Israel attacks Lebanon (2 Viewers)


Oct 13, 2004
I was taking a shot at people that cry 'anti-semetism' when people dont agree with Israel.

It shows how stupid it can be


Oct 13, 2004
Aryanbeauty said:
No it dont
Thanks for agreeing

Yes, 500+ hizbollah terrorists are killed and they lost their sovereignty over South Lebanon.
Not destroyed

To a certain degree yes, it wanted Israel out of reach of hizbollah rockets and removal of Hizbollah rule over south lebanon which is achieved.
To every other degree NO.

The points you mentioned were resolved by the U.N resolution, not Israel. It showed diplomacy was the way to go in the beginning, instead they chose to throw a tantrum.

Yes the last rockets fired by Hizbollah cant reach israel because Israel succeeded in pushing them north up to 20 miles.
Israel didnt force them, thats the point. Diplomacy did this

Yes it shows that it will not be intimidated nor subjected to blackmail, it shows its strength and is wiling to fight any time anywhere.
Basically the whole world was against their attacks, protests around the world were staged against Israels war

Yes, with a killing ratio of 1:10 it is indeed the best soldiers in the world
They faced resistance by a guerilla organisation and retreated twice.

Killing civilians doesnt win wars

Yes , Israel complied with the latest UN resolution by observing ceasfire

The U.N took too long to act because of the stubborness of the U.S

It is not Israel's burden to make US task easy, the war does not change how arabs viewd US. They always hated US policy no matter what.
Israel has dragged the U.S name in the mud because of this. Because of Israel the Bush administration wont be trusted in the ME

yes, the last rounds of hizbollah rockets failed to reach Israel, thats the main threat for Israel up until now. If there was no deterrence surely all arab/islamic countries will declare war against israel. They've always been defeated in all wars that is why none of them dare to fight Israel again. They choose to fight through a terrorist organisation hiding behind civillians.
Olmert showed what a weak leader he is, he went in with a bad plan, he was too inexperienced.

They didnt achieve their goals because of this. Everyone is giving him shit because of this

Its not about what they think, it is about what happen on the ground and what have been achieved. Unlike arabs israelis value life, losing a single soldier for somepeople means they lost everything. They set high standard for winning a war, they did not claim win for just fighting. For Hizbollah, the mere fight against Israel is a victory (according to you) no matter how many men/civillian/territories/infrastructure lost.
Its because they didnt achieve their objectives, diplomacy was they way to go from the start.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Diplomacy did not stop rockets from reaching israel, the distance prevented rockets from reaching Israel as israel succeeded in pushing them north up to 20 miles.

The war was not decided by israel, it was forced on them by Hizbollah.

Israel withdrew from Lebanon because it dont want lebanese land. You were asking , crying and begging Israel to withdraw from Lebanon and then tell us Israel withdrew because of Hizbollah? :D It's definitely not because of Hizbollah but because of consideration of UN resolution.

When was Bush trusted in the Middle East ? Since when Israel is responsible for US foreign policy?

Every war is protested, does not mean they dont support Israel or support Hizbollah. In fact, the Govt of Australia support Israel :D

The weakness and of Olmert does not stop Israel from reaching litani river in lebanon which was their aim.

Sorry, you will not blackmail Israel by kidnapping soldiers and then demanding diplomacy so that you wont suffer casualties :D

The war is won, the objectives are not yet completely achieved . Time will tell as UN Troops and Lebanese Army moves into South Lebanon. World War 1 was called a war to end all wars. Its objectives failed however it was still won by Allied nations.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Aryan a few questions for you;

1. Does Israel accept that they've violated over 7-8 Human Rights with the invasion of Lebanon and tactical bombings?

2. Does Israel take responsibility for the loss of life?

3. Does the Israeli Defence Forces accept that they killed mainly civilians and no more than 200 Hezbollah soldiers, and little impact on Hezbollah's ability to attack which was seen throughout the war?

4. Does Israel know that they've once again become a more hated country in the Middle East, which will gurantee terrorist attacks and racism throughout Lebanese and Israeli communities?

5. Do the Israelis know that they've ruined their neighbours country to prove a point? That they're militarily ineffective in ground combat, intelligence, and tactical bombing?
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Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Why is your name Aryanbeuty, when the groups or individuals that promote Aryan pride are anti-semitic?


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Since you specifically ask me so I'll reply one by one with the best of my knowlege.

1. Does Israel accept that they've violated over 7-8 Human Rights with the invasion of Lebanon and tactical bombings?

With Every war and every death of civilians, human rights notably right to live are violated. You can ask the same question to Hizbollah whether they accept that they violate human rights for indiscriminate firing 4000+ rockets to Israel and killing civlians.

2. Does Israel take responsibility for the loss of life?

Does Hizbollah take responsibility for the loss of life?

3. Does the Israeli Defence Forces accept that they killed mainly civilians and no more than 200 Hezbollah soldiers, and little impact on Hezbollah's ability to attack which was seen throughout the war?

No, they accept that they kiled 500+ hizbollah fighters and the rest are civillians caught in crossfire, unfortunately for the civilians ;hizbollah hide behind civilians and always try to use the death of civilian as propaganda machine. Actually israel succeeded in Hizbollah ability to fire rickets into israel as evident from the last round of rockets which fall inside lebanon. As long as Hizbollah cant fire rockets into Israel, civilians can rest in peace, they have nothing to fear and that was the main aim of Israel.

4. Does Israel know that they've once again become a more hated country in the Middle East, which will gurantee terrorist attacks and racism throughout Lebanese and Israeli communities?

Whether Israel invade or not, Arabs hate non arabs as always, muslims hate non muslims, even their holybook encourage to kill all non muslims. All arab countries expelled jews from their territories since 1948, Israel have more than 1.5 million arabs in its territories and another 3.5 million more in gaza and west bank? Tell me who is more tolerant of eachother or racist; arabs or jews? :D

5. Do the Israelis know that they've ruined their neighbours country to prove a point? That they're militarily ineffective in ground combat, intelligence, and tactical bombing?

Yes ruining hizbollah infrastructure was their aim and it shows their strength and power unrivalled by any arab nations. If they are so ineffective they will not reach 20 miles inside lebanon and they will not kill 500+ terrorists.

Finally, to the guy who asked me is I am Aryan white supremacist. I suggest you go to dictionary/encyclopedia and look what the origin of the word Aryan is.
Jul 22, 2006
Since you specifically ask me so I'll reply one by one with the best of my knowlege.

1. Does Israel accept that they've violated over 7-8 Human Rights with the invasion of Lebanon and tactical bombings?

With Every war and every death of civilians, human rights notably right to live are violated. You can ask the same question to Hizbollah whether they accept that they violate human rights for indiscriminate firing 4000+ rockets to Israel and killing civlians.
so what your saying is tht its fine that more then 1000 people have died because death occurs in every war?

all the wars occured when israel took over palestine, killed many innocent civilians, kidnapped others...obviously hamas + hezballah were going to want their revenge they kidnapped 2 soldiers in return for the thousands kidnapped...and what do you know...israle begins launching rockets [which also contained many viruses,needles + other disgusting diseases]

2. Does Israel take responsibility for the loss of life?

Does Hizbollah take responsibility for the loss of life?
true realise that this war only occured because israel launched rockets into lebanon...

3. Does the Israeli Defence Forces accept that they killed mainly civilians and no more than 200 Hezbollah soldiers, and little impact on Hezbollah's ability to attack which was seen throughout the war?

No, they accept that they kiled 500+ hizbollah fighters and the rest are civillians caught in crossfire, unfortunately for the civilians ;hizbollah hide behind civilians and always try to use the death of civilian as propaganda machine. Actually israel succeeded in Hizbollah ability to fire rickets into israel as evident from the last round of rockets which fall inside lebanon. As long as Hizbollah cant fire rockets into Israel, civilians can rest in peace, they have nothing to fear and that was the main aim of Israel.
umm yeah about that...who told you that they were 500+ hezballah soldiers? for your information it doesnt make a person a hezballah soldier because they follow the same religion, and live in the same area...

yeah the rockets did and can reach israel...:uhhuh: and they only reason israel kept succeeding in murdering those INNOCENT CIVILIANS was because they had all those war ships, airplanes tanks etc...

also killing civilians aint counted as a victory its just sick people being stupid :(

4. Does Israel know that they've once again become a more hated country in the Middle East, which will gurantee terrorist attacks and racism throughout Lebanese and Israeli communities?

Whether Israel invade or not, Arabs hate non arabs as always, muslims hate non muslims, even their holybook encourage to kill all non muslims. All arab countries expelled jews from their territories since 1948, Israel have more than 1.5 million arabs in its territories and another 3.5 million more in gaza and west bank? Tell me who is more tolerant of eachother or racist; arabs or jews? :D
yes and for a good reason...there is no use in liking israel since it invaded palestine , killed and kidnapped may innocent civilians lives and destroyed many others...

5. Do the Israelis know that they've ruined their neighbours country to prove a point? That they're militarily ineffective in ground combat, intelligence, and tactical bombing?

Yes ruining hizbollah infrastructure was their aim and it shows their strength and power unrivalled by any arab nations. If they are so ineffective they will not reach 20 miles inside lebanon and they will not kill 500+ terrorists.

Finally, to the guy who asked me is I am Aryan white supremacist. I suggest you go to dictionary/encyclopedia and look what the origin of the word Aryan is.
umm yeah well israel was shocked when they realised that hezballah had many rockets which infact reached israel

oh and israel did suffer by entering this war:D...why do you think the israeli gov. was pissed off? because they dnt know that hezballah had weapons which could and DID reach israel...also their whole aim was to return there 2 kidnapped soldiers and show other countries not to mess with them...too bad their 2 soldiers didnt return...



Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
This is the dumbest accusation and assumption coupled with unproven propaganda i havee ver seen. So I will reply on the level of your post.

so what your saying is tht its fine that more then 1000 people have died because death occurs in every war?

I did not say it is fine, its the reality of war dont twise my words baby.

all the wars occured when israel took over palestine, killed many innocent civilians, kidnapped others...obviously hamas + hezballah were going to want their revenge they kidnapped 2 soldiers in return for the thousands kidnapped...and what do you know...israle begins launching rockets [which also contained many viruses,needles + other disgusting diseases]

There were wars throughout history in which jews have nothing to do with. There are more than 1 million killed during Iraq-Iran war, Israel have nothing to do with those 1 million killed. Whether Hamas+hizbollahw ant revenge or not does not justify the kidnapping. rockets containing needles, thats the most pathetic lies i've ever heard during this war propaganda. I actually hope you are hit by those needles lol :D

true realise that this war only occured because israel launched rockets into lebanon...

True True hizbollah kidnapped 2 IDF by crossing israeli border and the war started.

umm yeah about that...who told you that they were 500+ hezballah soldiers? for your information it doesnt make a person a hezballah soldier because they follow the same religion, and live in the same area...

History proved that Israeli statistics are more reliable than terrorist organisations, all Israeli casualties are documented verifyable with all military records including their funeral, never underestimated or over estimated. The obvious reason to doubt Hizbollah statistics are : 59 people killed in Qana, Red Cross and Human rights watch said only 28 killed in Qana the day after.

Your post clearly showed arab attitude towards israel, i can say actually Egypt and Jordan are rewarded and assured decades of peace now for making peace with Israel.

Israel did suffer so does lebanese, hizbollah lost 500+ fighters in return for kidnapping 2 soldiers a good price eh? At least Israel have less casualties I am happy :D


Oct 13, 2004
Aryanbeauty said:
Diplomacy did not stop rockets from reaching israel, the distance prevented rockets from reaching Israel as israel succeeded in pushing them north up to 20 miles.
No they didnt, rockets were still being fired into Israel even a few hours before the ceasefire.

Israel withdrew from Lebanon because it dont want lebanese land. You were asking , crying and begging Israel to withdraw from Lebanon and then tell us Israel withdrew because of Hizbollah? :D It's definitely not because of Hizbollah but because of consideration of UN resolution.
Hahaha, yeah Israel just loves to abide by every U.N resolution.

In 2000 Israel withdrew because it was too costly for them, and this year they withdrew because it was costing them politically. The whole world was against them

When was Bush trusted in the Middle East ? Since when Israel is responsible for US foreign policy?
Israel has generated more support for Hezbollah than ever before, (one objective was to create internal pressure from the Lebanese on Hezbollah, which failed)

Israel has also created more hatred for them and the U.S. Whether or not they're responsible for U.S foreign policy isnt the point. The point is they rarely go against it, and they're the U.S strongest ally in the ME.

So the credibility of the U.S as a mediator in the ME has been tarnished for sticking by Israel and blocking any chance for a ceasefire earlier.

Every war is protested, does not mean they dont support Israel or support Hizbollah. In fact, the Govt of Australia support Israel :D
As I said, the number of countries that condemned Israel was almost the whole world. It was unprecedented.

The weakness and of Olmert does not stop Israel from reaching litani river in lebanon which was their aim.
Their aim was to push back Hezbollah back to the Litani, which they failed.

Sorry, you will not blackmail Israel by kidnapping soldiers and then demanding diplomacy so that you wont suffer casualties :D
But Israel now has to negotiate to get back their soldiers. They are now forced to use diplomacy to get back their soldiers

the objectives are not yet completely achieved .
So Israel cant claim victory, thats why most citizens of Israel are NOT celebrating

Time will tell as UN Troops and Lebanese Army moves into South Lebanon. World War 1 was called a war to end all wars. Its objectives failed however it was still won by Allied nations.
Thats because the allies still had other objectives. The war to end all wars was more like wishful thinking than a clear cut objective


New Member
Dec 18, 2005
$hiftyIceQueen said:
all the wars occured when israel took over palestine, killed many innocent civilians, kidnapped others...obviously hamas + hezballah were going to want their revenge they kidnapped 2 soldiers in return for the thousands kidnapped...and what do you know...israle begins launching rockets [which also contained many viruses,needles + other disgusting diseases]
First of all there is no such thing as "palestine" the palestinians have never owned that land. they only started calling themselves palestinians in the 60's and they have no historical or religious ties to the land unlike the jews!

$hiftyIceQueen said:
true realise that this war only occured because israel launched rockets into lebanon...

Hezbollah fired the first rockets! while they illegally crossed the border into israeli territory and killed 8 soldiers and kidnapping 2 more they were firing katuyshas into northern israel and have been for 6 years after israel withdrew from lebanon.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
funkassassin said:
First of all there is no such thing as "palestine" the palestinians have never owned that land. they only started calling themselves palestinians in the 60's and they have no historical or religious ties to the land unlike the jews!
The point that Palestinian identity (in its current form) only emerged recently doesn't change the fact that those currently calling themselves Palestinians have historical ties to the land within today's Israel that stretch back hundreds of years. No matter who claims sovereignty over the land now, you cannot deny the ties that are plain for all to see.


Oct 13, 2004
funkassassin said:
First of all there is no such thing as "palestine" the palestinians have never owned that land. they only started calling themselves palestinians in the 60's and they have no historical or religious ties to the land unlike the jews!
That land has always been known as Palestine.

In the story of David v Goliath; Goliath was a Palestinian.


New Member
Dec 18, 2005
Jordan.J said:
That land has always been known as Palestine.

In the story of David v Goliath; Goliath was a Palestinian.
Goliath (גָּלְיָת "Passage; revolution", Standard Hebrew Golyat, Tiberian Hebrew Golyāṯ) is a 'Philistine' warrior mentioned in the Hebrew Bible and a descendant of Rapha.

Palestinians are not philistines. the Philistines no longer existist and the palestinians have no connection with the philistines.

The Philistines owned what is now the gaza strip and it was known as Philistia until they were conquered.
Israel was never known as palestine until more recent times.
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Jul 22, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
This is the dumbest accusation and assumption coupled with unproven propaganda i havee ver seen. So I will reply on the level of your post.

so what your saying is tht its fine that more then 1000 people have died because death occurs in every war?

I did not say it is fine, its the reality of war dont twise my words baby.

all the wars occured when israel took over palestine, killed many innocent civilians, kidnapped others...obviously hamas + hezballah were going to want their revenge they kidnapped 2 soldiers in return for the thousands kidnapped...and what do you know...israle begins launching rockets [which also contained many viruses,needles + other disgusting diseases]

There were wars throughout history in which jews have nothing to do with. There are more than 1 million killed during Iraq-Iran war, Israel have nothing to do with those 1 million killed. Whether Hamas+hizbollahw ant revenge or not does not justify the kidnapping. rockets containing needles, thats the most pathetic lies i've ever heard during this war propaganda. I actually hope you are hit by those needles lol :D

true realise that this war only occured because israel launched rockets into lebanon...

True True hizbollah kidnapped 2 IDF by crossing israeli border and the war started.

umm yeah about that...who told you that they were 500+ hezballah soldiers? for your information it doesnt make a person a hezballah soldier because they follow the same religion, and live in the same area...

History proved that Israeli statistics are more reliable than terrorist organisations, all Israeli casualties are documented verifyable with all military records including their funeral, never underestimated or over estimated. The obvious reason to doubt Hizbollah statistics are : 59 people killed in Qana, Red Cross and Human rights watch said only 28 killed in Qana the day after.

Your post clearly showed arab attitude towards israel, i can say actually Egypt and Jordan are rewarded and assured decades of peace now for making peace with Israel.

Israel did suffer so does lebanese, hizbollah lost 500+ fighters in return for kidnapping 2 soldiers a good price eh? At least Israel have less casualties I am happy :D
i cant believe you typed that:eek:
"at least israel have less casulties i am happy" man what the hell are do realise that 1000s of people are dying and you seem to be happy about freak disgusting disraceful human ...and you call yourself a human being your worse then an animal, at least they feel for one another

whats with you people there is nothing good about people dying :angry:

you see i aint going to sink to your level...:uhhuh:

oh yeah and i want you to give me a good excuse why you hope i get hit with those needles


Revered Member
Sep 16, 2004
ShiftyIceQueen said:
i cant believe you typed that
"at least israel have less casulties i am happy" man what the hell are do realise that 1000s of people are dying and you seem to be happy about freak disgusting disraceful human ...and you call yourself a human being your worse then an animal, at least they feel for one another
I can not find that quote of yours "at least israel have less casualties i am happy" in aryan's posts.
Jul 22, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
This is the dumbest accusation and assumption coupled with unproven propaganda i havee ver seen. So I will reply on the level of your post.

so what your saying is tht its fine that more then 1000 people have died because death occurs in every war?

I did not say it is fine, its the reality of war dont twise my words baby.

all the wars occured when israel took over palestine, killed many innocent civilians, kidnapped others...obviously hamas + hezballah were going to want their revenge they kidnapped 2 soldiers in return for the thousands kidnapped...and what do you know...israle begins launching rockets [which also contained many viruses,needles + other disgusting diseases]

There were wars throughout history in which jews have nothing to do with. There are more than 1 million killed during Iraq-Iran war, Israel have nothing to do with those 1 million killed. Whether Hamas+hizbollahw ant revenge or not does not justify the kidnapping. rockets containing needles, thats the most pathetic lies i've ever heard during this war propaganda. I actually hope you are hit by those needles lol :D

true realise that this war only occured because israel launched rockets into lebanon...

True True hizbollah kidnapped 2 IDF by crossing israeli border and the war started.

umm yeah about that...who told you that they were 500+ hezballah soldiers? for your information it doesnt make a person a hezballah soldier because they follow the same religion, and live in the same area...

History proved that Israeli statistics are more reliable than terrorist organisations, all Israeli casualties are documented verifyable with all military records including their funeral, never underestimated or over estimated. The obvious reason to doubt Hizbollah statistics are : 59 people killed in Qana, Red Cross and Human rights watch said only 28 killed in Qana the day after.

Your post clearly showed arab attitude towards israel, i can say actually Egypt and Jordan are rewarded and assured decades of peace now for making peace with Israel.

Israel did suffer so does lebanese, hizbollah lost 500+ fighters in return for kidnapping 2 soldiers a good price eh? At least Israel have less casualties I am happy :D

there in bold and underlined


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
Miss Queen, that was a response to your post which claimed Israel attacked Lebanese with missiles which use needles and diseases which is yet another blatant lies and shows how far terrorist and its supporters will go on accusing Israel of things it did not do. It fool none but yourself and your cause. I replied in your level as I mentioned earlier. I hope those needles hit you because those are lies and there are no such needle/disease missiles comprende?

Can you give us any mainstream news or even hizbollah propaganda website source to back up that claim?

Israel is victorious no matter how Hizbollah supporters wish. Victory is not measured in terms of achievement of all objectives, it is measured on whether you defeated your enemy or not. Israel's objectives by and large are achieved. Getting back soldiers are not the main objective, the main objective was to remove hizbollah from power in South Lebanon which is achieved and keep Israeli civilians safe from enemy. The last six rockets fired by Hizbollah did not reach Israel which means Israel is pretty safe by now.

What is achieved: Hizbollah no longer rules South Lebanon, for the first time since 1982 the Lebanese Govt assert authority over South Lebanon. Thanks to Israel. :D

Israel is safe, and if Hizbollah are able to attack Israel using rockets again it will be the responsibility of UN Peacekeepers and Israel will have every reason to attack Lebanon again.

Excerpt from BBC The leader of the parliamentary majority in Lebanon, Saad Hariri, has strongly criticised the president of neighbouring Syria, Bashar al-Assad.

Mr Hariri accused the Syrian president of inciting conflict in Lebanon. Saad Hariri is the son of former PM Rafik Hariri who was assassinated in a huge bombing in February 2005.

Mr Hariri also angrily criticised Israel for its "black history" in Lebanon, saying that all the bombings would not break Lebanese unity.

There is a neighbouring president who is threatening to destroy the political regime in Lebanon because he could not digest the Lebanese people's decision to throw out his corruption and troops from Lebanon," he said.
Mr Hariri was referring to the Syrian troop pullout from Lebanon in 2005 which followed strong domestic and international protests triggered by the assassination of Rafik Hariri.


Feb 2, 2005
Miss Queen, that was a response to your post which claimed Israel attacked Lebanese with missiles which use needles and diseases which is yet another blatant lies and shows how far terrorist and its supporters will go on accusing Israel of things it did not do.
Bullshit.. stop being anti-arab bitch.

Can you give us any mainstream news or even hizbollah propaganda website source to back up that claim?
perhaps you should start sourcing your claims - instead making up bullshit.

Israel is victorious no matter how Hizbollah supporters wish.
How so? In a match, the team that wins in the end (is deemed victorious) - the team that has accomplished its objective is victorious.
Victory is not measured in terms of achievement of all objectives, it is measured on whether you defeated your enemy or not.
Therefore one could say that HEzbollah were victorious, in fact they were victorious as they prevented the invasion by Israel by all possible means.

srael's objectives by and large are achieved. Getting back soldiers are not the main objective, the main objective was to remove hizbollah from power in South Lebanon which is achieved and keep Israeli civilians safe from enemy.
As i said Hezbollah never did have any power in Sth Lebanon. Also Israel started this war as result of its 2 soldiers being captured. Not to protect its people - that resulted as Israel took militaric action.

The last six rockets fired by Hizbollah did not reach Israel which means Israel is pretty safe by now.
Israel has always been 'safe'. They are using excuses to justify their actions - this is plain and clear. Its typical by the way you respond.
3/4 of hezbollah rockets landed in remote areas!

What is achieved: Hizbollah no longer rules South Lebanon, for the first time since 1982 the Lebanese Govt assert authority over South Lebanon. Thanks to Israel. :D
LOL what is acheived is that Hezbollah has gained a lot of support. Israel has lost a lot of its credibility. A generation of kids will grow up to hate Israel for killing their parents, relatives, friends and for destroying their homes.
Israel is safe, and if Hizbollah are able to attack Israel using rockets again it will be the responsibility of UN Peacekeepers and Israel will have every reason to attack Lebanon again.
Its funny that Hezbollah were the defenders and Israel were the aggressors and here u claim that hezbollah will initiate attacks..

Excerpt from BBC The leader of the parliamentary majority in Lebanon, Saad Hariri, has strongly criticised the president of neighbouring Syria, Bashar al-Assad.
LINK , LINK where is it?

dude stop talking bullshit!.

as if u could put a figure of 500 hezbollah militants spot on.
he official Lebanese death toll stands at 845 total - 743 civilians, 34 Lebanese soldiers, and 68 Hezbollah fighters
woah -- wtf where did 500 come from?....:santa:

waith 3/4 of Hezbollah were launced into remote areas.... sbs news.

Hezbollah have promised to rebuild Lebanon! As they did so in the past.

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