Your view of the world is a little too rosy
If it is that easy to get money by playing the markets and property I would be retired by now.
For example, according to this:
annual nominal returns on stock markets and property is approximately 10%..
let's say you are GOOD and get about 15%. Factoring out inflation thats about 12% real.
assuming you want an income of 80000 you would need about 700K capital to start with
then you will need another 100-200 for the bad times.
That is all on top of your house and other assets which doesn't generate income.
so before you even start you will need to be a millionaire.
assuming a 60k income.. you can save (a liberal estimate) 40k a year.
that will mean you can't start until 15-20 years later
all this being the lucky scenario... with some bad luck it would be worse
Ofcourse you could try derivatives (buying options or futures for example)..... but that's quite risky..
you will need to be lucky for the first 7-10 years with high risk investments
You are more likely to make big bucks young being an engineer.