in my opinion, doing that is overkill, since you can just ftp things onto cse, and then use putty to connect to the cse servers and "simulate" a cse linux experience. actually, this is a rundown on what you need (in my opinion):
- an internet connection (for 1011 forum)
- a text editor (conText is good, emacs / vi is good to learn on, although i didnt touch them et al)
- a haskell interpreter (I highly recommend hugs over ghci).
- an ftp client (to transfer your haskell files to cse, if you really need to do things the cse way)
- msn address of a past 1711 student to bug on haskell questions. hell, ask your tutor for msn address even
. get multiple actually
good luck, hopefully you'll find functional languages interesting, and not stressing instead.
edit : in response to installing linux i mean