supercharged said:
The Iriver H10 is one majorly OVERPRICED and underspec'd packet of shit.
overpriced? yes. "underspec'd", i'm assuming you mean "underspeced" [if that is a word]. how are its specifications below iPods? give me three, excluding the physical difference and i will be happy.
It has gotten trashy reviews in the consumer magazines
what consumer magazines? are those consumer magazines reviewed by idiots who think any player which is easy to use good? can i get a review from a magazine specialising in audio, or even remotely computing?
and no one buys them for good reason.
that's becuase
1) Apple spends hundreds of millions advertising their "MP3-player"
2) walking past any shopping mall and i guarantee you will see the word "iPod" more than once.
3) several people are sheep who refuse to get off their asses to some research before spluring $400+ on an MP3 player that will last them for a few years.
instead, they see an iPod belonging to a friend and will get overly-excited because it looks "trendy", and will rush out to the nearest Apple dealer to pick one up, sauntering past JB-Hifi to even look at the iRiver. why? becuase i don't ever remember seeing iRivers being advertised, besides in a JB-Hifi or DSE catalogue on page 35 in the corner, as opposed to a Domayne's full-page catalogue on page 1.
It features the usual iriver flash player plastic construction rather than the sturdy metallic build of ipods and mrobes
i don't know where you're getting your facts from. my H320 is as sturdy as any other player. and MRobes? aren't they manufactured by a camera company?
and costs the same as the the ipod photo at $499 yet has only 5gb Vs 30gb
read above, i'm not arguing that's it's not overpriced. my arguement is simply, you get what you pay for. besides, try haggling down an iPod and an iRiver at any shop and see what reaction you get. they'll tell you to piss off if you even ask for $10 off the iPod.
and "claimed" 12 hrs (actual tests by cnet managed only 9.7hrs battery life Vs an easy 15+ (17.1hrs in cnet tests) on the ipod photo or 18+(23 hours) hrs on the cheaper ipod mini gen2.
your accusation is next to worthless without a link.
lol back to the drawing board Iriver, cos ipod spanks your crappy arse
perhaps in your opinion, but i'll stick to a real MP3 player thanks.
edit: why am i arguing over this? to be honest i don't care what you think is a good MP3 player, or what sucks. you keep your iPod and i'll keep my iRiver. i'ld think a few extra millimetres of thickness, plus the plethora of features on the iRiver outweighs a thin MP3 player that sounds like crap and requires you to pay for additional features.