I only played one piece for the HSC. Was very frustrating to learn. Besides the fact that air-con stuffed up the action in the brand new baby grand and it was nearly stuffed.
Add to that an absolute idiot of a teacher. We spent 2 terms mindmapping the concepts instead of doing our theory work because someone asked him for a summary sheet of them. He did a 20minute viva with someone because he's silly, and only asked her about historical information, no musicology at all.
Add to that he actually conducts the vocalists in the school ensemble with a baton. I was laughing at him when he was. Even though he was standing 1 metre from them and probably nearly took their eyes out.
He never went around the class during practical lessons and just sat at his desk complaining that youtube was blocked.
Worst year musically of my life. But also the best in other respects.