empt a few of the common responses. The death of 12 civilians should not simply be ruled out as collateral. It was a 'regrettable' mistake which proves that the Lebanese army is incompetent and not properly armed. Whereas, the Israeli army has lazer guided "missiles" it should definately not have made similar blunders. Also, according to reports a vast majority of civilians fled Lebanon after the Israeli aircrafts began bombing. Yet, the Israeli forces attacked the entire country. Including parts NOT involved in the war. Even with their "intelligence" they were unable to establish the difference between a UNIFIL building and a terrorist cell. (They had been notified several times of its coordinates.) Further proving that they were sent mainly to institute maximum casualties and destruction.

Did the Lebanese army begin attacking the other 12 refugee camps? No. It wasn't an attack on the civilian population. Unlike Israel's terrorist attacks.

(I hate getting side-tracked with this nonsense.)

A few statements which will get us back into the discussion.

- Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land. At the expense of displacing the Palestinian natives. Because of this over 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world. Why?
- Israel should not have been created. (The only basis for its creation was that they pointed at the bible, where it says they were promised that land. Well that's ridiculous, especially in the 20th century. Especially if you look closer, it says the Messiah is supposed to found the Jewish state. I wonder, was the British PM the messiah? (Good discussion.)
- Israel has international policies which are not acceptable. (Double-Standards.) This has been proved with their excessive force. Mainly which effects civilians.


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
What's the use in reading that article when I know better than the person who wrote it what happened? It was a terrorist organisation staging a "national" power struggle. If it was left undefeated it would have definately caused a civil war within Lebanon. The real question is where have this group come from? Who armed them and put them in power?

(Don't say Syria as a nation, without evidence as the imbecilic neo-con media does.)

Contrary to what some people believe, Syria has no political interest in the state of Lebanon. It would actually be trying harder to not be associated with terrorists. Therefore, we should rule that out. (Even now the Zionists in this forum are trying to distract the Issue with the wider middle-east. Will now be preparing fabricated articles about Syria which are usually not based on anything more than "Speculation".)

Regardless, I'll just pre-empt a few of the common responses. The death of 12 civilians should not simply be ruled out as collateral. It was a 'regrettable' mistake which proves that the Lebanese army is incompetent and not properly armed. Whereas, the Israeli army has lazer guided "missiles" it should definately not have made similar blunders. Also, according to reports a vast majority of civilians fled Lebanon after the Israeli aircrafts began bombing. Yet, the Israeli forces attacked the entire country. Including parts NOT involved in the war. Even with their "intelligence" they were unable to establish the difference between a UNIFIL building and a terrorist cell. (They had been notified several times of its coordinates.) Further proving that they were sent mainly to institute maximum casualties and destruction.

Did the Lebanese army begin attacking the other 12 refugee camps? No. It wasn't an attack on the civilian population. Unlike Israel's terrorist attacks.

(I hate getting side-tracked with this nonsense.)

A few statements which will get us back into the discussion.

- Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land. At the expense of displacing the Palestinian natives. Because of this over 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world. Why?
- Israel should not have been created. (The only basis for its creation was that they pointed at the bible, where it says they were promised that land. Well that's ridiculous, especially in the 20th century. Especially if you look closer, it says the Messiah is supposed to found the Jewish state. I wonder, was the British PM the messiah? (Good discussion.)
- Israel has international policies which are not acceptable. (Double-Standards.) This has been proved with their excessive force. Mainly which effects civilians.
"- Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land. At the expense of displacing the Palestinian natives. Because of this over 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world. Why?
- Israel should not have been created. (The only basis for its creation was that they pointed at the bible, where it says they were promised that land. Well that's ridiculous, especially in the 20th century. Especially if you look closer, it says the Messiah is supposed to found the Jewish state. I wonder, was the British PM the messiah? (Good discussion.)
- Israel has international policies which are not acceptable. (Double-Standards.) This has been proved with their excessive force. Mainly which effects civilians."

Are these 3 issues your major gripes with Israel to discuss or should we also throw in that Zionists control the media so anything, but those groups that support Palestine, is just LIES!!!


Active Member
Dec 12, 2005
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
What's the use in reading that article when I know better than the person who wrote it what happened? It was a terrorist organisation staging a "national" power struggle. If it was left undefeated it would have definately caused a civil war within Lebanon. The real question is where have this group come from? Who armed them and put them in power?

(Don't say Syria as a nation, without evidence as the imbecilic neo-con media does.)

Contrary to what some people believe, Syria has no political interest in the state of Lebanon. It would actually be trying harder to not be associated with terrorists. Therefore, we should rule that out. (Even now the Zionists in this forum are trying to distract the Issue with the wider middle-east. Will now be preparing fabricated articles about Syria which are usually not based on anything more than "Speculation".)

Countries with no political interest in another state don't station tens of thousands of troops in a country for years.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
What's the use in reading that article when I know better than the person who wrote it what happened?
What an utterly ridiculous statement. It's like saying I don't watch/read the news because I know better then anyone else what is happening. Were you in Lebanon at the time? Were you on the ground while the Lebanese Army conducted its operations? If no, then I suggest you read the article in question.

sam04u said:
It was a terrorist organisation staging a "national" power struggle. If it was left undefeated it would have definately caused a civil war within Lebanon. The real question is where have this group come from? Who armed them and put them in power?
sam04u said:
(Don't say Syria as a nation, without evidence as the imbecilic neo-con media does.)
We are talking about Fatah al-Islam? I have no idea ideo who funds this group, but it is obvious where they came from (Palestinian refugee camps). However (this is direct from wikipedia for what its worth) the newspaper Al Hayat (an Arab paper not anything from the west) newspaper reports that Fatah al-Islam has close ties to Syria, that the movement of emissaries between Fatah al-Islam and Damascus is well-documented, and that much of the leadership of Fatah al-Islam is made up of Syrian officers. This is in contrast to Syria's ambassador Bashar Ja'afari, responding to Lebanese claims that Syria is a sponsor of Fatah al-Islam, told Reuters that several of the organization's members had been jailed for three or four years in Syria for connections to al-Qaeda.

sam04u said:
Contrary to what some people believe, Syria has no political interest in the state of Lebanon.
Bullshit! What do you think Hezbollah was made up for (war by proxy against Israel for Syria)? Which country was in Lebanon for aprrox. 25 years? Who has the biggest international say in Lebanese politics. I'll tell you, it's Syria. To say that they have no interest in the State of Lebanon is just plain stupid.

sam04u said:
It would actually be trying harder to not be associated with terrorists.
Helping to arm Hezbollah anyone? ;P

sam04u said:
Regardless, I'll just pre-empt a few of the common responses. The death of 12 civilians should not simply be ruled out as collateral. It was a 'regrettable' mistake which proves that the Lebanese army is incompetent and not properly armed.
No, it just shows that they don't give a crap about the Palestinians because they used artillery instead of going into these camps with infantry, as Israeld did with Jenin in 2002.

sam04u said:
Whereas, the Israeli army has lazer guided "missiles" it should definately not have made similar blunders.
No army in the world as missiles or bombs that can strike with in a few metres of a target not even the U.S. So don't try and pull that crap of Israel can target terrorists even if they have civilians metres away because it doesn't work.

sam04u said:
Also, according to reports a vast majority of civilians fled Lebanon after the Israeli aircrafts began bombing. Yet, the Israeli forces attacked the entire country.
More lies. Israel attacked all but certain roads. These designated roads were for civilians only. Anything else travelling on these other roads were targeted. They even launched pamphlets saying this. BTW, saying 'according to reports' just doesn't cut it. You need to provide links that are non-biased (since you accuse me of saying of bias whenever I post anything).

sam04u said:
Even with their "intelligence" they were unable to establish the difference between a UNIFIL building and a terrorist cell. (They had been notified several times of its coordinates.)"
Mistakes happen. But I'll have you know that the UNIFIL building that was hit had Hezbollah operatives firing rockets a few metres away. Good job UN, no really good job at leting these terrorists rearm again.

sam04u said:
Further proving that they were sent mainly to institute maximum casualties and destruction.
So dropping pamphlets detailing where they were going to bomb, and setting aside roads for civilians and aid workers was 'mainly to institute maximum casualties and destruction.' Ok...

sam04u said:
Did the Lebanese army begin attacking the other 12 refugee camps? No. It wasn't an attack on the civilian population. Unlike Israel's terrorist attacks.
So Hezbollah are now civilians? That's news to me...

sam04u said:
- Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land. At the expense of displacing the Palestinian natives. Because of this over 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world. Why?"
Already been answered with facts check back on earlier posts. You can even check the sources of the sources that I post and you will find them correct. Why do you keep with this charade?

sam04u said:
Israel should not have been created. (The only basis for its creation was that they pointed at the bible, where it says they were promised that land. Well that's ridiculous, especially in the 20th century. Especially if you look closer, it says the Messiah is supposed to found the Jewish state. I wonder, was the British PM the messiah? (Good discussion.)
Correction. Israel was created so it would be a safe haven for Jews around the world. It made sense for it to be established where it is because of the cultural, historical and religious ties that Jews had with that land.

sam04u said:
Israel has international policies which are not acceptable. (Double-Standards.) This has been proved with their excessive force. Mainly which effects civilians.
Keep thinking that but I have proved that in many cases it is the Arabs who have double standards. See the news article that I posted.


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
The fool is ones who refuse to accept official UN figures instead tried to inflate the numbers and include all palestinians who are NOT refugees from Israeli controlled lands. Even your own source said The original refugees who left Israel as a result of arabs invasion of Israel on 1948 is nowhere near millions :rofl:

Again, all of your own source said the number of palestinians refugees at around 711000 people in 1948-1950 and said they have now multiplied like pigs and became 4 million. Once again that is their problem, reproducing like piglets in squalit camps. Your own source also said they are refugees after 1948 war, started by arabs countries and they lose as usual. (loser aren't they hey)
again, those 711000 were the number that left palestine between 1948-1950, during the palestinian exodus.

more palestinians were forced to leave their lands a result of the israeli massacres against them after 1950, and those numbers reached 4.9 million-5oooooo-7000000

its all israels fault that those poor, heart breaking, innocent palestinian children are now being born and raised in squalid refugee camps. if it wasnt for israel occupying thier land, those innocent bright palestinian kids would grow up to be doctors, scientists, and engineers.

and talking about piglets, i call the israeli soldiers sex crazed piglets, who run around chasing palestinian school girls. they sexually harras girls on their way to school, most palestinian school girls have to asscorted by foriegn peace-makers to protect them, from the israeli soldiers, who are thirsty to have a go on them, and prey on them.

BritneySpears said:
Finally and what is ironic? From the begginning Israel was created, UN was at the forefront and instrumental in its formation and thats what gave Legitimacy to Israel while you arabs have no legitimacy whatsoever, from God, from the British or from the UN. There was no country called Palestine and there is NO country called palestine even today.
haha, whats ironic is that your other folks here, where claiming that britian didnt help the zionists get israel, and that britian stranded them. Its a good thing that you admitted that zionists were promised the land by the U.N. At last one of your kind admitted it!!

BritneySpears said:
If you have answers you would post them, since you have nothing to counter my superb arguments, all you can say is wrong, wrong , wrong and offer no explanation. Well thats how losers debate anyway.
actually, any person with brains would see that i soooo refuted your flawed arguments in the rest of my post. the evidence is, that you are still on about it, and you actually replied to the remainder of my post where i confirmed you wrong ;)

BritneySpears said:
Yeah I noticed that you also :rofl::rofl: whenever a palestine suicide bomber blew himself up somewhere, because you are insane who celebrate death and sufferings. You are an example of typical arab who wants the worse to palestinians so you can celebrate their death, I saw arabs celebrating 1200 lebs death in beirut.
yes, lol, i use :rofl: :rofl: when im laughing at your flawed, ridiculous, and illogical arguments, just like what im doing right now, LOL. I laugh at your stupidity!!! hahaha :rofl:

BritneySpears said:
Well your own facts proved the other way around, jewish massacre of Palestinians happened in 1948, while Palestinian massacres of innocent jews already started since 1920 long long before jews even start retaliating in 1948. Arabs always start the fight and always lose and then cried like spoilt child :lol:

Ha ha more ignorance here Israel didnt even use nuclear in its war against arabs. In 1948, Israel dont even have enough guns not to talk of tanks and jet plane or helicopter. they were mostly civilian volunteers. While arabs have millions of soldiers, armed with tanks and the best weapons yet they got their sorry ass kicked by less than 50,000 jewish settlers volunteers who don't even have proper guns or training. Its truly a miracle, and God's interference. A further evidence that God wants the land to the people it promised. I love it when millions of arab soldiers fell infront of less than 50,000 israeli soldiers like a pack of cards. Its like reading a mythical comic stories :D.

If millions of arabs soldiers cannot defeat an infant jewish nation with less than 50,000 soldiers who don't have proper arms, they stand no chance in defeating israel in with now more than 100,000 soldiers. Perhaps, arabs are not man enough to be decent soldiers, me thinks as you talk about your gender confusion. LOL :D
meh, the israelis started those wars, so they can have the palestinians land for themselves. Them using high-tech weapons(even if they are not nuclear) that they begged america for, and using them against countries that dont have high-tech weapons, isnt really a fair game ;)

and talking about not being man enough, i wouldnt mention that if i were you, because you aryan, aint no man, with all your Britneyspears, yankeeChica, and indianPrincess accounts !!!! ROFL :rofl: :rofl:
and as old arnie says, "DONT BE A GIRLY MAN" ;)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
"- Israel illegally occupies the Palestinian peoples land. At the expense of displacing the Palestinian natives. Because of this over 5,000,000 Palestinians exist as refugees throughout the world. Why?
- Israel should not have been created. (The only basis for its creation was that they pointed at the bible, where it says they were promised that land. Well that's ridiculous, especially in the 20th century. Especially if you look closer, it says the Messiah is supposed to found the Jewish state. I wonder, was the British PM the messiah? (Good discussion.)
- Israel has international policies which are not acceptable. (Double-Standards.) This has been proved with their excessive force. Mainly which effects civilians."

Are these 3 issues your major gripes with Israel to discuss or should we also throw in that Zionists control the media so anything, but those groups that support Palestine, is just LIES!!!
i'd hate to break it to ya nathan, but it aint a lie ;)


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Not exactly a win of goal, not a lose, not a status quo but a complete hammering of lebs terrorists and destruction of terrorists infrastructure by israel therefore Israel Won.
they also destroyed a whole lot of other infratructures, innocent civilians, hospitals and airports. They killed many innocent civilians, and they were aiming at civilians, more then aiming at their enemy.

According to you fav source wikipedia, the israeli Air Force:

1- fired 2,500 shells
2- fired over 100,000 shells.
3- bombed parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure were destroyed
4- destroyed 400 miles of roads, 73 bridges.
5- destroyed Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport
6- destroyed ports, water and sewage treatment plants
7- bombed electrical facilities, 25 fuel stations
8- destroyed 900 commercial structures
9- destroyed 350 schools
10- destroyed two hospitals
11- completly destroyed 15,000 homes, and some 130,000 more homes were damaged.

This is what i managed to summerise, to read plenty more and to see my source, here you go (your fav source)->

- Israeli airstrikes hit an apartment building in Qana, killing at least 28 civilians, of which 16 were children, with 13 more missing

-Israeli commandos launched Operation Sharp and Smooth and landed in Baalbek and abducted five civilians

- the IAF attacked a building in the area of al-Qaa around 10 kilometers (six miles) from Hermel in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon.

-Thirty-three farm workers, mostly Syrian and Lebanese Kurds, were killed during the airstrike.

- the IAF attacked the Shiyyah suburb in the Lebanese capital of Beirut, destroying three apartment buildings in the suburb, killing at least 50 people.

once again, they were aiming at hezballah, but also, the civillians were seen to be the main targets too, since many civilians were so brutally killed



Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

MaNiElla said:
again, those 711000 were the number that left palestine between 1948-1950, during the palestinian exodus.

more palestinians were forced to leave their lands a result of the israeli massacres against them after 1950, and those numbers reached 4.9 million-5oooooo-7000000
Did you actually look at the dates Maniella? It says those 711000 were the number that left palestine between 1948-1950. Are you an idiot or something? Too late I already know the answer to that.

MaNiElla said:
its all israels fault that those poor, heart breaking, innocent palestinian children are now being born and raised in squalid refugee camps. if it wasnt for israel occupying thier land, those innocent bright palestinian kids would grow up to be doctors, scientists, and engineers.
ROFL,LMAO! You still believe that? These 'poor' Palestinians that you talk about rejected a state offered to them and launched a war against Israel with the help of the Arab countries. It was their fault that they have no state now. Even when Ehud Barak offered 97% of the West Bank, they still rejected it!

MaNiElla said:
and talking about piglets, i call the israeli soldiers sex crazed piglets, who run around chasing palestinian school girls. they sexually harras girls on their way to school, most palestinian school girls have to asscorted by foriegn peace-makers to protect them, from the israeli soldiers, who are thirsty to have a go on them, and prey on them.
"MachsomWatch—have come here to check on the case of a Palestinian girl who was allegedly sexually harassed for two hours this morning by Israeli soldiers at a checkpoint in Beit Hanina. The 16-year-old was on her way to her job as housekeeper in Jerusalem. On her way back, she stopped at the Women’s Center. Now the problem is to get the names of the soldiers, so that a complaint can be processed." Its not as if the army condones these behaviours.

I fail to see how this has anything to do with the IDF preying on them sexually.

I am going to reject this source, it is clearly biased which you continually told me was not allowed.

MaNiElla said:
haha, whats ironic is that your other folks here, where claiming that britian didnt help the zionists get israel, and that britian stranded them. Its a good thing that you admitted that zionists were promised the land by the U.N. At last one of your kind admitted it!!
As I have demonstrated many times with sources that are Jewish not Isreali, Britain was instrumental in stopping Jews from coming to Palestine. As well as this the only thing that Britain ever did was hand over the situation to the UN, they never created the land of Israel or helped the Zionists without helping the Arabs.

MaNiElla said:
meh, the israelis started those wars, so they can have the palestinians land for themselves. Them using high-tech weapons(even if they are not nuclear) that they begged america for, and using them against countries that dont have high-tech weapons, isnt really a fair game ;)
1948 started with the Arabs invading Isreal and Israel using inferior weapons beat the Arabs, nothing high tech there.

1967 started with the Egyptians blockading the straights (an act of war) and massing their army on the border of Israel and conducting cross border raids into Israel. The only thing high tech that the Israelis had were Mirages from France compared to the Soviet Fighter jets that Egyptians had.

1973 started by Syria and Egypt

1982 started by the PLO

First Intifada - started by the PLO

Second Intifada - Started by the PLO

Second Israeli-Hezbollah war - started by Hezbollah attacking and kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

Atilla89 said:
This is one of the few wars that Israel did not win. Yet Hezbollah did not win either. Both failed in their goals but if you think that Hezbollah won that war then I would hate to see what you would consider a loss. Just look at the deaths of Hezbollah and Israel and you will see the clear winner.
nope didnt say Hezballah won, i said Israel didnt win.

well all i know is that 1000+ civilians in Lebanon died, i think someone said in another thread that less than 200 Hezballah 'soldiers' whatever you want to call them died, and i cant remember the amount of Israeli soldiers who died...

So you support Hezbollah? Interesting, do you know that they are listed as a terrorist organisation in Australia and in many parts of the world? Did you know that actively (through the giving of money, weapons, etc) supporting them can get you arrested? Did you know that Hezbollah was indeed killing innocent civilians, destroying their homes, using Lebanese a human shields (hence the amount of Lebanese civilian deaths) and destroyed large forests in Israel? By your logic you should not be supporting them.
I only support people who are protecting the innocent. In Lebanon Hezballah were trying to protect the Lebs, and they were aiming at the Israeli soldiers when they did attack. But the Israeli soldiers, who seem to have the latest tech and were soo smart, who also happened to plan their attack, killed more civilians than 'terrorists'... dont give me the 'it was Hezballahs fault' crap. Everyone is responsible for their own crap, if Hezballah killed 100000+ innocents then its their fault, even if they were aiming at Israel ..its who you get thats the point

Read MaNiEllas post for more info

So you believe that what the UN decreed in 1948 was wrong? And that instead of the Arabs accepting land during that partition they were right to try and destroy Israel? Lol.
What did i say?

I said that i believe the land is supposed to be for Palestinians, so i dont care who i think is wrong.

Of coarse there was a motive for going to war. Did you forget that Hezbollah took hostages? Did you forget that it was Hezbollah who started this war? When in war do you not try and destroy the enemy?
Well they went to free the hostages, did they free them? They killed 1000+ innocent people just for 2 people? Do YOU think that is fine???

Hezballah may have kidnapped these soldiers but there were more than 1000 Arabs who Israel kidnapped, why sould they return these 2 when the Israelis wont return their people?

Think about it, they actually told the Israelis that they would give them back if their people were released, but i didnt see anyone released, did you?

Also the guys were kidnapped nobody in their right mind would kidnap a couple of soldiers, Israeli soldiers, and then reutrn them as soon as a war started, that is called stupid.

BTW do you consider Hezbollah a terrorist organisation or a resistance movement?
How should i know?

To me they are: a political party, but have killed innocent civilians.

Why dont we talk a bit more about Israel and them killing innocents aye?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
They destoryed the terrorists? By terrorists do you mean Hezballah who are still where Israel last left them? Or do you mean the 1000+ innocent civilians who died for no reason other than the fact that they didnt leave the country as an outsider ordered them to. THAT is terrorism!

They didnt get Hezballah, they didnt teach Hezballah a leason, and they didnt return their soldiers, now that does mean they didnt win.
Ha ha, its funny to see how these arabs deliberately exaggerate the number of palestinian refugees as well as civilian victims of last year's war. Some facts and figure for you : Hezbollah militia:

~250 (Hezbollah claim)[6]
≤500 (Lebanese officials' est.)[7]
~500 (UN officials' est.)[8]
~600 (IDF est.)
Captured: 13[10]
LCP militia: Dead: 12
PFLP-GC militia: Dead: 2
Amal militia: Dead: 17

Even your own Lebanese government said it is 500 terrorists are killed and that is conservative estimate. Even if Israel totally failed in everything else, killing 500+ muslim terrorists is a god damn success on all measure. 500+ terrorists died for their horrible crime and another 500+ civilians died because coward Hizbollah used them as shield to hide themselves from Israeli soldiers.

haha trying to mak me the one who's supporting terrorism are you?!

1-Hezballah aimed at the Israeli soldiers and their military
2-they even kidnapped two soldiers
3-Israeli soldiers were murdering young innocent children who had done nothing to deserve this, and they murdered women, and men. ALL these people were innocent
1. they aimed at Civilians it even killed their fellow arabs in israel by their rocket
2. israel killed 500+ terrorist and captured 13 hizbollah terrorists (more successful than just 2 captures by your heroes)
3.Their main weapon katushya rockets rarely succeeded in attacking IDF, They deliberately targeted civilian areas such as Haifa where there are no Soldiers, soldiers are inside lebanon but coward hizbollah terrorists decided to flee and fire rockets to civilians areas instead, killing innocent civilians including their fellow arabs in haifa. They don't even spare their folks.

yes you support hizbollah, you are supporting terrorist, According to Australian LAW:rofl:
During the war they were defending the civilians, so yes i wanted them to win, for the sake of these innocent people. If they were doing the same thing as the Israeli soldiers [killing hundreds of innocents, destroying homes and airports etc] then i wouldnt have supported them.
How do they protect their innocent citizens by invading Israel? They put palestinians and their own citizens at risk by invading Israel , because they lost all wars and therefore at the receving end of most destructions. Not only they deliberately targeted Israeli soldiers, most of those arabs countries are cruel to its own citizens.


THAT is EXACTLY what the Israeli soldiers did in Lebanon, so thank you for admitting that the Israeli soldiers who were taking orders from the Israeli gov are terrorists

Also i am safe, because i am living in Sydney, i've never been to the Middle East and when i do go it wont be to live there, only to visit.
And That is exactly palestinian terrorists have been doing ever since 1920, always attacking civilians while Israel killed only terrorists and civilians who were used as protection by coward terrorists. The world even condemned terrorists hiding behind those civilians. And Yes i know you are in Sydney, that is why you support terrorists and do not have the views as those of ordinary lebs or palestinians who live in danger, despite most lebanese wants their country free from terrorists hizbollah. Some even welcomed Israeli invasion.

Ha! I for one do believe Israel should belong to the Palestinians.

I didnt say it is it is right to destory the country, i said when going to war people have that in mind, but if they destroy half of it [Israel-Lebanon] then there is a motive, Lebanon was attacked, when? in their summer, which is usually when profit most, Israel destoryed many parts of Lebanon not to get rid of 'terrorists'

Read properly, dont assume.

Nice to see you're still here Aryan
No you do not want palestinians to have peace and freedom, you want them to use as slave in lebanon and to use them as terrorists to provoke Israel, thats why you opressed them and banished them in refugee camp. Stop pretending you care about them cause you don't.

I heard that you tremble in fear when someone mentioned Aryan, just like arabs countries trembled in fear when israel is mentioned :D
Maniella said:
they also destroyed a whole lot of other infratructures, innocent civilians, hospitals and airports. They killed many innocent civilians, and they were aiming at civilians, more then aiming at their enemy.

According to you fav source wikipedia, the israeli Air Force:

1- fired 2,500 shells
2- fired over 100,000 shells.
3- bombed parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure were destroyed
4- destroyed 400 miles of roads, 73 bridges.
5- destroyed Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport
6- destroyed ports, water and sewage treatment plants
7- bombed electrical facilities, 25 fuel stations
8- destroyed 900 commercial structures
9- destroyed 350 schools
10- destroyed two hospitals
11- completly destroyed 15,000 homes, and some 130,000 more homes were damaged.
Yes we noticed that Israel have advanced weapons and is effective in destroying infrastructure of its enemy. Those listed above are how successful Israeli forces are in destroying a country effectively controlled by Terrorists. They should have done more and turn the whole area into stone age. But unlike hizbollah terrorists they are not cruel soldiers, they are full of compassion, love and care towards civilians and always tried everything they can to protect civilians, only a few hundred civilians are killed, many of whom used as human shield by terrorists. On the Other hand, Hizbollah love to see as many civilians as possible dead, because they want to use as poster infront of TV cameras, they even staged fake photos with people pretending to be dead infront of TV LOL :rofl:

again, those 711000 were the number that left palestine between 1948-1950, during the palestinian exodus.

more palestinians were forced to leave their lands a result of the israeli massacres against them after 1950, and those numbers reached 4.9 million-5oooooo-7000000

its all israels fault that those poor, heart breaking, innocent palestinian children are now being born and raised in squalid refugee camps. if it wasnt for israel occupying thier land, those innocent bright palestinian kids would grow up to be doctors, scientists, and engineers.
711000 are refugees from israel, the rest products of palestinians banished in refugees camps who have nothing to do other than have sex and squeeze out children every year. Thats how one :apig: piglet became multipled into 7 :apig::apig::apig::apig::apig::apig::apig: piglets, that is they are multipled 7 times over just 50 years :rofl:

Even those 711,000 refugees left israel because arabs countries will not stop attacking israel and as a result of Arabs declaration of war against Israel palestinians have no options but leave as they were made enemy of israel by Lebs, Syrians and Egyptians, who wanted to create palestinian refuges so they can use them as slave (proven by the fact that 400,000 palestinians live in lebanon refugee camps in slave like condition)

and talking about piglets, i call the israeli soldiers sex crazed piglets, who run around chasing palestinian school girls. they sexually harras girls on their way to school, most palestinian school girls have to asscorted by foriegn peace-makers to protect them, from the israeli soldiers, who are thirsty to have a go on them, and prey on them.
Palestinian civilians especially women are safer at the hands of israeli soldiers that is complete stranger. They are persecuted by their own men as Amnesty International said
Amnesty International said:
The Palestinian Authority also comes in for heavy criticism in the report.
Amnesty say that violence against women, sex crimes and honour killings have increased in the last four and a half years whilst few of those responsible have been brought to justice.
"Palestinian women's suffering has been two-fold. They have borne the brunt of conflict and decades of Israeli occupation and in Palestinian society they are also denied full rights and protection," said Kate Allen of Amnesty International UK in a statement.
isnt it amazing despite 50 years of conflict there has not been a single instance in which a palestinian woman is raped by Israeli soldiers while Palestinian women constantly suffered rape, violence and even honour killing at the hands of their own family. I'd say Israeli soldier's conduct is PERFECT compared to all other countries especially when you compare just a few hundred thousand lebanese constantly terrorised australia a nation of 20 million with violent rape against women. They have nothing to complain against israeli soldier so much that Maniella had to make up lies such as Israeli soldiers raped palestinian boy ( you must remember this reflect prophet muhammad's paedophilia) in earlier post.
meh, the israelis started those wars, so they can have the palestinians land for themselves. Them using high-tech weapons(even if they are not nuclear) that they begged america for, and using them against countries that dont have high-tech weapons, isnt really a fair game ;)
yes simple Rifles and light machine guns which were in use since the first World War are advanced High Tech weapons LOL, Arabs have tanks, aeroplane, cannons i bet they don't even know how to use those . Thats probably why they fell like a pack of cards infront of heroic israeli soldiers :D Thank God for making those arabs stupid and incompetent and making Israeli's clever enough to use simple rifle and light machine guns :rofl:

and talking about not being man enough, i wouldnt mention that if i were you, because you aryan, aint no man, with all your Britneyspears, yankeeChica, and indianPrincess accounts !!!! ROFL :rofl: :rofl:
and as old arnie says, "DONT BE A GIRLY MAN" ;)
A ha ha, your Sam04u account and Mr Eazy are on leave while your bitchy Maniella and ShiftyQueen account are trolling, praising your own posts. Is that your feminine soft side? :eek:


Sep 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

shifty, hizballah fred katyusha rockets into the north of israel, not at the idf outposts. they fired at towns and cities, directly targeting civilians. the areas that they chose to fire from were specifically chosen becuase they were densely populated areas, so they could use the lebanese people they were "saving" as human shields.
Jul 22, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
Even your own Lebanese government said it is 500 terrorists are killed and that is conservative estimate. Even if Israel totally failed in everything else, killing 500+ muslim terrorists is a god damn success on all measure. 500+ terrorists died for their horrible crime and another 500+ civilians died because coward Hizbollah used them as shield to hide themselves from Israeli soldiers.
They aint 'my' Leb gov.

Why do you ALWAYS have to bring Islam into this?

They said 500 'terrorists' died, your point being?

1. they aimed at Civilians it even killed their fellow arabs in israel by their rocket
2. israel killed 500+ terrorist and captured 13 hizbollah terrorists (more successful than just 2 captures by your heroes)
3.Their main weapon katushya rockets rarely succeeded in attacking IDF, They deliberately targeted civilian areas such as Haifa where there are no Soldiers, soldiers are inside lebanon but coward hizbollah terrorists decided to flee and fire rockets to civilians areas instead, killing innocent civilians including their fellow arabs in haifa. They don't even spare their folks.

yes you support hizbollah, you are supporting terrorist, According to Australian LAW:rofl:
Man give me a headache everytime!!!

They even showed a video of the bom Hezballah lauched which hit some train which had something to do with Israeli bombs and weapons.

For the last damned time i dont support them, i only liked the fact that they were defending the Lebs, who your country happened to be killing.

How do they protect their innocent citizens by invading Israel? They put palestinians and their own citizens at risk by invading Israel , because they lost all wars and therefore at the receving end of most destructions. Not only they deliberately targeted Israeli soldiers, most of those arabs countries are cruel to its own citizens.
They aim at soliders the RIGHT thing to do when you're at war.

And That is exactly palestinian terrorists have been doing ever since 1920, always attacking civilians while Israel killed only terrorists and civilians who were used as protection by coward terrorists. The world even condemned terrorists hiding behind those civilians. And Yes i know you are in Sydney, that is why you support terrorists and do not have the views as those of ordinary lebs or palestinians who live in danger, despite most lebanese wants their country free from terrorists hizbollah. Some even welcomed Israeli invasion.
You're really testing me here. one more post and im going to click!

Why dont you just admit that Israel is NOT perfect, that the soldiers have killed thousands of innocents. HHezballah may have done the same, yes i already said that.

I dont support anyone for gods sake!!!!!!! Who the hell welcomed the Israeli invasions? What they told them 'yeah cuz come on, we like dont like these idiots, we would rather you be the ones who kill us' ? nobody wanted to die, yet they did die, it was Hezballahs fault to have stayed in Lebanon and let the people die, but it was the Israeli soldiers who did they killing.

No you do not want palestinians to have peace and freedom, you want them to use as slave in lebanon and to use them as terrorists to provoke Israel, thats why you opressed them and banished them in refugee camp. Stop pretending you care about them cause you don't.
I didnt oppress anyone! I didnt put them in camps.

If it were up to me they would be living in their own homes [the ones they lived in before Israel was 'created' or else, they would be living in a norm house, like nor people.

Why doesnt Israel help them? Why pretend its all coz of the Arabs? Why dont YOU help them?

I heard that you tremble in fear when someone mentioned Aryan, just like arabs countries trembled in fear when israel is mentioned :D
haha..i swear i was soo pissed off till i read this :eek:

A ha ha, your Sam04u account and Mr Eazy are on leave while your bitchy Maniella and ShiftyQueen account are trolling, praising your own posts. Is that your feminine soft side? :eek:

i dont praise anyones posts. And i have only ever spoken to MrEazy once in public in the othr Israel thread, as for Sam i said lol at one of his posts...omg im for Man.. my names heba not manal [if thats her name]..and you people may as well call me heba instead of shifty:)

you're soo stupid, and you actually believe you're onto something..

why dont you go back to Israel...and kill something or should i say, someone:rolleyes:

JayB i'll get back to you in an hour [prison break]


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

Ha ha, its funny to see how these arabs deliberately exaggerate the number of palestinian refugees as well as civilian victims of last year's war. Some facts and figure for you
It's funny how this "zionist imbecile" selectively quote sources, and then attacks others for looking at various reports.

Lets get some real facts about the War. Out of the 1,000 people that died in that war, 1/3 of all the casualties of the Israel-Lebanon war were children. You've read the reports of the Infrastructurial damage. You've read the reports of the attack on Qana and the Unifil building. Are you so naive as to say that was a succesful war?

Think about the "reasons" which the Israeli government stated were for the war. They were so incompetent as to accomplish none of what they set out to if you believe their statements. Instead they caused more "destruction" and "suport for Hezbollah" in Lebanon. If they cared so much for the Lebanese they would have contributed to the reconstruction, but they obviously did not. Instead Hezbollah was there cleaning the mess that the Israeli terrorists imposed.

Even your own Lebanese government
We're Australian citizens. I can't say the same for you, idiot.

Even if Israel totally failed in everything else, killing 500+ muslim terrorists is a god damn success
Israel are terrorists too. A terrorist state which did the following;
1- fired 2,500 shells
2- fired over 100,000 shells.
3- bombed parts of the Lebanese civilian infrastructure were destroyed
4- destroyed 400 miles of roads, 73 bridges.
5- destroyed Beirut's Rafic Hariri International Airport
6- destroyed ports, water and sewage treatment plants
7- bombed electrical facilities, 25 fuel stations
8- destroyed 900 commercial structures
9- destroyed 350 schools
10- destroyed two hospitals
11- completly destroyed 15,000 homes, and some 130,000 more homes were damaged.
Has no right to brag at managing to kill 200 Hezbollah soldiers who are fighting against an Illegal occupation.

terrorists died for their horrible crime
Are you seriously that daft? I've proven to you on several occasions that Israel is a terrorist state. You've proven it to us as well. By attacking civilians across the entire country, they've proven to be a terrorist state. A terrorist state hidden behind a democracy and a country of civilians, is more cowardly than a terrorist organisation which lives in its own country.

Israel killed only terrorists and civilians who were used as protection.
Qana was filled only with women and children. No terrorists hiding, no

I heard that you tremble in fear when someone mentioned Aryan
Lol, I don't know about her. But I burst into laughter when I hear somebody mention your name as Aryan. (For various reasons.)

Anyways quit deflecting the issue.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
nope didnt say Hezballah won, i said Israel didnt win.
You implied that Israel had lost. Don't twist your words around, it was obvious what you meant.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I only support people who are protecting the innocent.
In that case you should be supporting Israel because it them who told the Lebanese civilians when and where they were going to bomb.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
In Lebanon Hezballah were trying to protect the Lebs, and they were aiming at the Israeli soldiers when they did attack.
So according to you, using civilians as human shields is now protecting them? Niiice logic. BTW, it was a war between Hezbollah and Israel, not Lebanon and Israel.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
I said that i believe the land is supposed to be for Palestinians, so i dont care who i think is wrong.
Quite simply its not. Originally it was but they rejected it. Palestinians have never had any claim to the land, in fact the term Palestinian people came about in 1964. However I do recognise that these people need land, hence why Ehud Barak offered them 97% of the land. Guess who rejected that as well? The Palestinians.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Well they went to free the hostages, did they free them? They killed 1000+ innocent people just for 2 people? Do YOU think that is fine???
As well as that they killed some 500 terrorists. BTW, what did you expect Israel to do, say that it is ok to kidnap their soldiers?

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Hezballah may have kidnapped these soldiers but there were more than 1000 Arabs who Israel kidnapped, why sould they return these 2 when the Israelis wont return their people?

Think about it, they actually told the Israelis that they would give them back if their people were released, but i didnt see anyone released, did you?
You misunderstand the term terrorist. These people that Israel take are terrorists who want to kill innocents. I see nothing wrong with jailing people like that. BTW, why do you support giving back terrorists for soldiers? Giving back 100s of terrorists for 2 soldiers is not a good thing, ever.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Also the guys were kidnapped nobody in their right mind would kidnap a couple of soldiers, Israeli soldiers, and then reutrn them as soon as a war started, that is called stupid.
Using your logic, the same can be said for the land that Israel captured during the 6-day war. Returning it now after 2 major wars and 2 intifadas to an enemy would be stupid. THannks for reaffirming my position.

$hiftyIceQueen said:
To me they are: a political party, but have killed innocent civilians.
Therefore these people are terrorists since they have deliberatly attacked civilians and have glorified doing so. Happy?

$hiftyIceQueen said:
Why dont we talk a bit more about Israel and them killing innocents aye?
Why don't we talk about Israel regretting killing these civlians and then apoligising for doing so. Why don't we talk about Israel telling these civilians to get the hell out of the way while they kill terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah?


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

$hiftyIceQueen said:
They aint 'my' Leb gov.

Why do you ALWAYS have to bring Islam into this?

They said 500 'terrorists' died, your point being?
because Hizbollah and Islam cannot be differentiated, Hizbollah is a religious, political as well as militant organization. If you wan't me to stop bringing islam into the issue you may ask hizbollah to stop attacking civilians in the name of Allah, or Islam.

500 terrorists died, which means you lied by exaggerating the number of civilian casualty, becacuse only at most 1200 people are killed, including 500 terrorists yet you continued to claim 1000 civilians are killed. Contradicting your own lebanese government and UN sources, who were at the ground counting bodies while you are in Sydney.

Man give me a headache everytime!!!

They even showed a video of the bom Hezballah lauched which hit some train which had something to do with Israeli bombs and weapons.

For the last damned time i dont support them, i only liked the fact that they were defending the Lebs, who your country happened to be killing.
They aim at soliders the RIGHT thing to do when you're at war.
Some train? THERE IS NO TRAIN in israel lol:rofl: It had train service to Lebanon, Syria and Egypt now cut off by all arabs countries for almost 50 years.

If they were defending the lebs they wont be hiding behind them, they would go out near the border and fight against israelis, instead they ran away to beirut and other cities hiding behind civilians and fire rockets from residential areas. Thats not how you protect people. Israel protect its people by going to Lebanon and kill 500 terrorists who wanted to kill israeli civilians.

You're really testing me here. one more post and im going to click!

Why dont you just admit that Israel is NOT perfect, that the soldiers have killed thousands of innocents. HHezballah may have done the same, yes i already said that.
In terms of professional conduct they are perfect, their achievements are unrivalled and their skills are light years ahead of arabs soldiers.

I dont support anyone for gods sake!!!!!!! Who the hell welcomed the Israeli invasions? What they told them 'yeah cuz come on, we like dont like these idiots, we would rather you be the ones who kill us' ? nobody wanted to die, yet they did die, it was Hezballahs fault to have stayed in Lebanon and let the people die, but it was the Israeli soldiers who did they killing.
Yes we knew it too well, you support Hizbollah terrorists, because you do not live in lebanon and does not understand the massive destructions and miseries brought to lebanese by Hizbollah terrorists. Many Lebanese prefers israeli occupation over Hizbollah any day, read your fellow lebanese blogs here , how much they hated Hizbollah

Also here I'll post this later in a seperate post.
Obviously they would not wanted to be killed however, they blame Hizbollah for their misery more than they blamed Israel for killing their loved ones. They knew that Israel did not went there to kill for the past 6 years, and it would not unless Hizbollah deliberately started the war.

I didnt oppress anyone! I didnt put them in camps.

If it were up to me they would be living in their own homes [the ones they lived in before Israel was 'created' or else, they would be living in a norm house, like nor people.

Why doesnt Israel help them? Why pretend its all coz of the Arabs? Why dont YOU help them?
Lebanon does that. Oppress them, put them in prison like refugee camp for 50 long years! Israel helped palestinian who chose to to stay and trust Israel, it gave them citizenship and all rights equal to jews where as arabs countries refused them citizenship, banned them of all basic rights including health, and education.

Sam04u said:
It's funny how this "zionist imbecile" selectively quote sources, and then attacks others for looking at various reports.

Lets get some real facts about the War. Out of the 1,000 people that died in that war, 1/3 of all the casualties of the Israel-Lebanon war were children. You've read the reports of the Infrastructurial damage. You've read the reports of the attack on Qana and the Unifil building. Are you so naive as to say that was a succesful war?

Think about the "reasons" which the Israeli government stated were for the war. They were so incompetent as to accomplish none of what they set out to if you believe their statements. Instead they caused more "destruction" and "suport for Hezbollah" in Lebanon. If they cared so much for the Lebanese they would have contributed to the reconstruction, but they obviously did not. Instead Hezbollah was there cleaning the mess that the Israeli terrorists imposed.
I laugh at your choice of words apparently trying to call zionist fools. The fact is zionists apparently out classed and outwitted arabs on all fields. But hey if it makes you feel better L:D

From Wiki:
  • The Kuwait Times reported that Hezbollah has buried over 700 fighters with more to follow, August 30.[52]
  • The Australian reports that Israel has the names of over 430 Hezbollah fighters it killed and estimates total Hezbollah dead at over 800, August 29.(Abraham Rabinovich recently reported in the Washington Times on Sept. 27 that Israel now had 532 names.)
Now thats what I call succesful war against terrorists ;)

Oh those civllians, poor civillians but hey according to UN reported by AP "
Upon his visit to Lebanon, United Nations Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland accused Hezbollah of "cowardly blending ... among women and children. I heard they were proud because they lost very few fighters and that it was the civilians bearing the brunt of this. I don't think anyone should be proud of having many more children and women dead than armed men."
This is exactly the reason why Lebanese in Lebanon hates Hizbollah.

Are you seriously that daft? I've proven to you on several occasions that Israel is a terrorist state. You've proven it to us as well. By attacking civilians across the entire country, they've proven to be a terrorist state. A terrorist state hidden behind a democracy and a country of civilians, is more cowardly than a terrorist organisation which lives in its own country.
No you have not proven anything. Israel merely delivers what terrorists asked for. Plus, Israel is not on the list of terrorists by Australian Government whose laws you pledged to obey and respect as a condition of your citizenship.

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