I don't get the planes/chains argument.
Just because the immigrants may as well be living back in convict time with how much their civilizations have developed doesn't mean they can comparatively say, hey, our methods of arrival were better!
I'm tempted to throw back at them the point that even with modern technology their morals are akin to that of tribal scum. And there is nothing therefore to be proud of.
The British sent convicts here because their prisons were full. And most settlers were in fact that, settlers, anyway. Not convicts. They were promised land by the government and so sailed across the other side of the world. And they built this into a country you new immigrants complain about.
So just fuck off, you have no entitlements, you jusy piggy back on westerm developments. And now, I don't want to hear about some technology you developed 1000s of years ago, your culture has gone to shit now.
And lol at referring to convicts as it's such a low thing, you realise the completely menial crimes many were shipped off for? Like stealing a loaf of bread so they didn't starve to death?
As opposed to Muslim immigrants who likely got some girl stoned to death for raping her.
Just fuck off.