While talkiong about schoolies today in a "study" period, we worked out that we would much rather to go somewhere out of the way of the schoolies crowd with our whole group (male + female + other which not sure about) and worked out that it would be great to rent a big house and everyone go up there to celebrate the ending of our school lives with those who helped us get through them!
Anyone else had this sort of idea for schoolies, or has anyone does this before to give us an overview of if it works well or not!
It should be great, barbies for every meal and the people we want to be around, and no stupid drunk dickheads running around going nutz!
Anyone else had this sort of idea for schoolies, or has anyone does this before to give us an overview of if it works well or not!
It should be great, barbies for every meal and the people we want to be around, and no stupid drunk dickheads running around going nutz!