wtf why are so many girls unhappy with their weight when they are most likely in a healthy weight range.
I have a feeling 'tone' may be the issue at hand. by tone i mean body fat perentage. Stop obsessing over the number on the scale, i did and i got really sick and almost ended up on hospital for heart problems. Now i've been healthy for over a year and i still have circulation probs in my feet from what i did, so don't do anything stupid.
There's no point in cutting out carbs or junk food or whatever because it leads to bingeing.
Eat 6 small meals a day, lots of fruit and veges and low GI carbs. this will help curve the sugar cravings. Let yourself have like 2 pieces of chocolate or whatever every day.
Join a gym and do WEIGHTS not cardio. You will see results with cardio at first but then nothing. Weights won't make you big, girls can't get big because of chemical differences between us and boys.
Probably do a full body routine unless you're training for a comp (like me
Do squats, lunges (you'll get a fucking top ass and legs and work your core all at the same time) do hovers/planks and other resistance exercises and you will see a HUGE difference.
Make sure you get adequate protein and drink enough water.
IF you do this ^^ you will look hot as shit in a month. trust me.
EDIT: don't neglect cardio, but don't just go to the gym and do an hour of cardio. do 30 minutes weights THEN 30 min cardio. The weights use up glycogen stores so you'll burn a higher percentage of cals from fat in your cardio workout.