. Also, this was obviously a major major media scheme to show Australians and give them a sense of security under Howard's term
There is no need to call it a conspiracy or not, it doesn't matter if the government sat around planing how to trick the nation into believing they can be kept safe by means of terrorist laws, swat teams, helicopters or some form of colour coded security system that they use in the US.
The consequences of these raids wether intended or not (which doesn't matter) only benefits the government. I'll show the ways it benefits the government.
They first is silencing the minority Muslim population. By raising fears of an immediate terrorist threat coming from the Muslim population this causes Muslim to be silenced for fears of being suspected as a terrorist by the Anglo population. Now it is a lot hard for a Muslim to speak his or her mind on issues such as Palestine, the Iraq and Afghanistan war.
There are numerous times when prominent members of the Muslim community have spoken their mind on such issues on natational TV. I have noticed when they have the next question that comes next is "do you support Osama Bin Laden?" "Do you support terrorist acts?", or they just get accused of being terrorist sympathises.
However these views are legitimate and have no relation to supporting Osama Bin Laden or any other terrorist group. These views are wide spread across Europe, South America and Asia. Making the majority of people who have these views are mostly non Muslim and non Arabs. So while this is ignored and focus is put on radical Muslims, it leads people to question the views of moderate Muslims as being terrorist views. Thus scaring Muslims to conform views to that of the neo-conservatives (Imperialists)
But why the Muslims? The Muslim population have concerns for the Middle East and may still have connections to what really goes on there. By creating a fear for Muslims to speak their minds and by creating fear in White peoples' minds that Muslims who have certain views are terrorist, you are then cutting a link to the Middle East. Then we have to get information from the newspapers and TV.
The majority of the Australian public, when it came to terrorism have bought the first solution. While originally may have been sceptically of this laws, it seems many have been swooped up in the hype.
Let's say that these people are terrorist. Let's say that helicopters, guns, swat teams, colour coded warning systems are in fact going to protect us most of the time. So let's we have a well fortified front line.
How safe can this be compared to attacking the root causes of terrorism, or understanding terrorism as an act that various ideologies use? There can be nothing safer then pulling your hand our of the hornets nest to stop the hornets from attacking.
The way to stop the root causes contradict with the foreign policies of the major imperialist powers. So it is actually all of you who support the US, UK and allies’ intervention of foreign countries who put us in most risk. You trade peace, security and stability with the wider world and people at home for imperialist gains in the 3rd world. You are to blame for supporting the reactions that come from wars in sovereign nations without genuine cause for concern.
To give the Australian population some security, that is why we have bogus terrorist laws, raids, helicopters and what not. To replace real security with false and quick security rather then a reformed foreign policy. To make people feel safe, rather then real safety that comes with non interventionist foreign policy.
So we see 3 positive things for the government.
1) The silencing of all Muslims
2) Thus removing a medium between the wide Australian community and the Middle East.
3) To make people feel safe, without having to reform foreign policy.
My arguement is not wheter this people are terrorist or not, but the impact that it creates by continuously building this hype and whether these actions are really the best and only thing we can do.