lol ima seriously try.. this is coming out of my butt .. so u may need to clean it up a bit.
Okay so we've got 4 frames of thinking, this is coz everyones been socialised differently and hence we all have different schemas, they can be categorised into structural, polical, hr and symbolic ways of thinking.
Structural- this places heavy emphasis on procedures and polciies, it comes from scientific management, in the sense that its all about optimising cost/efficiency outcomes through division of labour and specialisation, urrm it ignores emotions and hence may be disadvantageous in the sense that employees can percieve it to be too beauracratic which might lead to resentment. Other disadvantages include heavy emphasis on structural policies n stuff hence it might be really hard to change.
Advantages are many though in that it clarifies roles and responsibilities hence minimising confusion and conflict becaus eeveryone knows what to expect of themselves n others. Its also good coz people respond to order and control.
This frame of thinking is useful in situations like the militiary of when mass production is needed at a particular qualtiy.
Basically is very standardised and orthodox it can lead to difficulties in thinking any other way.
So the next one would be.... HR!