My Guide to HSC at TAFE. (1 Viewer)


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
General Information:
In 2005 if you are doing no more than 4 subjects, the fee will be $306 for the year along with an additional materials fee of $50(this was the materials fee at my TAFE at others they charged different amounts all roughly equalling $15 materials fee per subject), amounting to $356 which should be paid at enrolment. If you are doing more than 4 subjects, the fee is $562 plus $60 for materials, amounting to $622. You may pay in 2 instalments. If you receive any benefits from centrelink you may be exempt from course fees.

In order to enrol in the HSC at Tafe you must you must attend an information session held on campus. Information sessions dates for campuses may vary, so contact the TAFE campus of your interest.

In order to complete the HSC you must accumulate 12 preliminary units and 10 HSC units, 2 of these units must be English. In order to gain entry to university you must complete a minimum of 8 category A HSC units with a maximum of 2 category B HSC units. Your achievement in these units is calculated in order to determine a rank known as a UAI which determines which courses in university you may access. Further certain courses in university require completion of certain HSC subjects before you may access them so subjects must be chosen with care.

There are 2 ways in which the HSC is delivered at TAFE. The first is where the preliminary (year 11) subjects and HSC (year 12) subjects are taught separately in a similar fashion to a school. The second is where the preliminary and HSC components of a subject are compressed into approx. 9 months, this allows you to complete the HSC in 1 year or 5 years if you so wish. The second is the most common form taught at TAFE. It should be noted that within this program classes typically range from an hour and a half to four hours. Classes may also be day or night.

Also you may undertake a TVET subject which allows you to undergo part of a TAFE industry course as part of your HSC which will give you advanced standing in a TAFE qualification; however with a few exceptions the majority of TVET subjects do not contribute to the UAI.

If a subject of your interest is not at a particular TAFE, you may co-enrol with a number of campuses with no extra enrolment fee. However OTEN is the only TAFE to offer even a limited amount of language subjects and then only in a two year course, so if you desire to study a language you may have to co-enroll with Open High School or Saturday School. Upon enrolment in the HSC at TAFE you will also be enrolled for free in the ILC ; a tuition program for those needing help in Maths or English, Science or Computing.(this is statewide ie I enroll in Gymea HSC and can use Blue Mountains ILC as well for no extra cost)

The Limited UAI

The Limited UAI is an option for mature age students (aged 21 and over) which grants you a UAI with a lesser amount of studies( between five and nine Board Developed units, two of which must be english) in a single year. You cannot accumulate a Limited UAI.

While most universities will accept the Limited UAI for admission into many courses, competitive courses such as Medicine and Veterinary Science and others will not accept the Limited UAI. Students are advised to check with universities if they admit students into a course on the basis of a Limited UAI.
TVET courses are Tafe modules or Certificates that you can undertake that count as units in the hsc or preliminary years. They also may give credit and advanced standing in some Tafe courses. A handful of these courses also contribute to your UAI and may also be offered in some schools, these are industry framework courses and I will list them here:
Information Technology
Primary Industries
Metal & Engineering
Business Services
The rest of the courses are not industry framework and don't contribute to the UAI, apart from Accounting which does.
The non framework courses are listed here:
In order to enroll in a TVET course at Tafe, you should either speak to your year advisor or VET co-ordinator if you go to a school, or if you are completing your HSC at Tafe then contact the Tafe that runs your desired TVET course in order to co-enroll.

: TAFEs that run Category A HSC subjects
Albury, Bankstown, Blacktown, Bradfield, Condoblin, Cowra, Forbes, Gymea, Granville, Hornsby, Liverpool, Meadowbank, Nepean, Newcastle, Northern Beaches, North Sydney,Orange, OTEN, Parkes, Randwick, Ultimo,Wagga Wagga, Wollongong

Subject Offerings

Blacktown - English(Standard), General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Geography, Modern History, Information Technology, Accounting

Bradfield - English(Standard), English(Advanced) English Extension 1 English Extension 2, English Fundamentals, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Legal Studies, Business Studies, Geography,Ancient History, Modern History, History Extension, Information Technology, Ceramics, Photography, CAFS, Dance, Design & Technology, Drama, Food Technology, IPT,Music 1, PDHPE, Society & Culture, SDD, Visual Arts, Visual Design, Work Studies, Hospitality, Business Services, Entertainment, Media & Performance, Music Industry, Retail, Tourism

Cessnock- Biology, English Standard, General Mathematics, Modern History, PE/PD Health, Society and Culture, Information Technology; Primary Industries; Child Studies; Hospitality.

Gosford: Biology, Business Services, English Standard, General Maths, Geography, Information Technology, Modern History(alternating each year with Ancient History), Society and Culture

Newcastle - Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Design and Technology, English( Standard), English(Advanced), Geography, Information Technology, IPT, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics, Modern History, Physics, Senior Science, Society and Culture, Studies of Religion, VET subjects
Visual Arts

Wyong-Biology, Business Studies,English Fundamentals,English Standard
General Mathematics, Geography,Information Technology,Modern History,TVET Options

Bankstown:ESL, English Fundamentals,Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English(Standard), English(Advanced), Geography, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Modern History, Physics, Senior Science, Society & Culture, Information Technology,

Sutherland (Gymea & Loftus)- Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English(Standard), English(Advanced), English Extension 1, Geography, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics(Advanced), Mathematics Extension 1, Modern History, Physics, Society & Culture, Accounting, Automotive, Beauty Therapy, Business Services, Electro technology , Information Technology, Music Industry, Tourism

Wollongong: English Fundamentals, English (Standard), English (Advanced), General Maths, Mathematics, Modern History, Biology, Geography, Economics, Legal Studies, Chemistry, Physics, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Ancient History, Accounting, Automotive, Business Services Industry, Children’s Services, Construction, Electro-technology, Hospitality, Information Technology Industry, Music Industry, Nursing

Granville-Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English(Standard), English Fundamentals, Geography, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics(Advanced), Mathematics Extension 1, Modern History, Physics, SDD.

Hornsby - English Fundamentals, Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English(Standard), English(Advanced), English Extension 1,English Fundamentals, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics(Advanced), Mathematics Extension 1, Modern History, Physics, Senior Science, Visual Arts

Liverpool – English Fundamentals, Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English (Standard), Geography, History Extension, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics (Advanced), Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, Modern History

Meadowbank: English Fundamentals, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English (Standard), English (Advanced), ESL, Geography, IPT, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, PDHPE, Physics, Senior Science

North Sydney: English Fundamentals, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Earth Science, Economics, English(Standard), English(Advanced),ESL, English Extension 1, English Extension 2, Geography, Information Processes & Technology, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Mathematics Extension 2, Modern History, Physics, SDD, Studies of Religion

Northern Beaches: English Fundamentals, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, English (Standard), English (Advanced), Geography, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics, Physics
Randwick: Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Drama, Economics, English(Standard), English Fundamentals, Geography, Information Processes & Technology, Legal Studies, General Maths, Mathematics, Modern History, Physics, Senior Science, Society & Culture, Visual Art, English(Advanced)

Ultimo: Biology, English (Standard), English Fundamentals, Information Processes & Technology, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, Society & Culture, Ancient History, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English (Advanced), ESL, English Extension 1, Geography, Legal Studies, Modern History, SDD, Visual Art, PE

OTEN-Accounting, Ancient History, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Childrens’ Services, Earth and Environmental Science, Economics, English Advanced, English Standard, Fundamentals of English, Food Technology, French (Beginners), Geography, German (Beginners), Information Technology, Italian (Beginners), Japanese (Beginners), Marine Industry,Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, General Maths, Modern History, PDHPE, Physics, Property Services, Senior Science, Spanish (Beginners), Textiles and Design,Visual Arts

NOTE: This list is far from complete as there are other campuses I cannot ascertain the subjects for, also I have refrained from posting a total list of TVET colleges as that would be endless and have instead provided links below to some TVET pages. I would also appreciate input from any other students of the tafe hsc program who have any relevant knowledge they think is not in this guide.

Important links: This is for Bradfield College which is located in North Sydney, it is essentially a TAFE run high school and has separate procedures to the run of the mill TAFE. This is the OTEN institute of TAFE which is the correspondence TAFE. This is the Western Sydney Institute of TAFE's TVET index
This is the Illawarra Institute's TVET page
This is the Hunter Valley Institute's TVET page. This is the North Coast's TVET page.
This page talks about credi transfer between Tafe courses and HSC courses and vice versa.
This page lists the TVET non framework courses you can take as part of your HSC.
This page lists the TVET framework courses you can take as part of your HSC.
This is the sydney institute's page for TVET.

Q. Will TAFE affect my scaling or marks?
A. No, it will not. When marking HSC papers, markers do not know from which class or campus the paper originates and so must mark the same whether the paper comes from James Ruse or TAFE. The scaling also will not be affected as that is derived from the whole of the candidature in your subjects.
Q. I've heard everyone at TAFE is like really dumb, so if I never turn up won't I still top the class?
A. In general, no. TAFE has its mix of people like anyone else and you would be foolish to assume that the relative stupidity of your class members whether real or not will improve your HSC.
Q. What dates does the TAFE HSC/Preliminary courses run?
A. For non-correspondence TAFEs the program starts in February and runs through to either your HSC in October/November or your End of term exams in Term 3 for Prelim. For those doing a matriculated program(HSC combined with Prelim) then most of you will begin in February, complete your prelims in term 1 or early term 2 depending on your subjects and sit the HSC with everyone else that year, a handful of TAFEs however do not function under this timetable such as Gosford which commences in term 4, but holds no assesments in this period so that those enrolling in term 1 arent disadvantaged. For OTEN(correspondence TAFE), the dates are more flexible as there are no classes and you may start your course at similar dates to a school, and they may accept later enrollment up until sometime in April of the year you wish to sit the exam for.
Q. What does "framework" and "non framework" mean?
Framework means that you must undertake work experience in the field of your TVET course as a component of this course, non framework means that you don't.(there are a handfull of exceptions to this)
Q. If I want to do a new subject in the HSC, do I have to do the year 11 bit?
While you do have to satisfy the preliminary requirements, TAFE has classes where the year 11 is integrated into the year 12 in the same year.

If there are any queries ask away in the "HSC at Tafe?" thread:
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Jan 3, 2005
Man i really wish i knew this tafe-hsc thing earlier, so i would of it done it at tafe instead of highschool. the thing is that they have a combined intensive program of Yr11+12 in one year, so i could of went to tafe and do 3 HSC subjects in the 1st yr and 3 HSC subjects in the 2nd yr instead of yr11 and yr12 at highschool!!.

anyways great threat kami. this should be a sticky
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time to pretend
Sep 16, 2004
what if you want to do 2subjects for the tafe hsc?
does it still cost $306?
thats a fucking rip-off.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
mmm_sofay said:
what if you want to do 2subjects for the tafe hsc?
does it still cost $306?
thats a fucking rip-off.
Yes, it does cost that amount but you'll also find that the majority of people applying are entitled to exemptions from the fees due to either being full time students, underage, disabled or other various reasons.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
under a certain age so that you recieve youth allowance, i think


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
Central Coast
Guys, just so you know, there is another course which is equivalent to the HSC that you can do at tafe which the universities think more highly of than the hsc. If you want to get into Uni it is the better option. I know of two people who done it and they got first round offers to uni. at high school these guys got uai's of 60 when they finished tpc they got 94 and 89.

The course is called Tertiary Preperation Certificate (TPC). you do subjects just like in the hsc, you can do statistics, literature, history, chemistry, biology etc. but the subjects arent just based on knowledge but also study techniques and research techniques, how to write essays properly etc, hence the name tertiary preparation.

To get into the course you need to sit an english and a math test, but they arent hard, and if you past them you go on another day and enrol.

The teachers prefer mature age students, but cannot enforce it anymore becuase of the law and most uni's wont pay attention to your age, but just check with the uni you wish to attend first

The course is a cert 3 and will cost about $500


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
LABRAT said:
Guys, just so you know, there is another course which is equivalent to the HSC that you can do at tafe which the universities think more highly of than the hsc. If you want to get into Uni it is the better option. I know of two people who done it and they got first round offers to uni. at high school these guys got uai's of 60 when they finished tpc they got 94 and 89.

The course is called Tertiary Preperation Certificate (TPC). you do subjects just like in the hsc, you can do statistics, literature, history, chemistry, biology etc. but the subjects arent just based on knowledge but also study techniques and research techniques, how to write essays properly etc, hence the name tertiary preparation.

To get into the course you need to sit an english and a math test, but they arent hard, and if you past them you go on another day and enrol.

The teachers prefer mature age students, but cannot enforce it anymore becuase of the law and most uni's wont pay attention to your age, but just check with the uni you wish to attend first

The course is a cert 3 and will cost about $500
I think TPC and HSC are both valid options and it is imprecise to promote one as being superior over the other or easier when they are most certainly not - TPC is not regarded as higher by universities, it is regarded as equivalent to. It is also a Certificate 4 and thus according to the TAFE website is more along the lines of $790.

However everything else stated is correct, and TPC is beneficial to many students who are more capable of presenting work in portfolio form rather than crammed exams as the TPC does not contain exams in the manner of the HSC for any subject apart from maths, due to this many find it much less stressful and more flexible(though it is not guaranteed that achievement will be automatic). I also encourage anyone looking at repeating to have a look at the TPC as well as the HSC as an option for gaining university access.


New Member
Feb 4, 2006
Hey i have a friend who missed out on the infomation sessions for enroling in TAFE and weve started school there a way that she can still enrol or is it to late??


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
I encourage your friend to give the TAFE campuses a call as you never know how many left over places there are. I would be inclined to think though, that the city TAFEs would be much closer to being filled up and the suburban ones would have more left over places.


Aug 23, 2004
What level of schooling would you need to have done to go to TAFE? I heard it's mainly Year 10-ish but some Year 9's get head-starts. Just curious.


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
lala2 said:
What level of schooling would you need to have done to go to TAFE? I heard it's mainly Year 10-ish but some Year 9's get head-starts. Just curious.
It depends - TAFE are very big on RPL, I had dropped out after year 7 but when I came to TAFE to do CGVE(year 10 equivalent) then HSC, they gave me the option of skipping the year 10 and going right into year 12(they didnt have the separate prelim version there). There were a few other people in similar situations, though we were mainly the exception rather than the rule as its a BOS requisite that to enroll in the HSC/prelim program you must have either an SC, CGVE or mature aged experience that is sufficiently equivalent to SC/CGVE.

If you are talking about any TAFE course, well there is an entry point for any level - TAFE even has classes accessible to those lacking an education beyond primary. However the majority of courses are much more accessible at TAFE if you have a HSC already, otherwise you have to work through the various levels, Cert 1, 2, 3, 4, Dip, AdvDip one by one.[depending on where you're at]


New Member
Dec 21, 2006
About The TPC... I was just wondering if you get into the course you want in a Univesity, would you be able to apply for the CSP course? Im not sure whether CSP replaced HECS, but I just want to confirm that CSP is the one you don't hav to pay for the course instead the governement does and you pay them back through your tax or something.
May 28, 2006
Kami would you be able to post or pm me info about doing HSC subjects at ultimo TAFE, because i can't seem to find the HSC subjects on the website or i dun understand what its talking about :confused: , thanks :)


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Preditor.89.N7G said:
Kami would you be able to post or pm me info about doing HSC subjects at ultimo TAFE, because i can't seem to find the HSC subjects on the website or i dun understand what its talking about :confused: , thanks :)
Ultimo's section on the HSC is given here:

The subjects that Ultimo has taught in past years is presented in my first post in the thread under 'Subject Offerings':
Ultimo: Biology, English (Standard), English Fundamentals, Information Processes & Technology, General Maths, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension 1, Physics, Society & Culture, Ancient History, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English (Advanced), ESL, English Extension 1, Geography, Legal Studies, Modern History, SDD, Visual Art, PDHPE
In order to obtain a more up to date list of Ultimo's subject offerings I advise you to contact Ultimo campus' General Education dept. and enquire.
May 28, 2006
o ok thanks, do you know where i could find the same info like that about north sydney too. Also about the TAFE environment with courses, i know its not like school but is it like just do hours and go home straight away type of thing?. And With the info session, do u have to pay before you get accpeted or after?


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
Preditor.89.N7G said:
o ok thanks, do you know where i could find the same info like that about north sydney too. Also about the TAFE environment with courses, i know its not like school but is it like just do hours and go home straight away type of thing?. And With the info session, do u have to pay before you get accpeted or after?

As for your questions:
You attend the classes you need to attend - no one is keeping you there for any set period outside of your specific classes.
With payment, you generally pay when you enroll which is after the info session (how long after depends on the campus).


The Sexy One
Oct 12, 2005
Hey, anyone who can answer my question I would really appreciate it:

Basically my situation is that I did fairly well at the HSC, i got late 70's and early 80's in 4 of my subjects and i got 63 in Maths. This unfortunately dragged my UAI down to 65. Now I want to do the HSC through TAFE next year.

Is it possible to combine my better results that I received through doing the HSC at high school with the new results I get through TAFE to form a UAI? Or will I have to re-do all of my subjects?


An iron homily
Nov 28, 2004
dragonsrock said:
Is it possible to combine my better results that I received through doing the HSC at high school with the new results I get through TAFE to form a UAI? Or will I have to re-do all of my subjects?
You repeat whichever units you choose to repeat, you aren't forced to re-do the whole thing. You also can only make use of the results of your latest attempt in a subject, as opposed to your best.

So ultimately, yes you can combine them.

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