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Most ANNOYING things when Driving (1 Viewer)


Revered Member
Sep 16, 2004
synthesized said:
most annoying thing when driving - when the road rules are vague.

who has right of way in this situation (see below)? it is not a 4-way intersection but it is 2 driveways (one from a service station, the other from a pub) diagonally opposite each other. both cars want to go in the opposite direction to the other car. there is constant traffic coming from each direction. it was at night so nobody can see the other driver. if we were to both enter the road at the same time there was the potential for an accident. but whose fault would it be?
The guy coming from the pub ;)


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
Yeah those situations can be farrrrrrrked, there is one virtually identical to that near where I live, I usually try to avoid going that particular way because their is to much room for confusion. But its just like a normal 4-way intersection, except when you turn you just have to make sure you remain to the left of that other car.... so turn using a more extreme angle if ya know what I mean. It sounds easy in thoery, but its all up to whether the other driver does the same thing!

So Id say that the person who doesnt turn enough to the right is the person at fault... how they determine who didnt I have no idea!


Oct 10, 2005
1. P platers who think they are really really 'good' drivers (re rate of young people who end of impaled on telegraph poles) when clearly they are not.

2. Aggresive large 4WD owners who won't let you in because they are king of the road.

3. People who tailgate. Dumb and dangerous. Just look at the traffic going into the city. Everyone is doing about 90 and everyone is about 1.5 seconds behind the person in front. Keeping a distance from all cars around you is a pretty good way to avoid being involved in a crash.

5. People who think the speed limit is the miniumum and appropriate for all situations...its not. People who try and beat steady traffic...you won't. How many people do you see rip past you only to end up next to you at the next lights?
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Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
ashimation said:

And the stupid cunts who drive them when there is no need -- they are responsible (partly) for fucking climate change.

The stupid mothers with their 'family fwd' to keep their kids safe. Most of them can't even fucking drive, so when they cause a crash, guess who will die -- the other person.
I hate fucking WANKERS who drive hugeass cars in the city -- IT'S NOT OFF ROAD you fuckwits! argh!!!!!!!!
I agree. It's a load of shit, honestly, and these women are often found doing U-turns WHILST ON THEIR MOBILE PHONES, with a bub strapped in the back. :confused:

4WDs are only for areas like mine, semi rural and rural, honestly, why do you need a 4WD in the city? Often you never even venture out here, not that i'm complaining.... we have a shitload here, just about every 2nd person owns one. You only need one if you venture to the countryside.... there are things called people movers (as ugly whales as they are) if you need it for the space.. Ah well ... have fun experiencing a higher centre of gravity and being more susceptible to rolling.

bizadfar said:
-ANd yes people on the Motorways going LESS than 110. I was behind this Silver toyota seca on the way to blacktown. THe driver struggled to keep it inside the lane properly and struggled to keep it at constant spped. Mostly going from 85km/h to 100km/h. Keep in mind i had my L plates on. I got sick of it and changed lanes and gave her the look (too bad windows greatly tinted) I looked in my rear view, and what do i see? P plate.... I mean who the hell goes below 110km/h on a motorway. There is absolutely nothing out there. No Cruise control is not an excuse, I didn't even know how to turn mine on (i pushed the button, dash lighted up cruise, i let off and the needle dropped rapidly, i stepped back on it quickly and turned cruise off)
Oh sorry, I'm on my Ls still (not for long, hehe) and I go at 80-90km. *shrugs*.
I'm sorry..... Pfft I don't need cruise control, i'm heaps good at maintaining the perfect 80km lol... I wish I could go a bit faster on the freeway....legally.

bizadfar said:
- Old drivers, as they especially the slow ones. Yes going slow may be safe, but old drivers do just as stupid things.

-Short drivers (old are deadly) This short person was sitting in a camry and like trying to look over everywhere. I could tell she couldn't jackshit, disaster waiting to happen. All you need is a damn cushion. It's that simple.

- P plater punks who think u want to race them or some shit. (very funny when they are in some turbo corolla rice shitbox) Funny enough i got off the line way infront then let off a bit at around 60km/h.

- P platers that think they are god of the road, and cannot drive for shit. The one infront of me could literally not stay in one segment of his lane, one second right up on the dotted lines near the wall, next second on the other dotted lines near a car...

-People who change lanes dangerously(weaving). This sparks alot of road rage (eg my dad). I can't really talk, i use to do the same thing long ago.
Yes/No, Stfu I'm short and I cannot help it ... though i'm perfectly fine when I'm driving, yes P platers think they're the shiz, Yeah most can't drive due to being in an automatic vehicle... sorry its true at least here, oh and as for weaving... fuck that, I hate it and its disgusting, you have no consideration for what stress you may be inflicting on others.

mr_brightside said:
Taxi Drivers.
Crazy Indian (Sorry Bookie) Taxi Drivers .... ohhh...

lourai*87 said:
- it pisses me that because im a learner people assume i am going slow or am incompetent. I am doing my 50kph or slightly over (the speed limit) and people sit behind me getting the shits. And then they sit on my arse. If i didnt have my L i really dont think this would happen

- when im doing my max 80 on a 2 lane road (speed limit 100), the lane is going to end in say 500m, and some car comes right up behind me when they could clearly overtake.. i give them room to do so, but noooooo they stay there on my arse. And then when the lane ends they sit there with a crabby expression on their face, and continue to tailgate me until either they or i turn off.

- people not giving way on roundabouts. A van cut in front of me today the dickhead. and then 5 meters later they decide to pull over anyway.

- people who tend to get the shits just because i decide to exercise some caution when going down a windy slope. I am extremely sorry that i do not wish to go flying off the edge.
I'm completely in agreement with you here.:rofl: I give people room to overtake me generally if they're keen to go at 100 on my winding country road... (limit's 80). Have fun crashing into a tree...
Except I turned into an intersection on the green light, and this lady who's at the red light cuts across me.... nearly t-boning me...:mad1:

Oh and trucks are pretty scary, as are Manual buses when the driver fucks up a hillstart:mad1: and you're behind them.. ohhhh and if you tailgate me... consider yourself dead.:) And logging trucks,.... holy mother fucker...


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
luscious-llama said:
I agree. It's a load of shit, honestly, and these women are often found doing U-turns WHILST ON THEIR MOBILE PHONES, with a bub strapped in the back. :confused:

4WDs are only for areas like mine, semi rural and rural, honestly, why do you need a 4WD in the city? Often you never even venture out here, not that i'm complaining.... we have a shitload here, just about every 2nd person owns one. You only need one if you venture to the countryside.... there are things called people movers (as ugly whales as they are) if you need it for the space.. Ah well ... have fun experiencing a higher centre of gravity and being more susceptible to rolling.
1. i've done that, and it goes to show how easy it is to drive with one hand

2. 4wds have more seats than normal cars. obvious choice for large families.


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
haha most of the things listed here really annoy me. but wat also annoys me is the stupid ~30 yr old male drivers in their commodores and falcons that give u death stares coz ur a p plater n stuff and they soemtimes try 2 drag n do stupid things like that. and prove they r better than u. also when ppl give u the finger out of nowhere haha. i get it alot !!!!!!!!!!!! i dont even know why?? haha
but what i do like is when ppl let me in. its so nice i always let ppl in too :D


Rocket Queen
Nov 7, 2004
I drive a 4wd lots of the time, but it's actually smaller (width and length-wise) than the last car we had. I mean it's taller, but much more compact (the last car was a ford falcon). We do intend to take it off-road, though. It has more space in the back for camping gear and the like, as well.

I hate it when people drag me out when I'm trying to merge, and then slow down when I slow down to let them past, again not allowing me to merge. FFS just let me in behind you.

Old people can be quite dangerous. I've seen an old lady drive through a red light (people coming through had to slow down so as not to hit her), and stop at a random line ON THE OTHER SIDE. Stupid old git.

People who can't stay in a lane (particularly while turning), don't indicate to change lanes, don't look before they move etc. Also, people on motorbikes who zoom past on the left, when there isnt a lane there. There is so much potential for death when you're on a bike, you'd think they might realise this and be really careful on the road.


Aug 25, 2005
Pace_T said:
haha most of the things listed here really annoy me. but wat also annoys me is the stupid ~30 yr old male drivers in their commodores and falcons that give u death stares coz ur a p plater n stuff and they soemtimes try 2 drag n do stupid things like that. and prove they r better than u. also when ppl give u the finger out of nowhere haha. i get it alot !!!!!!!!!!!! i dont even know why?? haha
but what i do like is when ppl let me in. its so nice i always let ppl in too :D
yea i will let people in, in just about all occassions. but i will NEVER let people in when you are merging and someone races up the lane that has to merge to get ahead of traffic, ill tailgate the car infront with practically 10cm between us to show the intent.


Aug 16, 2005
Bonnells Bay
pottsy44 said:
yea i will let people in, in just about all occassions. but i will NEVER let people in when you are merging and someone races up the lane that has to merge to get ahead of traffic, ill tailgate the car infront with practically 10cm between us to show the intent.
tailgating is a stupid & dangerous thing to do.
Sep 3, 2003
gold coast
i hate people that can't indicate .. i was going straight through a roundabout, and there was a dude on the roundabout that had no indicators on and was almost off the roundabout altogether, so i assumed he was going straight out, so i went for it .. but no, he was turning right and almost fucking collected me and the car beside me who also went. no fucking indicators, how am i supposed to know?

so he beeps at me and chases after my car, pulls up to me in the next lane and yells out "why don't you learn the road rules or go hand your licence back", so i said "well maybe if you used your fucking indicators to let other people where you want to go, that'd be nice" and drove off .. seriously, what a knob.


Feb 10, 2004
Port Macquarie
I dont really get pissed of with people who make mistakes, as long as its obviously a mistake, usually i just laugh. It does nothing if i beep my horn and act like a dickhead, its not as if they want to have a crash.
The thing i really hate the most is intolerance, once i got to a roundabout and this dude in a white van pulled up behind me and, because i waited only less than 2 seconds too long (i had a really bad day) he beeps his horn at me and i looked in the mirror and it looked like he was having a seisure or something. I felt a bit better because his van was lame.
I do hate it when people tailgate me when im going the speed limit (sometimes a little bit over) I never tail gate, it makes me feel on edge. I hate it how people speed all the time, its annoying and only causes problems.

Sometimes other P platers will put their high beams on me just because im a p plater. its so immature, how could they find that funny?


Feb 10, 2004
Port Macquarie
katietheskatie said:
i hate people that can't indicate .. i was going straight through a roundabout, and there was a dude on the roundabout that had no indicators on and was almost off the roundabout altogether, so i assumed he was going straight out, so i went for it .. but no, he was turning right and almost fucking collected me and the car beside me who also went. no fucking indicators, how am i supposed to know?

so he beeps at me and chases after my car, pulls up to me in the next lane and yells out "why don't you learn the road rules or go hand your licence back", so i said "well maybe if you used your fucking indicators to let other people where you want to go, that'd be nice" and drove off .. seriously, what a knob.
I would be so pissed off if that happened to me, its heaps good that u told him that it was his fault. If someone yelled at me i would just say nothing, but then kick myself later for it.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland
I have to add another to mine after today : Crazy f*cking idiot drivers.

I turned in front of this car, their was a massive gap, accelerated to 60km/h (it was a 50 zone) and then she starts to tailgate me.... then she floors it and overtakes me in a residential area with a car oncoming and very close (We both give her the horn)! She also kept very close to my car while overtaking. She then proceeded to go through a red light (like it had been red for 2secs). And get this, on top of all of this stupitity, the sun was directly in front and it was impossible to see beyond 20m of your car!!!! That person would have to be f*cked in the head.... she wasnt a p-plater either.... I dont think anyone bar those who are mentally retarded would have tried that stunt that she did.


And I think this comes down to people thinking they are invincible and not realising that if she for example had hit that oncoming car, it would have been an impact of her speed (70km/h) + their speed (50km/h) = 120km/h.... and her car was a heaps old arse excel (the word crumple zone wasnt even invented yet when it was made). Now even at 60 she would have a good chance of head trauma, at those above speeds you would be dead. Foolish woman.
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Aug 25, 2005
rhia said:
tailgating is a stupid & dangerous thing to do.
the situation im refering to is when the cars are travelling about 20km/h, so a crash would be quite unlikely and injury / serious damage would be extremely unlikely.


Aug 25, 2005
luscious-llama said:
Crazy Indian (Sorry Bookie) Taxi Drivers .... ohhh
lol trust me it isnt just indians, it is just the larger majority of taxi drivers that are crazy barstards. but i believe it is more just city taxi drivers who get stressed to the max. i know as i have been in a far few taxis around the city for work related matters.


Oct 12, 2004
Another annoying thing is people that don't know how to merge...

You give them sufficient room so they can merge in front of you, but noooo, they just keep going straight whilst their lane is disappearing...

And when they suddenly notice they slam on their brakes and want to merge into the side of your car...

I just really hate people that don't observe the road ahead whilst they're driving...

Like omg I just realised there's a parked car in front of me when I'm 2m away from it... Not only do they then have to find a gap in the traffic, but they have to do it from standstill... And then they also piss the driver behind them off if their vehicle is huge and blocks the view of everything in front...


Active Member
Mar 18, 2004
Miranda, Sutherland

Yeah, on the flip side though, people who dont give way can be just as annoying! Like one time I was in a lane that needed to merge, traffic was going prity slow, this bastard in a camry went on my corner and wouldnt give me enough room... being an aggresive driver I just gave my car some gas and pushed in. But some people think indicators are just for looks when you can actually be fined for not letting someone who is indicating in!


Aug 16, 2005
Bonnells Bay
pottsy44 said:
the situation im refering to is when the cars are travelling about 20km/h, so a crash would be quite unlikely and injury / serious damage would be extremely unlikely.
regardless. you never know.


Oct 12, 2004
Hate people that don't check their blindspots

Was turning left on a two laned road, some slow Accord took the left lane, so I took the right lane... however, since it's a slight swerve before you turn left, the bloody Accord went STRAIGHT through the curve taking up both lanes... he exited in the left lane and I accelerated up in the right... then out of nowhere he indicates right when my whole car was right next to him!

I mean, sure.... you just turned a corner taking up both lanes, but that doesn't mean no-one will EVER be not next to you

I proceeded to honk the shit out of him and omgwtfbbqkfc he realised I was next to him.... he served back in time tho...

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