I applied for and got misadventure for both Ancient and Modern History; after coming down with flu-like symptoms [e.g. aches and pains, sore throat, temperature] on the night before my Ancient exam, I then woke up the next morning and not only was in so much pain I couldn't move, but then started vomiting....lots of fun, hey? So I didn't actually sit the Ancient exam. I was still in not terrific shape by the Modern exam, so I applied for misadventure there as well.....
I ended up with 96 for Ancient, and 95 for Modern - I was ranked first internally in Ancient, and 2nd internally for Modern. So it all turned out well, although I think that if I'd sat the Ancient exam [while healthy] I probably could have done better - simply because the paper was easy and I'd prepared for some specific questions in the paper.