Each paragraph should look like this:
State the Law + Cite your authority
Apply the Facts
Each sentence should be concise and to the point, don't try and write like a judge or fluff it out, academics hate it and like to have it to the point. Use headings, its perfectly acceptable and helps you structure your idea.
This isnt my best example but it should give you an ideas.
(ISSUE)In relation to whether Harry has a cause of action, (LAW note authority quoted in footnote)while it is possible for a spouse to claim damages mental as a result of the injury it is only possible where the plaintiff witnessed the injury or is a close family member (including spouse) and the where the mental harm is a recognised psychiatric illness. (APPLICATION OF FACTS + CONCLUSION)While Harry is a close family member, it is unlikely that he could make such a claim as his constant fear of losing his job, worries about what will happen to the family if he breaks down and worries about his ability to work on the house are not indicative of a recognised psychiatric illness.
Here I have combined the application of facts and conclusion, usually I prefer to separate this a bit but the assignment had a tiny word limit.
Any other questions let me know!