Muslim People in Australia (4 Viewers)


Aug 14, 2003
His reply didn't support the violent reactions of certain Muslims. He simply agreed that the cartoons were offensive. There's nothing wrong with that. The major assumption that many people are making is that if a Muslim agrees that the cartoons were offensive, he/she automatically agrees with the violent protests and deaths worldwide. Which isn't the case.


Apr 25, 2004
Kulazzi said:
Congratulations sis!

That's what I love about scarves!

Different colours, different designs, different patterns, different shapes, different sizes! And you can buy one that will match exactly with any outfit you are wearing!!! :p
much like every other piece of clothing


Feb 24, 2006
Great Land of Australia
Hello Sasha-the-man, Salima and Not-That-Bright,
I have read your posts and considered them in my answer. I believe all of you have valuable views that can be presented to others in a forum such as I only hope that my post will be as valuable as yours:
I think as true aussies, we should respect everyone and their beliefs. We only hope that once others enter our beloved country, that they too will see our views and accept our relaxed, care-free lifestyles, which all fair dinkum Aussies immerse themselves in. I believe the Islamic people have a lot to offer the Australian way of life, and in the future I hope that everyone will unite and immerse themselves in this great Aussie culture of ours.
Thankyou in advance for reading my post.
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a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
ledzeppelin said:
Do Muslim women get rickets?
if you mean A deficiency disease resulting from a lack of vitamin D or calcium and from insufficient exposure to sunlight, characterized by defective bone growth and occurring chiefly in children.....then no
we dont


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
Soha, have you ever read the entire Qur'an?

I've almost finished it. And i'm fascinated to hear whether you have or not.
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Dec 22, 2005
ledzeppelin said:
Do Muslim women get rickets?
I get why yo'd ask that, but really it's a stupid question. Being covred by the sun, especially the australia one since it's closest under the ozone layer hole, it is an excellent thing. Just becuase you don't get a lot of sun doens't mean you will suffer with rickets as you ask. Why? Because you can find vitamins everywhere!


Dec 22, 2005
Captain Gh3y said:
Well, we don't really have the ability to think, we're just socially constructed to think we can think. (Descartes was wrong!) You only posted on BOS because society told you to, you don't really want to.

You know what I'd do if I were of the female persuasion? (and if I imagined hard enough they believe I could make myself one; you know now gender is just a social construct too! Maybe I could socially construct myself some boobs to play with) I'd walk around wearing both a headscarf AND a miniskirt at the same time.

With the whole "freedom" and "responsibility" maybe attitudes to how males/females/others dress should be kept private and we should respect each others' rights to dress in trenchcoats and dance down main streets in broad daylight. ie. Let them wear hijab or miniskirts, for whatever derranged reasons they have, and shut up about it. Some of the Aussie women that are on the more robust side could do well by choosing burkha over bikini. Ugh.
YOu know if you were a girl you wouldn't think of your boobs that way. Why do men always say that! If you're a girl you won't think of just hanging round the house and playing with your boobs, maybe....unless you're gay....I wouldn't knwo about gay people.......

davin said:
ah, gotta love tolerance for those different than oneself.
it is what god commanded of us. If the human race was meant to be gay, and still be able to reproduce (i would imagine it ending up something like the snails) then it would have been made so from the beginning. But a woman needs a man to reproduce this is why we call it straight, hetrosexual, for reproducing...our purpose besides (as I see it) worshipping allah.

damage inc said:
I spit on muslims like you and shit on Mohammed.
It's people like you with your intolerance and your inability to accept the answers when they come ot you that make australia hat little bit crappier, the world all that little bit more sutpid and rediculous in these times. No body really began to notice muslims until after 9/11. Like I said to sasha, when you dishonour the prophet it can never be forgiven, but beucase you are kufr you are unknowing. For a muslim you want everyone to be happy, and free. This is why (esp. family) die and they are not muslim, they cannot be redeemed. You know they'll go to hell . This then makes you want to be the best muslim you can be.

soha said:
yeah they did
they were like oh ur wearing the scalf now congrats(coz they know its an important and big thing for me)
then they got excited saying now we can buy you pretty scalves etc etc
and at first they looked at me alot but before you knew it was normal and as if nothing had changed
Yeah alhadullilah. I'm proud. I felt mor ein my own element, in my own skin, like a comfort zone when I took up hijab how about you?

I'd just like everyone to know that women in Islam are like feminists. They have more rights than the western woman who stll struggles in her environment.

A woman, every muslims, must be educated...if nt it is a sin on you. If you are not educated, this leads to ignorance.

A muslim woman can work. Any money she gets from this job is hers, she doesn't have to use it on the family at all. This means if divorse comes about she can be financially secure, a problem with a lot of women these days.

A muslim woman is equal to the muslim man. God decreed neither is better or less than the other.

A muslim woman has more rights in divorse than a man. Such in the case of pregnany. If she is not finacially stable then either they must stay married or he find her a place to live, and give her money until such time when she can fend for herself (after the arrival of the baby or such a thing). All you must say to divorse is "I divorse you" three times and its done. (I know someone who did it over the phone! bizzar eh!)

So anyone who thinks a muslim woman is oppressed and the hijaba constricting thing, think again.

A muslim woman was once asked by a journalist visiting the University of Damascus if being in hijab was not too hot for her in the heat of damascus....this young university student replied "Say: The fire of Hell is fiercer in heat" (Qur'an 9:81).

Another example of how women love to take up hijab: (form hadith)

Safiyah bint Shaybah said:
"When we were with 'Aa'ishah (prophets wife), we mentioned the women of Quraysh and their virtues. 'Aa'ishah said, 'The women of Quraysh are good, but by Allah I have never seen any better or more strict in their adherence to the Book of Allah than the women of Ansaar. When Soorah an-Noor (24th chapter of the Qur'an) was revealed---"...that they should draw their veils over their bosoms..."--- their menfolk went to them and recited to them the words that Allah had revealed. Each man recited it to his wife, his daughter, his sister and ohter female relatives. Every woman among them got up, took her decorated wrapper, and wrapped herself up in it out of faith and belief in what Allah had revealed. They appeared behind the Messenger of Allah, wrapped up, as if there were crows on their heads.'"
Now if the muslim women of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)'s time could take up hijab and did then this proves that it is command from Qur'an, not just come cultural or traditional thing....and that muslim women everywhere (esp. in these terrible tiems when we must stand up for islam) should take up hijab, or not even consider taking it off.

So allahu ukbar, alhamdullilah for SOHA!


Mar 9, 2004
I see intolerance on both sides of the argument and I cannot be fucked.


Feb 24, 2006
Great Land of Australia
It's people like you with your intolerance
Hello Salima,
I have read your reply thoroughly and thank you for it.
Being a fair dinkum aussie, I dont agree with damge inc's comments. However, it also seems that you are being very hypocritical. You accuse people of being intolerant then later go on to say that if you are not muslim, then you'll go to hell. In the true aussie spirit, why not be tolerant of all reglions?
I hope, in the future, you too will embrace our great way of life and see into your heart, when you post.
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Dec 22, 2005
aussiebogan said:
Hello Salima,
I have read your reply thoroughly and thank you for it.
Being a fair dinkum aussie, I dont agree with damge inc's comments. However, it also seems that you are being very hypocritical. You accuse people of being intolerant then later go on to say that if you are not muslim, then you'll go to hell. In the true aussie spirit, why not be tolerant of all reglions?
I hope, in the future, you too will embrace our great way of life and see into your heart, when you post.
Okay don't talk to me like that. Don't ever say things like 'you too will embrace our great way of life and see into your heart', because you sound evangelical christian, and what are youtalking about! Not these values again that johnny keeps talking about, because these values haen't yet been defined. I was born here and raised her. So I am aussie. I don't know what you're going on about it's quite rediculous actually. What is this great way of life? having a barabie, women wearing small skirts and tops that let even the ageds boobs hang out, and drinking beer. If so then you can keep it. Cause that's when me religion tells me I cannot embrace that. Once upon-a-time christian women everywhere dressed modestly too...bu what went wrong!

I was born in australia, educated, and lived, and I will probably die here too. So don't say anything about embracing a way of life. I am not intolerate, I was jsut saying this is the way in my religion. It's not like I'm going to go around forcing peple to convert, I just said fomr my perspective it's said. Just as it is from any other religions perspective if you're not part of it.

Muslims are tolerant...but not when it comes to ignorant people saying beomce part of australia adn every persons different, this si not a dictatorship or a facist regime, so everyone has the right in australia to be aussie in whatever way they please. And is that's worship allah 5 times a day and wearing hijab and not going out searching for the next beer and my next sexual rondaevu then so be it.

Australia is multicultural, and with that comes different cultures all enjoying australia fo rthemselves. I wish people would get of thier backs and hte msulims ( islamis a religion not a culture damnit!) and let them be. People love thai food, chinese food, indian food, malaysian food, hell, ppl love big german sausages. By talking about aussie way of life and values it is johnny propaganda, for white australia policy, where anything african looking or asian looking is not australian, even if you are 7th generation australian, adn your father happened ot be a jamaican one of the first few fleets that came over (as i'm informed their was a few JA's)'re still not aussie.

"In the true aussie spirit, why not be tolerant of all reglions?" Maybe australia should take this note out of your book and do the same, and how bout being tolerant of all cultures too. (not races cause that don't really exist...made up by america to get more land = more money)! I mean you may say a certainthing that a person does is kinda funny, cause you don't understand why ppl in that culture do it yet. But you should take the time to learn/ which isnot done. For shame.

So maybe next time you will want to rephrase waht you say, and think abotu the owrds you use a little bit harder.:bomb:
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Aug 14, 2003
nwatts said:
Soha, have you ever read the entire Qur'an?

I've almost finished it. And i'm fascinated to hear whether you have or not.
You're better of reading interpretations of it which are organised by section or by area of law (E.g. Reliance of the Traveller). Reading the whole Qur'an doesn't necessarily mean you'll understand Islam better than a person who hasn't.

There are people who've memorised the whole Qur'an... sure, it's great, but many of these people don't even understand a word their saying, or have very little idea as to how to apply Qur'anic principles in their daily lives.


Dec 22, 2005
Excellent point tempco....

btw...what is this islamofascism...who came up with this silly word?

why don't people form here try going to to find out more about islam. I'm sure most questions could be answered there. By the more knowledge and leanred of htose in islam. You can also sign up and ask your questions there, that I'm sure could be better answered than here. Maybe then you'd see muslims are real people for those who jsut like to criticise and go in circles with a never ending spiril into dispare!

Also try here can type in any name, quote or word and find out where it is in the qur'an...this will help anyone with discovering things in the qur'an some muslims here may not know.
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Mar 9, 2004
Salima said:
Okay don't talk to me like that.

So maybe next time you will want to rephrase waht you say, and think abotu the owrds you use a little bit harder.:bomb:
i thought he was very civil to you, in a very calm way. Even if you feel he misunderstood, try to be civil about it


Active Member
Jan 5, 2005
Salima, AussieBogan was being nice. If I were him I'd reply with something inflammatory to make you angry, but I'm not him. You can be conservative without being religious. You can embrace Australian culture without having religion. Spouting superiority through religion is what he means by subtle intolerance.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
Yeah alhadullilah. I'm proud. I felt mor ein my own element, in my own skin, like a comfort zone when I took up hijab how about you?
Yea believers want to believe that something magical happens when they perform a ritual so much that there actually are effects - muslims putting on the jihab... firewalkers firewalking... christians performing holy communion... jews doing jew stuff...


Lacking creativity
Sep 6, 2003
Salima said:
YOu know if you were a girl you wouldn't think of your boobs that way. Why do men always say that! If you're a girl you won't think of just hanging round the house and playing with your boobs, maybe....unless you're gay....I wouldn't knwo about gay people.......
No you don't. Homosexuality isn't related to attractiveness to a self. It would be a subset of autosexuality.
Salima said:
it is what god commanded of us. If the human race was meant to be gay, and still be able to reproduce (i would imagine it ending up something like the snails) then it would have been made so from the beginning. But a woman needs a man to reproduce this is why we call it straight, hetrosexual, for reproducing...our purpose besides (as I see it) worshipping allah.
Would've been made from the beginning? Well 14 billion years is alot of planning, alot of environmental events that influence DNA happens and evolution finding some characteristics that produce a net benefit to the reproduction of one's genes. If humans purpose is to reproduce, I assume you are married now and reproducing. You can reproduce early, no need for you to have a further education or even complete your HSC.
Salima said:
It's people like you with your intolerance and your inability to accept the answers when they come ot you that make australia hat little bit crappier, the world all that little bit more sutpid and rediculous in these times. No body really began to notice muslims until after 9/11. Like I said to sasha, when you dishonour the prophet it can never be forgiven, but beucase you are kufr you are unknowing. For a muslim you want everyone to be happy, and free. This is why (esp. family) die and they are not muslim, they cannot be redeemed. You know they'll go to hell . This then makes you want to be the best muslim you can be.
Umm you seem to be fairly intolerant as well, even just your views on homosexuality. Personally I'm looking forward to any sort of hell. But no more then I am to Atlantis rising up out of the ocean in the Pegasus Galaxy.
Salima said:
A woman, every muslims, must be educated...if nt it is a sin on you. If you are not educated, this leads to ignorance.
Alot of people also think religion leads to ignorance. Education is hard to achieve when your purpose is worship and child bearing.
Salima said:
A muslim woman can work. Any money she gets from this job is hers, she doesn't have to use it on the family at all. This means if divorse comes about she can be financially secure, a problem with a lot of women these days.

A muslim woman is equal to the muslim man. God decreed neither is better or less than the other.

A muslim woman has more rights in divorse than a man. Such in the case of pregnany. If she is not finacially stable then either they must stay married or he find her a place to live, and give her money until such time when she can fend for herself (after the arrival of the baby or such a thing). All you must say to divorse is "I divorse you" three times and its done. (I know someone who did it over the phone! bizzar eh!)
How can they be equal when muslim women get more divorce rights then muslim men? How can they be equal when a muslim man must support the family but a muslim woman doesn't have to?


Jan 2, 2004
Salima, I agree with ur_inner_child and transcendent - aussiebogan was being very nice and civil to you

aussiebogan said:
I believe the Islamic people have a lot to offer the Australian way of life
Although you may be used to having people give you a lot of shit, it would pay to be nice to the people who are nice to you - that way you might not make yourself so unpopular. What he said was no-where near as bad as what some of the other people here have said to you, so saying "Okay don't talk to me like that. Don't ever say things like..." is not helping you or your cause at all.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.
it is what god commanded of us. If the human race was meant to be gay, and still be able to reproduce (i would imagine it ending up something like the snails) then it would have been made so from the beginning. But a woman needs a man to reproduce this is why we call it straight, hetrosexual, for reproducing...our purpose besides (as I see it) worshipping allah.
Humans aren't the only gay creatures, so for whatever reason whether it be merely a way of coping with times when there are no females around, alot of creatures have evolved the ability to be gay.

You know they'll go to hell . This then makes you want to be the best muslim you can be.
Best quote from that 'the god that does not exist movie'

"I could not live knowing there's this place where there's billions of people suffering for all eternity, knowing I can do nothing about it - that for me would be hell."

Don't you think that existing in heaven when your family is in hell would be hell?

Alot of people also think religion leads to ignorance. Education is hard to achieve when your purpose is worship and child bearing.
Well there's education - and there's learning skills... education is where u tell people stuff, learning is where you teach people to learn. I imagine you're speaking of the former.
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Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Extremist preachers prey on young: Robb

Extremist preachers prey on young: Robb
By Kerry-Anne Walsh
February 26, 2006

PREACHERS of hate were targeting vulnerable young Muslim men, posing serious problems for Australia, the federal Liberal frontbencher responsible for multiculturalism said yesterday.

Throwing strong support behind Peter Costello's call to Muslim Australians to obey domestic laws or else, Andrew Robb said only education and jobs would stop the young male Muslims from falling prey to extremists.

Responding to angry retorts that Mr Costello's comments reflected an anti-Muslim bias, he said the Islamic community should not ignore its problems.

[continued - see link]
As for Costello's comments - Costello defends citizenship comments, reflects on GST

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