Wooz said:
google "IQ tests", "psychometric tests". Also consider purchasing Mensa puzzle books but you absolutely must purchase the materials from ACER the company that runs the UMAT test.
I agree with Wooz. If you're a hardcore googler, you will find questions which are very close in style, and structure to those found in all the UMAT prep course company offerings.
It would not surprise me at all if they do in fact search the Internet, copy questions simply changing the name of each individual situated within the scenario, and sell them to MBBS applicants for absurd amounts of money (e.g. $1099 for Incarus, or $500+ for Medentri) - what a bunch of slugs dude.
Listen, wait until I organise the majority of relevant prep materials I have on various DVD data disks, and I will share with all here. I'll upload some IQ type questions (books), psychometric questions and additional resources (copyright free) lolz. Additionally, I have many audio books (e.g. Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence, House of God, Harvard's Guide to Optimising your Memory, Understanding Peoples Emotion, Understanding Body Language etc... I have heaps of gear to help prepare however, unfortunately, I don't have the time to upload, and share.
Peace my friends,
-Bacilli (Labs today) :wave: