It wasnt that bad as in the topic itself, some of the theory aspects to me are more tiresome then the actual practical work.
The format of the assignment that was like most of our tutes for the sem was retarded... For most the tutes you couldnt select your/type your, own heading, description etc. in. You had to choose it from a drop down list in excel. Made everything way more tedious then it needed to be, and much more frustrating, especially for me who rather types fast then clicks fast , coupling that without a mouse
That being said, I agree about what you said about law. Thats why I'm just going to try out Lex101 as a people unit in the first place, a lot of my mates that do law (mainly at other unis) have slagged it off but I kind of want to experience it. Many people slag off accounting, engo etc. as well. But it all comes down to what fits you just right