I began a B. Information Technology last year at Sydney, before transferring to arts/law at UNSW. I was impressed with what I saw, but basically, here are my thoughts -
If you want to become a computer programmer, goto UNSW and do computer science. It has a supremely strong reputation for that, believe me.
If you want to be an IT manager, goto USYD. The B. IT is an elite degree designed for senior positions in the IT industry. Basically if you want the best footing to a senior IT position, with a very diverse skill base (proramming, graphics, systems implementation, networking, everything - you name it), then the B. IT is the way to go. They only take a very small number (about 40), and the cut-off is quite high (about 97), however if your cut-off is slightly below this, and you have a lot of experience with programming, you can submit a portfolio. I did this and I was accepted. But if you just want to purely be a programmer or software designer, probably best to goto USNW or UTS.
The UTS course has the benefits of being probably the most practical course for IT; you'll be doing things more industry related. Additionally they recently had a new IT center implemented, someone confirm this? Aside from these, the money is of course useful too.
Just my opinion; hope it helps.