@notme123 User Luukas and I ended up with something similar, but maybe not as concise. A lot of cool otherwise solutions in the other thread though!
I bet hey are going to be generous and award 1/3 mark for writing the area of a triangle formula!
I feel the exam had a reasonable gradient of difficulty - a non-ext2 student should be satisfied with comfortably getting through Q11-12, then wading through the wordy and pronumeral bloated Q13 and playing substitution games. Marks in Q14 will be sparse because each question really targets a sophisticated understanding of something niche in the syllabus, still well within the syllabus though!
Hoping and praying E4 around low 50s.
I bet hey are going to be generous and award 1/3 mark for writing the area of a triangle formula!
I feel the exam had a reasonable gradient of difficulty - a non-ext2 student should be satisfied with comfortably getting through Q11-12, then wading through the wordy and pronumeral bloated Q13 and playing substitution games. Marks in Q14 will be sparse because each question really targets a sophisticated understanding of something niche in the syllabus, still well within the syllabus though!
Hoping and praying E4 around low 50s.