Lonely...........worth it? (1 Viewer)

Princess Leng

Jan 10, 2008
zrap - you do know that you sound like the biggest bogan when you refer to girls as 'birds' right?
Jul 12, 2008
Princess Leng said:
obviously with that attitude you can't get out of your depression. i think you're problem is that you think that you're past recovery and you just can't be positive.
Well i tend to get positive when its stop though but the negative is still coming back!!!


Jan 30, 2008
Princess Leng said:
zrap - you do know that you sound like the biggest bogan when you refer to girls as 'birds' right?
It's hard to convey tones through forums sometimes
Jul 12, 2008
Well why you guys don't want me to give up? It doesn't solve it??? I am completly struggling! Believe me. I'm not shit about this.

I don't like public embarassment like most single guy who always hang out himself out in public. That would be most insane bullshit! That is life killer because its very embarassing.

I want that uni question to be answered please.

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
zimmerman8k said:
Trying to get laid is a waste of time.

If it works out great, but if not, you may as well just jerk off.

An orgasm feels the same, whether ur cuming inside a hot girl or sitting at home jacking it.
are you serious? dam, man I was hoping for more, oh well at least when your lazy the girl can do the jacking off for you lol


Is in A State Of Trance
Feb 2, 2005
Do you have a job?

You meet a whole lot of new people at work...

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
NorthRiversMatt said:
Well why you guys don't want me to give up? It doesn't solve it??? I am completly struggling! Believe me. I'm not shit about this.

I don't like public embarassment like most single guy who always hang out himself out in public. That would be most insane bullshit! That is life killer because its very embarassing.

I want that uni question to be answered please.
Bro dw, most people starting out uni do not know anyone, this is YOUR chance to make friends, introduce yourself, smile, have a simple conversation "Hi what course you doing" "engineering" "kool" etc....... simply just talk to others, dnt wait till people come to you, come to them. Make a couple of friends...hang out meet their friends and things will go on from there. This sounds easier that it is though......

Also forget your past, you probably have had some bad experiences with people that changed the way you act - if they treat you that way then honestly they are not worth talking to, just act friendly and smile.

But yeah Good luck!!!! also join clubs
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Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
Cookie182 said:
What a disgusting and overall pesimistic outlook.
Realistic, honest, a universally orientated perspective, rather than a self-centred, destructive life.

Cookie182 said:
(more women for the rest of us!).
If going sargin to pic up and bang a series of HB 8+ sluts brings meaning to your life, great.

Cookie182 said:
One thing though, 'desire' aint a product of the 'modern west'.
I never said it was. I said the only reason people are unhappy in the modern west, particularly Australia, is because they have innumerable desires for money, sex, power, respect, that they'll never satisfy, and even if they did acheive those goals, it doesn't create real meaning for a person.

Cookie182 said:
Humans have desired since our inception. Ever studied Roman society? lol. We're are only biological machines after all, and we will forever continue to do so.
Yes, but aren't we more than that? Of course you have biological needs, but in the West we have gone well beyond meeting them, and now we move to the stage where society as a whole begins to drift in a search for greater meaning. Humans aren't entirely naturalistic. We have a desire for meaning and purpose that goes beyond our simple biological needs. And there are societies, cultures, peoples that do move beyond simple biological mechanics of consuming and reproducing, into searching for and living with a sense of greater meaning re: any monks, in any religion anywhere, secular dropouts, the hippies of the sixties, etc...

Society doesn't have to continue along the same mindless consumption and reproduction mentality forever.

M@ster P

Feb 9, 2008
NorthRiversMatt said:
I have been struggling about this. I can't stop being negative. I don't enjoy it. It can't get out of my head!!! I don't know!!!
Look for professional help, its nothing to be ashamed of, posting on this forum is the first step which is good
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Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
I find it highly ironic that all the 'sarging' freaks idealise the anarchist superhero Tyler Durden, without realising that the desire for sex is the greatest thing by which society and others control and manipulate them.

They mindlessly dedicate so much time and money, all their life energy, to something so hollow and pointless.


Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
She stood before him in all her unbearable beauty, moist pouting lips, full perky breasts with hard nipples showing through her thin shirt, tight skirt barely covering her smooth creamy thighs. "Do you want me?" she crooned.

"Yes, yes," he gasped, his jutting chin hanging down, his fiery eyes straining toward her firm pulsing body. "Please, please let me touch you."

"You have to do something for me first," she teased.

"I'll do it," he moaned. "I'll do anything."

She undid a button on her shirt, exposing the roundness at the edges of her breasts. "A-ny-thing?"

"Yes, yes, anything! Whatever you ask, I'm your slave!"

She wagged her finger. "It's not my slave you have to be..."


"If you want me, you have to serve my Master."

His swelling loins shrank a bit. "Master?"

She came closer, sliding her skirt up her thigh so he could just see the lace-trimmed edge of her panties. She licked her lips and whispered in his ear, "You can touch every inch of this body, but first you must obey the Master. It's the only way."

"I see your woman has sent you," the Master said, and turned around. He was a pig-like man in a business suit, with blank eyes and the blood-drenched horns of a bull.

"Yes," the young man said timidly.

"And what did you promise to do for me?"

"A-anything you ask."

"Good. But perhaps I won't let you do anything I ask."

"What do you mean?"

"Doing anything I ask is a great privilege. Do you think you are worthy?"

He was confused. "How should I know?"

The Master roared, "If you do not know, you are not worthy! Did you not come to me?"

"Yes, but I had to because--"

"Shut up! You have come to beg to be allowed to do whatever I ask. Now beg!"

He thought of the woman, her hot irresistible waiting body. "Uh, please Master, I beg you to let me be your slave..."

"Slave? We have no slaves! These are enlightened times."

He sighed with relief. Perhaps the ordeal would not be so bad.

"Then what shall I be, Master?"

"You shall be my team member!"

"Do what to your member?"

"Beg! Beg me for it!"

"Please, great Master, let me team your member."

"Abase yourself! Convince me you are qualified!"

"Sir, I feel I am uniquely qualified to apply this position on your member. I am experienced in several very similar member positions, with other teams..."

"Are you dynamic?"

"Yes, yes, I'm dymanic," he blubbered. "I'll dy-be-dy-manic for you..."

"Are you a self-starter?"

"Please, Master, yes, I start myself every day in the bathroom! Let me start myself in your position, let me apply my oral communication skills to your expanding implement..."

"Give me enthusiasm!"

"Yes, yes, I am giving you enthusiasm. I will give you a huge giant enthusiasm if you'll let me, please Master, I will motivate your organization so hard with my skills that--"

"More enthusiasm! More!"

Overwhelmed by humiliation, he cried out, "Utilized, optimized, prioritized, facilitated on a daily basis! I am a determined achiever..."

"Harder! Harder!"

"La la la!" he gushed, unable to even form words, but screaming with the biggest enthusiasm he had ever had, "Na na na! Bla bla bla bla blaaaaaah!!"

"Excellent," the Master said. "You have performed well. Now you have earned the privilege to go to... the dungeon!"

In rows and rows of tiny cubical cells, men and women strained in tight cotton and polyester uniforms that clung to their aching butts and their chests straining with their appointed labors.

"Mmm," the woman said, as the young man stumbled into her cell. "A new one." She stood to her full height and he saw that under her shirt her breasts were suffocated in a constriction device, and her feet were crammed into brightly colored manacles that twisted her ankles back in their sockets and crushed her toes together. But she seemed not to notice. "I am your cellmate," she said. "Welcome to the dungeon."

"What -- what am I to do here?"

"Give me your hands."

He extended his wide strong hands and she ran her sharp cool fingers over them. "Ohh, these are so young and strong." She slid her hands up to his broad hard shoulders. "I bet you have a lot of stamina."


"You can go hours and hours."

"Yes!" He looked into her smoky eyes. "What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to put your hands on..."

He trembled with anticipation.

"... the keyboard!" she said. "And the phone. And these files. Same as everyone else here." And she went back to her own chair.

Hours later, his hands numb, his joints aching, his eyeballs dry and bloodshot, his shoulders on fire from fingering the hard little buttons, moving them in and out, in and out, he mumbled, "No... no... I can't do it any more."

"Take a ten minute break. But you have to punch out, so you don't cheat."

"It's not enough. I can't go on like this, please..."

"That's not for me to decide. Did you not agree to do anything the Master asked?"

"Yes, but... Say," he said, "I was wondering -- I agreed to obey the Master because unless I earn a good income no woman will have sex with me. But why are you here?"

"Ahh," she said. "I will tell you my story." And she began:

It was many years ago, when I was a little girl. "Daddy," I said, "will you always love me?"

Then he smiled at me strangely. "Come sit on my knee," he said, "and I'll tell you a secret."

"OK, daddy." I sat on his firm knee and he put his warm, heavy hand on my shoulder.

"The truth is," he said, "that I won't love you, that I'll never love you as much as I love your brother."

I burst into tears. "Why, why daddy? Why won't you love me?"

"Because," he said, stroking my ear, "your brother can do something you can't do, something special."

"No, please, daddy, I want you to love me! I want to be special too. What does he have that I don't?"

"Do you want me to show you?" he whispered.

"Yes, daddy, please, show me!"

Then he reached down deep into his pants, and pulled out, clutched in his hot sweaty hand, a giant wad of money. "Your brother," he said, "will be a man, and men have always had more earning power than women. Men are the breadwinners, the ones who go out in the world and do great things, while women just stay home and cook and clean. That's why men are better than women, and more deserving of respect and admiration. That's why everyone will always love your brother and not you."

"No, noooo, daddy," I wailed. "Please, please, I want you to love me too! I'll do anything!"

He fingered his massive dirty wad of bills and put his other hand on my trembling knee. "A-ny-thing?"

"Yes, daddy, please, tell me what it is, anything, I'll do it for you daddy, I'll do it for you and mommy and all your friends and anyone you want me to. I want to be loved! Tell me what to do!"

"There's only one way," he said. "One little thing." And he bent and croaked in my ear, "You have to earn good money like your brother. You have to serve my Master."

"Both of you," the Master said over the intercom, "come to my office."

A minute later they stood shaking before him.

"I heard you talking when I commanded you to work."

"Please!" They cringed and groveled before him. "We're sorry. Please forgive us! We'll never do it--"

"Silence! You like to talk, do you?"

"We'll do anything you ask, Master. Have mercy!"

"I'll just have to move you to another position, a position where you get a chance to use your mouths more."

"N-no," the woman gasped. "Not that... Anything but..."

"What?" the man whispered. "What is it?"

"You don't want to know," she cried. "It's too terrible. Please," she wept, "Give us another chance."

"Too late! I am moving you," the master bellowed, "to customer service!"

"No! Noooooooooo!"

The long line of customers stretched to the horizon, drooling, snapping, hungry-eyed beasts, screaming for more, shouting demands and abuse, as the small group of workers serviced them with their mouths and hands, one after another after another.

"Service me now!" the customers screeched. "Service me again! I'm not satisfied!" And the servicers labored on and on.

After what seemed like years, a distant chime rang, and the servicers looked up with relief.

"We're free," she said to him. "Free at last. We can go home!"

"Not yet," came the Master's voice. "Today I need you to work... overtime!"


A long while later, the young man, now looking years older, came home to his woman. "I have done what you asked," he said. "I have obeyed the Master."

"Then I am yours," she said, and flung off her robe, revealing her magnificent body in its full naked radiance. "Take me!"

"I'm too tired," he groaned. "I need to go to sleep. But in the morning, I will be strong again, and we can make passionate love all day."

"But in the morning," she said, "you have to go obey the Master again."

"But -- but -- " he stammered, "I thought it was only for one day."

She threw her head back and laughed a long throaty laugh. "No!" she said. "Silly man! You must go back for another day, and then another after that!"

"Three days! It's too much!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha hahaha! Three days? No, it's more than just three days that you must serve the Master."

"How -- how many days is it?" he said, thinking with horror of the torture and degradation he had endured in the dungeons. "How many days must I go back?"

"You must go back," she cried, "for the rest of your life!"



Google "9-11" and "truth"
Dec 20, 2004
Graney said:
Realistic, honest, a universally orientated perspective, rather than a self-centred, destructive life.

If going sargin to pic up and bang a series of HB 8+ sluts brings meaning to your life, great.

I never said it was. I said the only reason people are unhappy in the modern west, particularly Australia, is because they have innumerable desires for money, sex, power, respect, that they'll never satisfy, and even if they did acheive those goals, it doesn't create real meaning for a person.

Yes, but aren't we more than that? Of course you have biological needs, but in the West we have gone well beyond meeting them, and now we move to the stage where society as a whole begins to drift in a search for greater meaning. Humans aren't entirely naturalistic. We have a desire for meaning and purpose that goes beyond our simple biological needs. And there are societies, cultures, peoples that do move beyond simple biological mechanics of consuming and reproducing, into searching for and living with a sense of greater meaning re: any monks, in any religion anywhere, secular dropouts, the hippies of the sixties, etc...

Society doesn't have to continue along the same mindless consumption and reproduction mentality forever.
hb 8 sarge e'ryday
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Sep 11, 2007
Blue Mountainsss.
Dude, you don't need a girlfriend, hey. Just start with making friends and let that go for a while before you get a girlfriend.. You don't need to jump into both straight away.

in fact, you probably shouldn't... could be a bit awkward.


Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
Graney said:
Realistic, honest, a universally orientated perspective, rather than a self-centered destructive life.
The map is not the territory. Everyone's version of what they view as right and wrong, their perception of how we should live and act is different. Your views are rather pessimistic, that's your choice. Yet taking the credential of "realistic and universally orientated" is wrong. Take a read of Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene" one time. We are all self-centered. This is my perception of course, but really we all act with a degree of self-interest (I don't believe in 'true' altruism).

Either way, your suggestions to the OP to just "wait" are not helpful. If he is in a situation of desperation enough that it causes him to post here, then he is definitely seeking change. I think any rational human would argue that a well-balanced social/romantic life is not "self-destructive" but rather "self-productive". The majority of sexual crimes are committed through a lack of social attention- as are in many cases, suicides. To deny its importance to the 21st century man is fallacious.

If going sarging to pickup and bang a series of HB 8+ sluts brings meaning to your life, great.
Without googling the lingo, I can only assume this has to do with some kind of seduction technique? It's a hard point to argue, as i know little on it, but if it does work and brings happiness to men's lives, then why knock it? Also, assuming that every girl a man 'picks up' is a SLUT is a ridiculous call. Every human relationship begins with an initial reaction. My understanding is that the very first 'seductionists', as in the 16th/17th century 'courtiers' were able to use persuasion and skilled-speech craft to attract many of the highest class women within society.

I never said it was. I said the only reason people are unhappy in the modern west, particularly Australia, is because they have innumerable desires for money, sex, power, respect, that they'll never satisfy, and even if they did achieve those goals, it doesn't create real meaning for a person.
Firstly, define "happiness". Some neurologists associate the word with the feeling we receive from being 'touched'. After all, it is simply an emotional state. Most of the 'status indicators' we pursue as humans- i.e. education to get a high paying job, to buy nice things etc, are centered on attracting high quality social interactions- with both friends and mates. Ultimately, we seek intimacy and warmth from others. This is not a product of 'modern' times. Human's have always desired the same things. HOWEVER, it’s not the objects itself we desire (we don't want money because we like the paper); it’s the result of the ownership and what level of social interaction it brings us. Either way, 'happiness' is a subjective and complicated philosophical debate, requiring much more detail then I can be bothered to give.

Yes, but aren't we more than that? Of course you have biological needs, but in the West we have gone well beyond meeting them, and now we move to the stage where society as a whole begins to drift in a search for greater meaning. Humans aren't entirely naturalistic. We have a desire for meaning and purpose that goes beyond our simple biological needs. And there are societies, cultures, peoples that do move beyond simple biological mechanics of consuming and reproducing, into searching for and living with a sense of greater meaning re: any monks, in any religion anywhere, secular dropouts, the hippies of the sixties, etc...
Of course. Technology has rapidly diversified our realities, complicated our perceptions. But it hasn't eradicated these needs. People still searched for 'higher meaning' 1000's of years ago- in terms of spirituality etc. But those animalistic, 'hunter/gatherer' needs from those times are still evolutionary hardwired within our emotional circuitry today. The need to 'survive' now doesn't come through having to have the best hunting skills/muscular physique; it comes through the highest social status- power, influence and wealth. To an extent, we can probably all dissociate for a second and look at the reason why we are all here, at university etc? What do we want out of it? What do we want from life? You may consciously deny these traits, but that doesn't remove them from your psychology. They are 'hardwired' in. Evolution is slow. The population has increased six-fold since the 1750's and technological advances have been magnificent. Yet, our circuitry to survive and replicate is still embedded.

Society doesn't have to continue along the same mindless consumption and reproduction mentality forever.
Really? So no economy or reproduction lol. We would cease to exist. What is your answer to the greater needs then for society, heading through the 21st century?
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May 6, 2004
Matt dont get a gf you dickhead, go out and fuck some gangas already

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