Look at my powerpoint/ (1 Viewer)


Dec 5, 2007
I have an OThello powerpoint and I will like some feedback how can I show it to you all.


Dec 5, 2007
A film by shoom shoom

Trauma One man saves the lives of others on a daily basis but cannot save his own
Sony Pictures presents the hit of the summer. Director Daniel Moawad knows what it takes to make a good movie, after reading the play Othello he knew it would be perfect to make into a film. Critics are claiming it to be perfect “ Never have I seen a perfect balance of violence and romance”.
Othello contained twists, deception, action and romance everything someone would pay to see.
Most importantly Othello contained characters filled with jealousy and the need for power/authority.
Daniel Moawad uses all the above and mixes it into a medical drama movie Trauma predicted to be the hit of the summer.

Trauma- Plot
Trauma follows the story of a medical team consisting of Othello, Didier-Iago, Chanelle- Emilia, Lacy- Desdemona Toby-Roderigo
Trauma takes place not long after the civil rights act of 1964 has been introduced to stop segregation, most white Americans are bitter about the thought of sharing with blacks, especially Didier who know knows Othello's position as head of surgery is sealed.
Lacy was a scrub nurse and was one of the few white Americans who was not racist, after seeing Othello's work ethic and excellent behaviour Lacy and Othello marry, frustrating her parents.
To be a successful surgeon, a surgeon could never form an emotional bonds with any patients, Othello much to the delight of Didier formed a special bond with a female patient. Surgery was Othello's life.
George was Othello's best friend, George a new surgeon from another hospital quickly got promoted to a consultant, a little to quickly for Didier's liking.
Toby was Didier's “friend” Didier was a surgeon not based on skill but on money he was a consultant only because he paid his fees in advance. Toby loved Lacy and Didier promises him he get her to love you. In return Toby had to help Didier with his surgical skills.
Didier getting sick of simply being a consultant in surgery and after gaining Othello's trust asks his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal while he is operating and steal the patients file along with Othello's personal notes of the patient.
Didier being the sly person he is changed Othello's diary entry's to make it look like Othello was having an affair with that patient. Didier then places the diary where Lacy can see it.
Lacy and Othello enter a heated argument, Othello being an impatient man and getting tired of claiming that he had not written the words in the diary said foul things about her .Lacy thinking to herself that maybe the other Americans are right maybe the Blacks are rude and inferior., the two separate Lacy becomes racist and Othello unable to perform as a surgeon is forced to leave the hospital. Surgery was Othello's life, know that surgery had been taken away from him he had no life. Metaphorically Othello was dead.
Chanelle and Didier break up Chanelle realising what she had done confronted Didier. The end result was a divorce and Didier now the new head of surgery.

Target Audience
For any film to be successful it has to appeal to a wide audience. Trauma is a medial drama. At the moment medical dramas are very popular with shows such as ER and All Saints achieving high ratings.
Trauma will have romance and deception these two themes are very popular among viewers.
Because the language in the film will be Shakespearian the Shakespeare fans will not be upset and the casual viewer will enjoy a modern theme/setting with a classic language.
The rating for this film is PG so parents will be able to bring their children to view the film.
Famous actors will be used to draw even Shakespeare haters into seeing the film.
From the above I have tried to make Trauma appeal to a wide range of viewers.
Modern day interpretation
Today along with the crime genre medical dramas are very popular. Shows such as ER, Greys Anatomy and All Saints generally receive high ratings.
I have chosen to focus on a Marxist/power reading over a feminist reading believing that a Marxist/power reading will be preferred by more people.
In today's world no matter where you are there is always a struggle for power whether its rebel groups trying to overthrow a government, politicians battling it out for PM even in the sporting field two “teammates” wanting the captains position.
Many people have learnt about the racism that occurred in America I believe people will be able to relate to the plot and understand why Didier hates Othello .

Marxist Power Reading.
Marxist/Power reading is one of the main readings in Othello. Iago not happy being lieutenant want to lead the navy with title of general. In Othello power is not just represented by rank ( hierarchy) something which everyone can see.
Power is also someone's ability to be able to persuade and manipulate to do ones doing ( social power) e.g. Iago poisoning Othello with thoughts of his wife cheating. Iago telling Roderigo to give him money and jewels.
In Trauma Didiers social power and need to be on top of the medical hierarchy will be shown to my target audience through the use of film techniques such as camera angles, lighting, tone of voice etc.

Act 3 Scene 1
In the original play in Act3 Scene 1, there is a part were Desdemona and Othello show their love of one another by complementing each other.
In this very same scene Iago begins to poison Othello's mind telling Othello that Cassio looks like he is cheating with his wife. Othello begins to think about what Iago has said carefully . This shows Iagos social power.
Perhaps the most important item in Othello is the handkerchief. In this scene Emillia takes the handkerchief away from Desdemona at Iagos request.
Othello and Lacy will show their love by exchanging a few quick words and having a quick kiss scene something the audience will understand as a symbol for love.
Didier poisons Lacy mind , Didier will be saying things such as “ Do you remember that patient Othello was with, he seemed a little to friendly don’t you think?”. Lacy having know Didier for many years will believe what Didier is saying and this casts doubts about Othello in her mind.
Didier will be asking his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal his diary. Didier will then alter the contents of Othello's to make it look like he is having an affair with someone.
This scene will be used to show Didier's social power over others, critical to my Marxist reading.

Act 5 Scene 1
I chose this scene in Othello because it has a great example of deception and shows Iagos lust for power.
Here Iago and Roderigo wait to ambush Cassio. In the confusion Cassio and Roderigo battle Cassio defeats Roderigo. Iago acts innocent shouts “Murder” and waits for help, in the mean time he kills Roderigo.
The next most important part of scene one I believe is when Othello decides to kill Desdemona. Here we see that Othello lets his emotions take over to easily, he did not give Desdemona a chance to explain anything.

As you may have noticed I have not focused on Cassio in trauma, instead I have attempted to focus on the friendship/rivalry between Didier and Othello.
It would be silly to have two doctors getting into a violent fight in the middle of trauma ward. So Didier simply gets rid of Toby by assigning him to another ward and threatens George with his life. “ Either go back to your original hospital or I will kill you”.
Trauma in today's modern films it is usually the male who is caught cheating with another female . Back in Othello's time females were seen as inferior to the males, that is why Othello did not listen to Desdemona and killed her. Today females are equal to males, so I decided to “ go with the flow” and switch this scene around, Lacy believes Othello is cheating after she is given the diary entry's from Didier and she decides to end the marriage. Back in Shakespeare time this would not be possible.
Didier watches on admiring his work.
Chanelle realises what she has done by doing her husbands bidding and leaves Didier.
The final scene of the film will be Othello walking out of the hospital for the last time after being asked to step down as a surgeon due to his poor performances.
Characters and Cast of Trauma
Othello ( Samuel L Jackson)
An African American surgeon who was recognised for his work ethic and skill, over the years Othello becomes Professor of Surgery. His long time medical partner Didier is sick of being second fiddle, Didier becomes the downfall of Othello. Unable to focus on his surgery after Lacy leaves him, Othello is asked to step down from his position of Professor
Othello will be played by Samuel L Jackson in Trauma he has been chosen due to his popularity.

Didier ( Tom Cruise)
A white male who got his way into medicine through having rich parents. Frustrated that someone from an “inferior race” was more successful then him and the short time it took for George to get promoted he takes things into his own hands deceiving all who work with him, to finally become Professor of Surgery.
Tom Cruise is once again a favourite among viewers and is suitable for this role because of his attitude ( impatient) on and of the screen.
Chanelle ( Cameron Diaz)
A scrub nurse who happened to work on the same team as Didier and Othello after years of seeing each other on a daily basis Didier and Chanelle marry. Only later does she realise that she made a mistake that ended the career of one her friends Othello.
Cameron Diaz throughout her films has more then once played a character who has been deceived she will be perfect for this role.

Lacy (Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Lacy one of the few whites in America who do not view the blacks as inferior, supported Othello through his uni days, finally they wed. Didier tricks Lacy into thinking that Othello is cheating with a patient, Lacy believes sly Iago and divorces Othello.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an actress who is able to act in any situation again a fan favourite this will help to achieve high ratings.

Toby ( Jason Alexander)
A skilled surgeon unfortunately not very skilled socially. He loves Lacy and turns to Didier for help, in the end Toby is moved to another ward and had been used by Didier the whole time.

George- George Clooney
Othello's best friend and a novice surgeon, he joined the hospital Othello and Didier worked in. George only a registrar in surgery quickly gets promoted to a consultant, much to the dislike of Didier. He is forced to leave back to his old hospital after Didier threatens his life.
The film trauma will be set in USA in a hospital shortly after the civil rights act of 1964 to stop segregation.
The general scenes between all characters will take place in a trauma ward. The more personal scenes of Othello will take place in his office.
Didier's soliloquies will not occur in the hospital, rather they will be shot outside the hospital.
The trauma ward will be a dull coloured area with many people moving about showing the frantic pace of the ward.
Othello's office will be full of certificates, notes etc. Reinforcing his importance in the hospital.

The language used in this film will mostly be Shakespearean, I believe translating the original text to modern English, will result in loss of meaning and the characters attitudes will not be seen clearly because no matter what the original text to the modern English language will never mean exactly the same.
In my film Trauma I will like the tone of the characters to emphasise my Marxist reading. For example I will like Didier to always have a tone of authority showing his great social power ( influence over others), I would like Othello to always be shown as having to say things once to others showing his place in the medical Hierarchy.
Chanelle and Lacy will both have a respectful tone in their voices. Reinforcing their respect and love for their husbands.
Camera Angles
Again I will like to use the camera angles in my film to show the Marxist reading.
To show Lacys weakness and Didier's strength each time the camera is focusing on either I will like a low camera angle for Didier to show his power and influence and a high camera angle for Lacy showing her weakness and how gullible she is.
As for Othello during the beginning of the film I will like a low camera angle to be used showing his authority, as the film progresses I will like the camera angle to gradually change from low to high representing his weakness at the end of the film.
As for Toby his camera angles will remain constant not high or low each time he is on screen with Didier showing the trust Toby has in Didier but as Didier sends him of to another ward, I will like Toby to be seen with a high angle shot.
In my film one character who starts of weak and finishes stronger is Chanelle the wife of Didier, so I would like her angle to be high at the beginning of the film showing her weakness to her husband and when she decided to leave him a low camera angle showing her new confidence.
My film must appeal to a audience, to accommodate for all the viewers likes I have decided to have more then one genre of music.
Towards the end of the film when each character is confronting each other e.g. ( Lacy and Othello, Didier and Chanelle) , I will like the music to build up in tempo and hence create the element of suspense among the viewers.
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Oct 28, 2007
Twickel said:
A film by Daniel Moawad

Trauma One man saves the lives of others on a daily basis but cannot save his own
Sony Pictures presents the hit of the summer. Director Daniel Moawad knows what it takes to make a good movie, after reading the play Othello he knew it would be perfect to make into a film. Critics are claiming it to be perfect “ Never have I seen a perfect balance of violence and romance”.
Othello contained twists, deception, action and romance everything someone would pay to see.
Most importantly Othello contained characters filled with jealousy and the need for power/authority.
Daniel Moawad uses all the above and mixes it into a medical drama movie Trauma predicted to be the hit of the summer.

Trauma- Plot
Trauma follows the story of a medical team consisting of Othello, Didier-Iago, Chanelle- Emilia, Lacy- Desdemona Toby-Roderigo
Trauma takes place not long after the civil rights act of 1964 has been introduced to stop segregation, most white Americans are bitter about the thought of sharing with blacks, especially Didier who know knows Othello's position as head of surgery is sealed.
Lacy was a scrub nurse and was one of the few white Americans who was not racist, after seeing Othello's work ethic and excellent behaviour Lacy and Othello marry, frustrating her parents.
To be a successful surgeon, a surgeon could never form an emotional bonds with any patients, Othello much to the delight of Didier formed a special bond with a female patient. Surgery was Othello's life.
George was Othello's best friend, George a new surgeon from another hospital quickly got promoted to a consultant, a little to quickly for Didier's liking.
Toby was Didier's “friend” Didier was a surgeon not based on skill but on money he was a consultant only because he paid his fees in advance. Toby loved Lacy and Didier promises him he get her to love you. In return Toby had to help Didier with his surgical skills.
Didier getting sick of simply being a consultant in surgery and after gaining Othello's trust asks his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal while he is operating and steal the patients file along with Othello's personal notes of the patient.
Didier being the sly person he is changed Othello's diary entry's to make it look like Othello was having an affair with that patient. Didier then places the diary where Lacy can see it.
Lacy and Othello enter a heated argument, Othello being an impatient man and getting tired of claiming that he had not written the words in the diary said foul things about her .Lacy thinking to herself that maybe the other Americans are right maybe the Blacks are rude and inferior., the two separate Lacy becomes racist and Othello unable to perform as a surgeon is forced to leave the hospital. Surgery was Othello's life, know that surgery had been taken away from him he had no life. Metaphorically Othello was dead.
Chanelle and Didier break up Chanelle realising what she had done confronted Didier. The end result was a divorce and Didier now the new head of surgery.

Target Audience
For any film to be successful it has to appeal to a wide audience. Trauma is a medial drama. At the moment medical dramas are very popular with shows such as ER and All Saints achieving high ratings.
Trauma will have romance and deception these two themes are very popular among viewers.
Because the language in the film will be Shakespearian the Shakespeare fans will not be upset and the casual viewer will enjoy a modern theme/setting with a classic language.
The rating for this film is PG so parents will be able to bring their children to view the film.
Famous actors will be used to draw even Shakespeare haters into seeing the film.
From the above I have tried to make Trauma appeal to a wide range of viewers.
Modern day interpretation
Today along with the crime genre medical dramas are very popular. Shows such as ER, Greys Anatomy and All Saints generally receive high ratings.
I have chosen to focus on a Marxist/power reading over a feminist reading believing that a Marxist/power reading will be preferred by more people.
In today's world no matter where you are there is always a struggle for power whether its rebel groups trying to overthrow a government, politicians battling it out for PM even in the sporting field two “teammates” wanting the captains position.
Many people have learnt about the racism that occurred in America I believe people will be able to relate to the plot and understand why Didier hates Othello .

Marxist Power Reading.
Marxist/Power reading is one of the main readings in Othello. Iago not happy being lieutenant want to lead the navy with title of general. In Othello power is not just represented by rank ( hierarchy) something which everyone can see.
Power is also someone's ability to be able to persuade and manipulate to do ones doing ( social power) e.g. Iago poisoning Othello with thoughts of his wife cheating. Iago telling Roderigo to give him money and jewels.
In Trauma Didiers social power and need to be on top of the medical hierarchy will be shown to my target audience through the use of film techniques such as camera angles, lighting, tone of voice etc.

Act 3 Scene 1
In the original play in Act3 Scene 1, there is a part were Desdemona and Othello show their love of one another by complementing each other.
In this very same scene Iago begins to poison Othello's mind telling Othello that Cassio looks like he is cheating with his wife. Othello begins to think about what Iago has said carefully . This shows Iagos social power.
Perhaps the most important item in Othello is the handkerchief. In this scene Emillia takes the handkerchief away from Desdemona at Iagos request.
Othello and Lacy will show their love by exchanging a few quick words and having a quick kiss scene something the audience will understand as a symbol for love.
Didier poisons Lacy mind , Didier will be saying things such as “ Do you remember that patient Othello was with, he seemed a little to friendly don’t you think?”. Lacy having know Didier for many years will believe what Didier is saying and this casts doubts about Othello in her mind.
Didier will be asking his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal his diary. Didier will then alter the contents of Othello's to make it look like he is having an affair with someone.
This scene will be used to show Didier's social power over others, critical to my Marxist reading.

Act 5 Scene 1
I chose this scene in Othello because it has a great example of deception and shows Iagos lust for power.
Here Iago and Roderigo wait to ambush Cassio. In the confusion Cassio and Roderigo battle Cassio defeats Roderigo. Iago acts innocent shouts “Murder” and waits for help, in the mean time he kills Roderigo.
The next most important part of scene one I believe is when Othello decides to kill Desdemona. Here we see that Othello lets his emotions take over to easily, he did not give Desdemona a chance to explain anything.

As you may have noticed I have not focused on Cassio in trauma, instead I have attempted to focus on the friendship/rivalry between Didier and Othello.
It would be silly to have two doctors getting into a violent fight in the middle of trauma ward. So Didier simply gets rid of Toby by assigning him to another ward and threatens George with his life. “ Either go back to your original hospital or I will kill you”.
Trauma in today's modern films it is usually the male who is caught cheating with another female . Back in Othello's time females were seen as inferior to the males, that is why Othello did not listen to Desdemona and killed her. Today females are equal to males, so I decided to “ go with the flow” and switch this scene around, Lacy believes Othello is cheating after she is given the diary entry's from Didier and she decides to end the marriage. Back in Shakespeare time this would not be possible.
Didier watches on admiring his work.
Chanelle realises what she has done by doing her husbands bidding and leaves Didier.
The final scene of the film will be Othello walking out of the hospital for the last time after being asked to step down as a surgeon due to his poor performances.
Characters and Cast of Trauma
Othello ( Samuel L Jackson)
An African American surgeon who was recognised for his work ethic and skill, over the years Othello becomes Professor of Surgery. His long time medical partner Didier is sick of being second fiddle, Didier becomes the downfall of Othello. Unable to focus on his surgery after Lacy leaves him, Othello is asked to step down from his position of Professor
Othello will be played by Samuel L Jackson in Trauma he has been chosen due to his popularity.

Didier ( Tom Cruise)
A white male who got his way into medicine through having rich parents. Frustrated that someone from an “inferior race” was more successful then him and the short time it took for George to get promoted he takes things into his own hands deceiving all who work with him, to finally become Professor of Surgery.
Tom Cruise is once again a favourite among viewers and is suitable for this role because of his attitude ( impatient) on and of the screen.
Chanelle ( Cameron Diaz)
A scrub nurse who happened to work on the same team as Didier and Othello after years of seeing each other on a daily basis Didier and Chanelle marry. Only later does she realise that she made a mistake that ended the career of one her friends Othello.
Cameron Diaz throughout her films has more then once played a character who has been deceived she will be perfect for this role.

Lacy (Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Lacy one of the few whites in America who do not view the blacks as inferior, supported Othello through his uni days, finally they wed. Didier tricks Lacy into thinking that Othello is cheating with a patient, Lacy believes sly Iago and divorces Othello.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an actress who is able to act in any situation again a fan favourite this will help to achieve high ratings.

Toby ( Jason Alexander)
A skilled surgeon unfortunately not very skilled socially. He loves Lacy and turns to Didier for help, in the end Toby is moved to another ward and had been used by Didier the whole time.

George- George Clooney
Othello's best friend and a novice surgeon, he joined the hospital Othello and Didier worked in. George only a registrar in surgery quickly gets promoted to a consultant, much to the dislike of Didier. He is forced to leave back to his old hospital after Didier threatens his life.
The film trauma will be set in USA in a hospital shortly after the civil rights act of 1964 to stop segregation.
The general scenes between all characters will take place in a trauma ward. The more personal scenes of Othello will take place in his office.
Didier's soliloquies will not occur in the hospital, rather they will be shot outside the hospital.
The trauma ward will be a dull coloured area with many people moving about showing the frantic pace of the ward.
Othello's office will be full of certificates, notes etc. Reinforcing his importance in the hospital.

The language used in this film will mostly be Shakespearean, I believe translating the original text to modern English, will result in loss of meaning and the characters attitudes will not be seen clearly because no matter what the original text to the modern English language will never mean exactly the same.
In my film Trauma I will like the tone of the characters to emphasise my Marxist reading. For example I will like Didier to always have a tone of authority showing his great social power ( influence over others), I would like Othello to always be shown as having to say things once to others showing his place in the medical Hierarchy.
Chanelle and Lacy will both have a respectful tone in their voices. Reinforcing their respect and love for their husbands.
Camera Angles
Again I will like to use the camera angles in my film to show the Marxist reading.
To show Lacys weakness and Didier's strength each time the camera is focusing on either I will like a low camera angle for Didier to show his power and influence and a high camera angle for Lacy showing her weakness and how gullible she is.
As for Othello during the beginning of the film I will like a low camera angle to be used showing his authority, as the film progresses I will like the camera angle to gradually change from low to high representing his weakness at the end of the film.
As for Toby his camera angles will remain constant not high or low each time he is on screen with Didier showing the trust Toby has in Didier but as Didier sends him of to another ward, I will like Toby to be seen with a high angle shot.
In my film one character who starts of weak and finishes stronger is Chanelle the wife of Didier, so I would like her angle to be high at the beginning of the film showing her weakness to her husband and when she decided to leave him a low camera angle showing her new confidence.
My film must appeal to a audience, to accommodate for all the viewers likes I have decided to have more then one genre of music.
Towards the end of the film when each character is confronting each other e.g. ( Lacy and Othello, Didier and Chanelle) , I will like the music to build up in tempo and hence create the element of suspense among the viewers.
LOL!!! Transcript instead of Powerpoint now? I would prefer Powerpoint, thanks.

By the way, you have got WAY TOO MUCH in your powerpoint. The purpose of powerpoint is to show the audiences not necessarily to make them read.


Dec 5, 2007
I dont know how to attach it on BOS or anything else. I am bad at using computers. A novice.


Oct 28, 2007
Twickel said:
Is it ok??
Is that your speech transcript or the powerpoint's content? Because I reckon your speech transcript > powerpoint's content (in terms of amount).


Dec 5, 2007
We are not presenting this. This is my modern day interpretation of Othello, it does not look like much on the Powerpoint.


Dec 5, 2007
I meant im not presenting this as a speech I submit online and its marked by a teacher.


Dec 5, 2007
I dont know thats what our task is to create a powerpoint. I think the story is different. Othello a surgeon lol. I also focused on Iago poisoning Desdemona instead of Othello, because I said back in Shakespeares time a female could not break up with her husband they had no legal rights, so yeah.

Hope its ok.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2007
Twickel said:
A film by Daniel Moawad

TraumaOne man saves the lives of others on a daily basis but cannot save his own
Sony Pictures presents the hit of the summer. Director Daniel Moawad knows what it takes to make a good movie, after reading the play Othello he knew it would be perfect to make into a film. Critics are claiming it to be perfect “ Never have I seen a perfect balance of violence and romance”.
Othello contained twists, deception, action and romance everything someone would pay to see.
Most importantly Othello contained characters filled with jealousy and the need for power/authority.
Daniel Moawad uses all the above and mixes it into a medical drama movie Trauma predicted to be the hit of the summer.

Trauma- Plot
Trauma follows the story of a medical team consisting of Othello, Didier-Iago, Chanelle- Emilia, Lacy- Desdemona Toby-Roderigo
Trauma takes place not long after the civil rights act of 1964 has been introduced to stop segregation, most white Americans are bitter about the thought of sharing with blacks, especially Didier who know knows Othello's position as head of surgery is sealed.
Lacy was a scrub nurse and was one of the few white Americans who was not racist, after seeing Othello's work ethic and excellent behaviour Lacy and Othello marry, frustrating her parents.
To be a successful surgeon, a surgeon could never form an emotional bonds with any patients, Othello much to the delight of Didier formed a special bond with a female patient. Surgery was Othello's life.
George was Othello's best friend, George a new surgeon from another hospital quickly got promoted to a consultant, a little to quickly for Didier's liking.
Toby was Didier's “friend” Didier was a surgeon not based on skill but on money he was a consultant only because he paid his fees in advance. Toby loved Lacy and Didier promises him he get her to love you. In return Toby had to help Didier with his surgical skills.
Didier getting sick of simply being a consultant in surgery and after gaining Othello's trust asks his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal while he is operating and steal the patients file along with Othello's personal notes of the patient.
Didier being the sly person he is changed Othello's diary entry's to make it look like Othello was having an affair with that patient. Didier then places the diary where Lacy can see it.
Lacy and Othello enter a heated argument, Othello being an impatient man and getting tired of claiming that he had not written the words in the diary said foul things about her .Lacy thinking to herself that maybe the other Americans are right maybe the Blacks are rude and inferior., the two separate Lacy becomes racist and Othello unable to perform as a surgeon is forced to leave the hospital. Surgery was Othello's life, know that surgery had been taken away from him he had no life. Metaphorically Othello was dead.
Chanelle and Didier break up Chanelle realising what she had done confronted Didier. The end result was a divorce and Didier now the new head of surgery.

Target Audience
For any film to be successful it has to appeal to a wide audience. Trauma is a medial drama. At the moment medical dramas are very popular with shows such as ER and All Saints achieving high ratings.
Trauma will have romance and deception these two themes are very popular among viewers.
Because the language in the film will be Shakespearian the Shakespeare fans will not be upset and the casual viewer will enjoy a modern theme/setting with a classic language.
The rating for this film is PG so parents will be able to bring their children to view the film.
Famous actors will be used to draw even Shakespeare haters into seeing the film.
From the above I have tried to make Trauma appeal to a wide range of viewers.
Modern day interpretation
Today along with the crime genre medical dramas are very popular. Shows such as ER, Greys Anatomy and All Saints generally receive high ratings.
I have chosen to focus on a Marxist/power reading over a feminist reading believing that a Marxist/power reading will be preferred by more people.
In today's world no matter where you are there is always a struggle for power whether its rebel groups trying to overthrow a government, politicians battling it out for PM even in the sporting field two “teammates” wanting the captains position.
Many people have learnt about the racism that occurred in America I believe people will be able to relate to the plot and understand why Didier hates Othello .

Marxist Power Reading.
Marxist/Power reading is one of the main readings in Othello. Iago not happy being lieutenant want to lead the navy with title of general. In Othello power is not just represented by rank ( hierarchy) something which everyone can see.
Power is also someone's ability to be able to persuade and manipulate to do ones doing ( social power) e.g. Iago poisoning Othello with thoughts of his wife cheating. Iago telling Roderigo to give him money and jewels.
In Trauma Didiers social power and need to be on top of the medical hierarchy will be shown to my target audience through the use of film techniques such as camera angles, lighting, tone of voice etc.

Act 3 Scene 1
In the original play in Act3 Scene 1, there is a part were Desdemona and Othello show their love of one another by complementing each other.
In this very same scene Iago begins to poison Othello's mind telling Othello that Cassio looks like he is cheating with his wife. Othello begins to think about what Iago has said carefully . This shows Iagos social power.
Perhaps the most important item in Othello is the handkerchief. In this scene Emillia takes the handkerchief away from Desdemona at Iagos request.
Othello and Lacy will show their love by exchanging a few quick words and having a quick kiss scene something the audience will understand as a symbol for love.
Didier poisons Lacy mind , Didier will be saying things such as “ Do you remember that patient Othello was with, he seemed a little to friendly don’t you think?”. Lacy having know Didier for many years will believe what Didier is saying and this casts doubts about Othello in her mind.
Didier will be asking his wife Chanelle to sneak into Othello's office and steal his diary. Didier will then alter the contents of Othello's to make it look like he is having an affair with someone.
This scene will be used to show Didier's social power over others, critical to my Marxist reading.

Act 5 Scene 1
I chose this scene in Othello because it has a great example of deception and shows Iagos lust for power.
Here Iago and Roderigo wait to ambush Cassio. In the confusion Cassio and Roderigo battle Cassio defeats Roderigo. Iago acts innocent shouts “Murder” and waits for help, in the mean time he kills Roderigo.
The next most important part of scene one I believe is when Othello decides to kill Desdemona. Here we see that Othello lets his emotions take over to easily, he did not give Desdemona a chance to explain anything.

As you may have noticed I have not focused on Cassio in trauma, instead I have attempted to focus on the friendship/rivalry between Didier and Othello.
It would be silly to have two doctors getting into a violent fight in the middle of trauma ward. So Didier simply gets rid of Toby by assigning him to another ward and threatens George with his life. “ Either go back to your original hospital or I will kill you”.
Trauma in today's modern films it is usually the male who is caught cheating with another female . Back in Othello's time females were seen as inferior to the males, that is why Othello did not listen to Desdemona and killed her. Today females are equal to males, so I decided to “ go with the flow” and switch this scene around, Lacy believes Othello is cheating after she is given the diary entry's from Didier and she decides to end the marriage. Back in Shakespeare time this would not be possible.
Didier watches on admiring his work.
Chanelle realises what she has done by doing her husbands bidding and leaves Didier.
The final scene of the film will be Othello walking out of the hospital for the last time after being asked to step down as a surgeon due to his poor performances.
Characters and Cast of Trauma
Othello ( Samuel L Jackson)
An African American surgeon who was recognised for his work ethic and skill, over the years Othello becomes Professor of Surgery. His long time medical partner Didier is sick of being second fiddle, Didier becomes the downfall of Othello. Unable to focus on his surgery after Lacy leaves him, Othello is asked to step down from his position of Professor
Othello will be played by Samuel L Jackson in Trauma he has been chosen due to his popularity.

Didier ( Tom Cruise)
A white male who got his way into medicine through having rich parents. Frustrated that someone from an “inferior race” was more successful then him and the short time it took for George to get promoted he takes things into his own hands deceiving all who work with him, to finally become Professor of Surgery.
Tom Cruise is once again a favourite among viewers and is suitable for this role because of his attitude ( impatient) on and of the screen.
Chanelle ( Cameron Diaz)
A scrub nurse who happened to work on the same team as Didier and Othello after years of seeing each other on a daily basis Didier and Chanelle marry. Only later does she realise that she made a mistake that ended the career of one her friends Othello.
Cameron Diaz throughout her films has more then once played a character who has been deceived she will be perfect for this role.

Lacy (Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Lacy one of the few whites in America who do not view the blacks as inferior, supported Othello through his uni days, finally they wed. Didier tricks Lacy into thinking that Othello is cheating with a patient, Lacy believes sly Iago and divorces Othello.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an actress who is able to act in any situation again a fan favourite this will help to achieve high ratings.

Toby ( Jason Alexander)
A skilled surgeon unfortunately not very skilled socially. He loves Lacy and turns to Didier for help, in the end Toby is moved to another ward and had been used by Didier the whole time.

George- George Clooney
Othello's best friend and a novice surgeon, he joined the hospital Othello and Didier worked in. George only a registrar in surgery quickly gets promoted to a consultant, much to the dislike of Didier. He is forced to leave back to his old hospital after Didier threatens his life.
The film trauma will be set in USA in a hospital shortly after the civil rights act of 1964 to stop segregation.
The general scenes between all characters will take place in a trauma ward. The more personal scenes of Othello will take place in his office.
Didier's soliloquies will not occur in the hospital, rather they will be shot outside the hospital.
The trauma ward will be a dull coloured area with many people moving about showing the frantic pace of the ward.
Othello's office will be full of certificates, notes etc. Reinforcing his importance in the hospital.

The language used in this film will mostly be Shakespearean, I believe translating the original text to modern English, will result in loss of meaning and the characters attitudes will not be seen clearly because no matter what the original text to the modern English language will never mean exactly the same.
In my film Trauma I will like the tone of the characters to emphasise my Marxist reading. For example I will like Didier to always have a tone of authority showing his great social power ( influence over others), I would like Othello to always be shown as having to say things once to others showing his place in the medical Hierarchy.
Chanelle and Lacy will both have a respectful tone in their voices. Reinforcing their respect and love for their husbands.
Camera Angles
Again I will like to use the camera angles in my film to show the Marxist reading.
To show Lacys weakness and Didier's strength each time the camera is focusing on either I will like a low camera angle for Didier to show his power and influence and a high camera angle for Lacy showing her weakness and how gullible she is.
As for Othello during the beginning of the film I will like a low camera angle to be used showing his authority, as the film progresses I will like the camera angle to gradually change from low to high representing his weakness at the end of the film.
As for Toby his camera angles will remain constant not high or low each time he is on screen with Didier showing the trust Toby has in Didier but as Didier sends him of to another ward, I will like Toby to be seen with a high angle shot.
In my film one character who starts of weak and finishes stronger is Chanelle the wife of Didier, so I would like her angle to be high at the beginning of the film showing her weakness to her husband and when she decided to leave him a low camera angle showing her new confidence.
My film must appeal to a audience, to accommodate for all the viewers likes I have decided to have more then one genre of music.
Towards the end of the film when each character is confronting each other e.g. ( Lacy and Othello, Didier and Chanelle) , I will like the music to build up in tempo and hence create the element of suspense among the viewers.
Powerpoint = Inform, entertain and interact with audience in a professionally casual form
You have too much text. This will mean that:
  1. You will get bored
  2. The audience will get bored
  3. You will just end up reading the screen, which is actually insulting the audience, because you're standing there reading all this text of the screen as if they need help reading.


Jan 29, 2005
Aplus said:
Powerpoint = Inform, entertain and interact with audience in a professionally casual form
You have too much text. This will mean that:
  1. You will get bored
  2. The audience will get bored
  3. You will just end up reading the screen, which is actually insulting the audience, because you're standing there reading all this text of the screen as if they need help reading.
Do a few major points to each slide and expand on each point as you go.
Memorise the presentation if possible.


Premium Member
Apr 19, 2006
-33.917188, 151.232890
I agree with pretty much what everyone else is saying.

Powerpoint presentations should contain dot points or short sentences on the screen + diagrams and pictures where appropriate.

the idea is you have the key points on the screen and you do the explaining, not put all the explanation on the screen, because no one will read it thoroughly and they will miss the key points.

besides if you put key points, then you don't have to waste time trying to work out what you wanted to say for the slide, you can see the key point and start talking.


Dec 5, 2007
Im not presenting it to a class, I said before im submitting it online and one teacher will be marking it. My PP has music a slideshow and pictures.


Jan 29, 2005
Obviously your teacher does not understand the function of a powerpoint.


Dec 5, 2007
ITs only 13 slides and the last few slides have nothing on it, Believe me in PP form its nothing.


Premium Member
Apr 19, 2006
-33.917188, 151.232890
Twickel said:
Im not presenting it to a class, I said before im submitting it online and one teacher will be marking it. My PP has music a slideshow and pictures.
what the hell!? that's stupid. -->
mr_brightside said:
Obviously your teacher does not understand the function of a powerpoint.

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