Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)


Nov 29, 2005
WOW Sam04u = the epitomy of an islmic extremist, living by the notion of the Jews trying to take over the tell you write now mate the jews could take over the world in a second!!! look at all the top 200 rich lists accross the aus we probably have 50 jews in it!!! and thats from a group of people who consititue 0.2% of the world's population!!
i hope you get some help, i really do! i hope you meet a Jew so that maybe your dillusional notions of Israel and the Jews can chnage...and YES Jews do feel sorry for the loss on both side BUT NEVER NEVER for the governments decisions!!! there are a small minority of people who dont agree (and for the first time in a long time both the Jews and Israelis have been united in this war...the first time since the Disengagment from Gaza)
(as for that Rabbi, i have consulted many religious Jews and they were shocked at the notion!! they belive tha group is a small minority and their thought are not shared accross the religious community)
you know what scares me, is that in our own Austrlia many Jewish and Muslim leaders had strong interfaith connections but now theyhave cut these connections (from the Muslim side) with carious comments on whats hapopening with one ven comparing Israel to the Nazis..

the problem with this war: israel is trying to DEFEND itself from threats and attacks. hezbollah and hamas are these threats and attacks. syria and iran is funding and supporting these groups. yesterday the iranian announced (in a meeting with many muslim countries) that the only solution to this problem is to wipe out israel.
hmm now lets make the connection...
iran (the ones that want israel wiped out) fund hezbollah (the ones that want the jews wiped out) and syria is so far up iran's ass they coming out of its mouth and basically saying the same thing
all of this equals why israel must defend itself!!!


Nov 29, 2005
codereder said:
I think its more to do with politics then religion. cant you see why they would hate USA and Israel??
i would actually love it to be political...seeing as Israel comprises of many religions and not just Judaism...but when Nasrallah and Ahmebadjan refer to this rather as a war against the Zionist Regime or the Jews it in fact becomes religion based...unofortunately

The core of terroirsm is "occupied palestine", they fight for the "arab land" back.
what arab land back?????????? israel was BOUGHT and then it was still occupied by Britan and THEN it was voted a country in the UN!!!!!


Feb 2, 2005
jenzipoo said:
i would actually love it to be political...seeing as Israel comprises of many religions and not just Judaism...but when Nasrallah and Ahmebadjan refer to this rather as a war against the Zionist Regime or the Jews it in fact becomes religion based...unofortunately

what arab land back?????????? israel was BOUGHT and then it was still occupied by Britan and THEN it was voted a country in the UN!!!!!
Israel mostly consists of Jews, just like how iran mostly consists of shittes, then sunnies and then christians - oh wait yes there are christians there too.,

Iran and Syria will never change their stance against Israel, after past events and now recent events - its not gonna happen. Even by force after all the wars fought nothing has changed.

But as Mel Gibson said - about the jews that statement is about 95% correct inmy opinion. WWI was the foundation - there was no need for state of ISrael at the time. WWII basically started it all - hitlers fault of course but then the jews capitalised on it.- a reason to create to state of israel.


Nov 29, 2005
HotShot said:
Israel mostly consists of Jews, just like how iran mostly consists of shittes, then sunnies and then christians - oh wait yes there are christians there too.,

Iran and Syria will never change their stance against Israel, after past events and now recent events - its not gonna happen. Even by force after all the wars fought nothing has changed.

But as Mel Gibson said - about the jews that statement is about 95% correct inmy opinion. WWI was the foundation - there was no need for state of ISrael at the time. WWII basically started it all - hitlers fault of course but then the jews capitalised on it.- a reason to create to state of israel.
20% of Israel's population comprises of israeli arabs..

yes iran and syria will never chnage their stance but that doesnt mean israel will standby and let some idiots who can actually think they can add the title of president next to their name, aid and fund radical islamic extremists try and destory a state which has fought long and hard for its existence!!

but as mel gibson fucking idiot!!! how can you quote a drunken idiot like that, who in fact states that his own religion is against racism of the sort but i guess we see his true notions now as well as yours..
how dare you bring your stupid consiparices here about the jews and them trying to take over the world or starting everything!! in every country jews have ever lived they have stuck to their own and not got into any trouble...they have been expelled they have been attacked and dont you EVER and i mean EVER say that the jews brought upon WW2 and the Holocaust!!! how dare your sick perverted mind think that this was one big conspiracy by the you think they gain some sort of pleasure by killing 6 million of their own???? do you think the 6 million was the big price they decided to pay for israel?? your fuckin off your rocker!!

the jews are the worlds longest lasting relgion and every country theyve lived in they been expelled, pogroms, crusades and attacked etc but throughout all of this they have been the longest lasting group of keep thinking your sick little thoughts but the jews and israel are going no where!!
Aug 13, 2004
- The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights claims that Israel's actions in Lebanon could lead to the prosecution of its military commanders. A statement was issued suggesting that the failure to spare civilians is a clear violation of international criminal law.

- Human Rights Watch claims that Israel has used artillery-fired cluster munitions in populated areas of Lebanon. Researchers on the ground in Lebanon confirmed that a cluster munitions attack on the village of Blida on July 19 killed one and wounded at least 12 civilians, including seven children. Human Rights Watch researchers also photographed cluster munitions in the arsenal of Israeli artillery teams on the Israel-Lebanon border.

- Human Rights Watch claims that Israel may be guilty of war crimes, citing: the destruction of about 60% of a nine square blocks area of southern Beirut composed mostly of apartment buildings, attacks on the village of Srifa, in which 10 houses were destroyed and at least 42 civilians killed, attacks on a vehicle of villagers fleeing Marwaheen, in which 16 civilians were killed. All these events took place despite the alleged absence of legitimate military target in sight.

- Blackened bodies of children and civilians are showing up in hospitals with no sign of being burnt (hair is still present) indicating that Israel is using weapons with toxic material. Tests indicate the presence of an unidentified chemical substance. The Human Rights Watch is still to verify whether Israel is using phosphorus in their weapons.

- Amnesty International has denounced "blatant" violations of international law and called on the UN to deploy an immediate fact-finding mission to investigate attacks against civilians and other breaches of international law.

- Amnesty International has also called for an arms embargo on Israel and Hezbollah amidst concerns on the transfer of weapons from the US to Israel, via Britain

Infrastructure, Economical and Industrial Toll (overall losses valued at more than 2 billion dollars)

- Air, sea and terrestrial blockade
- Bombing of the Beirut International Airport
- Bombing of the Rayak military airport and Qaleiat domestic airport
- Bombing of the ports of Beirut, Jounieh, Tripoli and Tyr
- Bombing of the roads from Beirut to Damascus
- Destruction of at least 5000 private homes and residential buildings in villages in the south of Lebanon, in the south of Beirut and in the Christian center of Beirut, Achrafieh
- Bombing of hundreds of firms and industrial factories (losses valued at more than 150 million dollars)
- Destruction of the main Lebanese milk factory, « Liban LAIT », of a tissue paper factory, a bottle factory, a packaging firm and a wood plant
- Bombing of food and humanitarian trucks
- Destruction of all the main bridges (at least 100 bridges, most of them newly built, including Mdairej bridge, the highest one in the Middle East, which cost an estimated 44 million dollars), dams and overpasses
- Destruction of more than 600km of roads (many in the south, making it impossible for civilians to flee their villages)
- Bombing of religious symbols: Imam Ali mosque (Baalbeck), prayer centers and Greek orthodox church
- Bombing of most power plants, power stations, sewage plants, water facilities, fuel stations and transport trucks
- Bombing of the historical port of Byblos resulting in a huge oil spill
- Destruction of the historical headlight of Manara
- Bombing 300 meters away from the World Heritage site of Baalbeck's ancient Roman temples of Jupiter and Bacchus, the largest ever and best preserved temples which carry the six highest Roman columns in the world.
- Bombing of Lebanese military barracks and radar installations which are not supposed to be weakened or involved in the fight
- Bombing of the telecommunication infrastructure (losses valued at more than 15 million dollars): mobile networks of Faraya, Jounieh, Zghorta (in the Christian areas), radio antennas, TV stations LBC and Manar
- Biggest ecological crisis ever in the Mediterranean resulting from the bombing of the Jiyeh power plant: 10,000 to 15,000 tonnes of oil have spilled into the sea, affecting not only 1/3 of the Lebanese coast, its sea life and marine ecosystem (including the endangered green turtle), but also the coasts of Cyprus, Syria, Turkey, Greece and Israel. This oil spill is of the size of the Erika oil spill that affected Spain and France but its impact more serious considering that it is not an open ocean as with the Erika oil spill.
- In 18 days, all 15 years of reconstruction efforts have been shattered. Lebanon's fragile democracy is now the weakest it's ever been, both in its ability to function and in the eyes of its people, thanks to Israeli aggression.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
If you're going to paraphrase the arguments of a third party, you have to provide some sort of link/reference so that those reading your post may be able to read the original statements for themselves.
Last edited:


Jul 2, 2004
sam04u said:
The Dream ended everything else after that seemed hazy. I don't think the dream is of any significance accept It may have implied that 'deep-down' the Jewish people may genuinely feel sorry for the loss of innocent lives. (In a way, they stole land and have nowhere else to go. If the arabs push them out of the stolen land they'll have no other place to go. ) I tryed to understand the implications of the dream It made me try to be more considerate to the other side of the conflict untill I switched the television on. (99% of the Jewish population in Israel support the Israeli led attack on Lebanon. )
I dont believe Jews living outside Israel should feel guilty that the Palestinians were displaced. As a Jew i believe its wrong to displace people but i feel i have no obligation to apologise. On the other hand I am sorry for Indigenous Australians who had their land stolen from them, faced discrimination and were forced to assimilate. I also believe young Germans shouldnt feel responsbile or guilty for the holocaust, however, they should learn about it so anything similar (to people of any nationality, religion, etc) can never happen again.

The majority of Israelis do support the operations in Lebanon but most are saddened by the loss of civilian life in Lebanon. Only a minority of Israeli Jews (i think less than 10%) rejoice when innocent Arabs are killed. Hundreds of Israelis marched around Tel Aviv demanding the Israeli operations to stop. Thousands of Israelis would want the violence to stop immediately.

I am worried about this strong anti-Israel bias in the Muslim world. Yes, Israel does overact on many occasions but a large proportion of Muslims have no sympathy for Israelis at all. I blame the fact that the media in the Muslim world is very biased and that they are of the same religion. You cannot blame Jews as a whole for the actions of Israel. Many Jews and Jewish organisations have no affiliation with Israel or Zionism. Now theres news of some Islamic Extemists from Indonesia are targeting Jewish targets in the west.


Feb 2, 2005
yes iran and syria will never chnage their stance but that doesnt mean israel will standby and let some idiots who can actually think they can add the title of president next to their name, aid and fund radical islamic extremists try and destory a state which has fought long and hard for its existence!!
and u expect others to standby and watch israel invade lebanon?

but as mel gibson fucking idiot!!! how can you quote a drunken idiot like that, who in fact states that his own religion is against racism of the sort but i guess we see his true notions now as well as yours..
I have always disliked jews i think most people on this forum know that. i dont see anything wrong in not liking someting - i dont like spaghetti so what? but i do no discriminate against them. in the sense if i needed food desperately a jew offered me food first i wouldnt refuse it.

how dare you bring your stupid consiparices here about the jews and them trying to take over the world or starting everything!! in every country jews have ever lived they have stuck to their own and not got into any trouble...they have been expelled they have been attacked and dont you EVER and i mean EVER say that
never mentioned any conspiracy as such in this thread.

the jews brought upon WW2 and the Holocaust!!! how dare your sick perverted mind think that this was one big conspiracy by the you think they gain some sort of pleasure by killing 6 million of their own???? do you think the 6 million was the big price they decided to pay for israel?? your fuckin off your rocker!!
never said that either- what i said is that they use the holocaust as an excuse for the creation of the state of israel. they use it as a reason to do things. WWI was the foundation with sykes-picot agreement which was a secret dealing excluding the arabs... then in WWII hitler... this gave the oppurinity for the jews to claim they needed a place of their own to live in?..
the jews are the worlds longest lasting relgion and every country theyve lived in they been expelled, pogroms, crusades and attacked etc but throughout all of this they have been the longest lasting group of keep thinking your sick little thoughts but the jews and israel are going no where!!
i dont think thats through, i think hinduism is by far older.. not sure i am sure
Current archeaological and literary evidence suggests that Hinduism was formed somewhere between 1500-1300 BCE, based on the composition of the Rig Veda.

Astronomical evidence gives an earlier date of approximately 3102 BCE. It comes from close examination of the Mahabharata, where the exact positions of the stars were noted at Sri Krishna's birth. Hindus believe Krishna was born 5000 years ago, and using the star locations in the Mahabharata, the exact year was 3102 BCE. Sri Rama, according to the Ramayana, lived around 5000-6000 BCE. These dates are seen as being unlikely by secular historians.

i dont think jews were the only religion to be proscuted in the past many were. i think the jews were relatively under good cirucmstances until the holocaust. of course russia didnt particularly like them at all.

but just out of curiosity- if your claims are true? why do ppl dislike jews so much? if 6 million were wiped and many more in the past?
Jul 22, 2006
withoutaface said:
Hezbollah want to destroy Israel, and if this is the mainstream muslim view then unfortunately Islam is, in my view, a disgusting religion.
wtf r u go bout??????

1st off israel is the one that keeps kidnapping the leb CIVILIANS
then then kill the palestinians
and they get their weapons from usa
they say iran + syria are terrorist countries coz "theyre giving weapons to lebanon"
hezballah takes two israelis soldiers
israel think theyre better then vry1 else n that they r allowed to kidnap ppl from other countries but no1s allowed to kidnap their ppl

if hezballah want to destroy israel its coz of israel ....nothing happens for no reason......

and the ONLY reason hezballah hates israel is coz of wat theyre doin to their country and the ppl

now if u seem to think that this is ok and that i hav a problem with wanting israel to stop killin innocent civilians and that i want them out of the country...

also u seem to thinkthat hezballah want to destroy israel....ok ...wat exactly would u call wat israel is doing to lebanon and palestine?????????
Jul 22, 2006
vry1 is sayin that iran + syria are giving the weapons and stuff to lebanon [hezballah] ok thats fine y arent u sayin anything bout how usa is giving israel weapons to destroy lebanon

and they keep saying that its to destroy hezballah howeva its clearly obvious that more then half of lebanon has been destroyed so may time coz of israel


Feb 2, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
vry1 is sayin that iran + syria are giving the weapons and stuff to lebanon [hezballah] ok thats fine y arent u sayin anything bout how usa is giving israel weapons to destroy lebanon

and they keep saying that its to destroy hezballah howeva its clearly obvious that more then half of lebanon has been destroyed so may time coz of israel
adding -

USA is also givin the support to Israel to kill innocent people in Lebanon.


Nov 29, 2005
HotShot said:
and u expect others to standby and watch israel invade lebanon?
i do not want any one to standby...i belive we all have our own opinions and should express them..
but please do make the contrast here of the differing opbjectives of both sides..israel does NOT want the muslims or lebanese wiped off this plant but they do want hezbollah disarmed
hezbollah (along with other extremists - including various countries) want the total destruction of the state

I have always disliked jews i think most people on this forum know that. i dont see anything wrong in not liking someting - i dont like spaghetti so what? but i do no discriminate against them. in the sense if i needed food desperately a jew offered me food first i wouldnt refuse it.
before i start ranting about my own personal views i would really love to know why you hate them? is it a generational concept and ideology that has been instilled in you and you really have no sound basis on it or true knowledge or motive...or did they do something to you?

never mentioned any conspiracy as such in this thread.
o but u surely werent implying it..cmonn im not stupid

never said that either- what i said is that they use the holocaust as an excuse for the creation of the state of israel. they use it as a reason to do things. WWI was the foundation with sykes-picot agreement which was a secret dealing excluding the arabs... then in WWII hitler... this gave the oppurinity for the jews to claim they needed a place of their own to live in?..
the notion and devlopment of the idea of the state of israel was way before the holocaust!!
such events like the holocaust called for the need of the jewish state but the land was promised to the jews in where near the holocaust
it all started with the dreyfus affair with a journalist at alfred dryefus' trial (theadore herzl) witnessed the prejudiced, degrading treatment to which dreyfus was subjected which reconnected him to his jewish identity he set out on a quest to establish a jewish state...whereby jews would not have to suffer such prejudices in countries such as France (where the "trial" occured)

the second wave of jews immigrated to the land now called israel from 1905 until the break out of world war 1 (with the first group embarking form russia escaping the pogroms!)
pre nazi germnay yet again led to another wave of immigration..
the jews wer ein israel before ww1 and before ww2 and the desire to gain a state was fueled by the holocaust and a need to centuries of suffering in other countries to come to an end!!

i dont think jews were the only religion to be proscuted in the past many were. i think the jews were relatively under good cirucmstances until the holocaust. of course russia didnt particularly like them at all.

but just out of curiosity- if your claims are true? why do ppl dislike jews so much? if 6 million were wiped and many more in the past?
hmm lets see a summarised version of jewish persecution: period of greek rule (and the detsruction of the first temple), the period of roman rule (and the destruction of the second temple), the intorudction of feudalism in the middle ages and the persucation fo jews by the hierarchy and the catholic church, the crusades (1905-1192), 1290 explusion from england, dresscodes in 1215, establishment of the ghetto after the black death, the spanish expulsion, expulsion from portugal, estblishment of ghettos accross europe, the pale of settlement and the pogroms of russia, the damascus libel, the holocaust - and i could list the many wars israel has fought (and won) if i was going to follow people's paths of confusing israel with the jews

you tell me why people dislike jews so much?? youre one of those people so im asking you..
because i sure as hell cant see it


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
wtf r u go bout??????
more like wtf are u on about

1st off israel is the one that keeps kidnapping the leb CIVILIANS
then then kill the palestinians
and they get their weapons from usa
they say iran + syria are terrorist countries coz "theyre giving weapons to lebanon"
hezballah takes two israelis soldiers
israel think theyre better then vry1 else n that they r allowed to kidnap ppl from other countries but no1s allowed to kidnap their ppl
please show me proof where israel has 'kidnapped' lebanese civilians..
and when saying they kill palestinians please differ whom they target...because theyre killing hamas and islamic jihad leaders...they dont go on a hunting spree for innocent civilians saying woop dee this is fun..but keep dreaming..
they say these countries promote and fund terrorism..
these countries outright deny another countries right to exist!??!?! usa does not deny any countries right to exist!! theyve been giving israel weopns for years because they recognise (through many generations and presidents) tyhat israel is a small minrority in an arab dominated middle east and needs to protect itself (and it has shown in israel many wars!)

if hezballah want to destroy israel its coz of israel ....nothing happens for no reason......

and the ONLY reason hezballah hates israel is coz of wat theyre doin to their country and the ppl
yes hebzollah was established in the wake of the israeli invasion...BUT they thrived off the notion of killing the jews and detsroying the land of israel...because...and i will repeat for the slow in the forum...THEY DO NOT BELIIEVE ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO EXIST


Nov 29, 2005
HotShot said:
adding -

USA is also givin the support to Israel to kill innocent people in Lebanon.
o i am dyign to see this..
please please show me where usa told israel "go kill those innocent lebanese people...we need it cmon...its good for all of us...kill them all"

but what i can sure as hell show you is iran's declaration that the only solution to this war is the total destrcution of the zionist regime and to wipe israel off the map


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
jenzipoo said:
20% of Israel's population comprises of israeli arabs..
They're the the group which are 'neglected' by the jewish government.

jenzipoo said:
how dare you bring your stupid consiparices here about the jews and them trying to take over the world or starting everything!!
I think you'll find their involvement as spies to the MI6 during WW1, and their firm grip on the world economies is proof that they're trying to 'take over the world'

jenzipoo said:
In every country jews have ever lived they have stuck to their own and not got into any trouble...they have been expelled they have been attacked and dont you EVER and i mean EVER say that the jews brought upon WW2 and the Holocaust!!! how dare your sick perverted mind think that this was one big conspiracy by the jews!!
I don't think they planned the Holocaust, and I feel sorry for what happened to the Jews in the second world war. But, It's not my second countries fault. Lebanon and Palestine didn't do anything to the Jews It's not our fault that the holocaust happened to them or that they were PERSECUTED and expelled from over 82 countries between 252BC - 1949BC. They had a right to live in Lebanon and Israel and were treated equally. (I don't think that meant there would be
'temples' built by the government which Isn't fair. But I think they could have managed to build their own temples and such. )

Lebanon and Palestine never persecuted the Jews. The Jews persecuted Lebanon and Palestine and I don't think you guys understand that.
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
more like wtf are u on about

please show me proof where israel has 'kidnapped' lebanese civilians..
and when saying they kill palestinians please differ whom they target...because theyre killing hamas and islamic jihad leaders...they dont go on a hunting spree for innocent civilians saying woop dee this is fun..but keep dreaming..
they say these countries promote and fund terrorism..
these countries outright deny another countries right to exist!??!?! usa does not deny any countries right to exist!! theyve been giving israel weopns for years because they recognise (through many generations and presidents) tyhat israel is a small minrority in an arab dominated middle east and needs to protect itself (and it has shown in israel many wars!)

yes hebzollah was established in the wake of the israeli invasion...BUT they thrived off the notion of killing the jews and detsroying the land of israel...because...and i will repeat for the slow in the forum...THEY DO NOT BELIIEVE ISRAEL HAS THE RIGHT TO EXIST
dude u dont know wat ur talkin bout!!!!!!!
also dont go on bout things from ur israelis sites etc

israel is a country which is based on terrorisim

and if all the ppl in it are lik u then god help lebanon [not israel even though he aint gonna help the yahud nywayz]
Jul 22, 2006
jenzipoo said:
o i am dyign to see this..
please please show me where usa told israel "go kill those innocent lebanese people...we need it cmon...its good for all of us...kill them all"

but what i can sure as hell show you is iran's declaration that the only solution to this war is the total destrcution of the zionist regime and to wipe israel off the map
the best thing ive ever heard from u

go get evidence that all those bombs in israel are from iran n syria [israeli spoks ppl aint counted]


Nov 29, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
dude u dont know wat ur talkin bout!!!!!!!
also dont go on bout things from ur israelis sites etc

israel is a country which is based on terrorisim

and if all the ppl in it are lik u then god help lebanon [not israel even though he aint gonna help the yahud nywayz]
Shame Shifty im going to take a moment to laugh at your lack of knoweledge.

Israel is yes based on Jewish foundations, Judaism values life more then anything, terrorism involves taking lives, israel doeant AIM to kill, unlike popular belief on this forum.
Jenzipoo seems to know what she is talking about alot more then you, atleast shes baking up her statements not pulling crap out of nowhere and just being daft.
Oh and atleast she can spell.


Nov 29, 2005
sam04u said:
They're the the group which are 'neglected' by the jewish government.
o are u o so very wrong! israel guarantees (in its declaration fo independence) that its ogvernment will be "for the benefit of all its inhabitants; it will eb based on freedom, justice, peace, equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irresepctive of religion, race or sex, freedom of religion, conscience, language, education and culture"
Israeli arabs have equal rights as citizens, including voting and representation in the parliament. they have freedom of expression, religion and press (very unique int he middle east

prove to me your lucid argument...please im dying to hear it...coz i sure as hell didnt see it when iw as there!

I think you'll find their involvement as spies to the MI6 during WW1, and their firm grip on the world economies is proof that they're trying to 'take over the world'
o deary deary me...go back to sleep...your dreams are better
do not confuse the advancement of the jews in every aspect of humanity and society as an attempt and bid to take over the world..because i tell you now, they could have done it ages ago if they wanted to
what a pathetic ploy on your behalf...go back to your hole

I don't think they planned the Holocaust, and I feel sorry for what happened to the Jews in the second world war. But, It's not my second countries fault. Lebanon and Palestine didn't do anything to the Jews It's not our fault that the holocaust happened to them or that they were PERSECUTED and expelled from over 82 countries between 252BC - 1949BC. They had a right to live in Lebanon and Israel and were treated equally. (I don't think that meant there would be
'temples' built by the government which Isn't fair. But I think they could have managed to build their own temples and such. )
no ti not their fault...and i didnt say it was i was merely reffering to hotshit's statment that the jews have been treated pretty fairly accross the ages..
dno what your on baout the temples...but it all has nothing to do with my argument on the war at the moment..its about the jews not israel

Lebanon and Palestine never persecuted the Jews. The Jews persecuted Lebanon and Palestine and I don't think you guys understand that.
please do not bring your antisemitism into this...the jews are not israel...israel is a country
that is your perception not mine..

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