Originally posted by Wilmo
Chinese has like 6 alphabets... one of them is kanji. So the only difference between the two is how you say it.
Chinese people are super good at kanji because they can go: In chinese this kanji has this meaning. So the Japanese word is this. So basically they are translating from chinese to japanese to english.
When you know your kanji, you have an advantage over them. You skip out translating from chinese and therefore can write faster than them.
That, I think, is not entirely accurate. Chinese historically had only ONE script. This is why communication was always possible between different regions of China, because the script was shared amongst all dialects. However, now there are two systems: Traditional and Simplified. This is due to the communist meddling with language. It has dramatically increased literacy, but destroyed much of the linguistic continuity of the Chinese script.
As for the advantage in Japanese over students with a Chinese background, it's actually because many Kanji in Japanese are written slightly different to the Chinese equivalents, or have developed new meanings over time. Sure, they get away with a LOT in the beginning, especially when it comes to guessing the meaning of compounds, but reliance on the tricks that work in Chinese become their undoing.
EvilTama's book "
A Guide to Reading & Writing Japanese" (Tuttle) is an excellent book, it's what my best teacher based his materials on in year nine and ten. I would also recommend "
A Guide to Remembering Japanese Characters" (Tuttle, by Henshall) or if that's too big there's "
Kanji & Kana". The first should cost you about $25, the second around $25 (estimating appreciation from the 1999 price of $20) and third is the most expensive, at $45. All of these should be available at Kinokuniya, though if you're quick you can go to Abbey's (York st, behind the QVB) and get the textbook subsidy (before 30 June).
If you want detailed directions to these stores (and others) check my sticky thread, labelled "Important: Where to get Japanese Stuff".
By the way: Welcome to the Japanese section!
I'm Robert, your friendly moderator.