Was watching that live and yelling at the screen when he was going for the backdoor. When he got hit by the Bard ult I thought it was over for them but he still managed it.
I might participate in this for the lols not sure thoughhttp://oce.leagueoflegends.com/en/news/esports/esports-event/oceanic-university-championship-coming
Who's up for this?
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Know that feel all too wellI keep getting normal games like this. Riot pls.
I had like 2k rp earlier today and I didn't spend a single dollar on itjust got $25 worth of rp. First time I spend on this game and it looks like it aint my last :'(
I don't remember the level exactly (but am pretty sure it was pre - 16). If I recall correctly I had a cheese build with bork, bloodthirster, spirit, berserkers, tri and sated devourer of course.What build/level were you when you solo'd baron with jax carrot
I just queued up for new aram map today and got this.Know that feel all too well
That's me. I'm in.like we have a star mid laner aka the bjergsen of bronze who can only play annie and an alright adc who can only play vayne but the rest of the team is trash