Need help choosing WoW character (1 Viewer)


Mar 16, 2008
Hi. I'm getting back into WoW after a 7 month hiatus, and my IRL friends and I are starting on a new server. My other characters were a lvl 55 Troll shaman and a level 43 Human paladin (switched to a PvP server and went pally before hitting 60, didn't get bored of shammy though). I like the tanking classes, the hybrid classes and the healing classes, and can't stand mages, warlocks and especially hunters.

I was looking at going Troll priest on a PvP server, just want to know if anyone could please shed some light on the classes capabilities?

Is the class:

1) Hard to kill?
2) Highly needed/sought out in groups?
3) Capable solo questing?
4) Easy to find appropriate gear for throughout the game, particularly instance boss drops?
5) Do trolls make good priests?
6) Viable in PvP? My prot pally and resto shammy were quite bad.
7) Most importantly, fun to play?

Thanks a lot; hopefully someone with a good understanding of the priest class can help me out.

Thank you.
Jun 16, 2008
hahah you rolling a TROLL PRIEST? you're a disgrace. If i saw a troll priest i would LOL both in game and in real life

get a clue man.. standard deist scumbag
Last edited:
Jun 16, 2008
yeah, sweet, except im an undead priest and my other main is a tauren warrior


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
WoW is gay, lol.

I played the trial, looking at the base stats which they give to you, I made a Dwarf/Hunter and leveling was pretty easy. They're perfectly suited for the class, but it's probably a really common combination because of that.

Rule of thumb. Ranged classes are the best all-rounders in MMOs. No exceptions.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
1) Hard to kill? no, unless you roll shadowpreist, in which case still pretty easy

2) Highly needed/sought out in groups? no, only needed for healing[1 needed per group of 5] and a pally/druid/shaman fill this roll much better as they can off tank and dps aswell, group is usually 1 tank, 1 healer and 3 dps, if you can dps you are 3 times more likely to get in a group

3) Capable solo questing? one of the hardest classes to solo with, easiest is hunter followed by probably warlock

4) Easy to find appropriate gear for throughout the game, particularly instance boss drops? yeah pretty easy, but remember if its a healing gear you are competing with any pally/shaman/druid [at least pre60] who might want a healing set[even if its cloth. the stats are still good], and if its damage set you are competing with warlocks[for shadow damage] and mages[general dps set] who are going to get shitty at you for stealing the damage gear they need.

5) Do trolls make good priests? no, undead is much better imo

6) Viable in PvP? My prot pally and resto shammy were quite bad: can be viable if shadow, i heard spreist and warlock work well. Any class can do well though, you just need the right spec and the right combination of players and of course skill.

7) Most importantly, fun to play? some people enjoy healing in a group, if you like that then great[ i like to deal damage, so always been dps class] if you dont like spending hours simply healing and doing nothing fun then yeah not so fun. Soloing is apparently fun with them, you can heal when you get hurt so no need to eat, but like mages you have to sit down to drink, unlike mages your water isnt free.

fyi: rating is how well you perform in arena pvp, 1500 is considered average [although if you are in a harder batte group and have a 1500 rating, you would theoretically be better at pvp compared to someone who had a 1500 rating but was in an easy battle group] , my brother got pretty high on my account, 2200+ with my warlock, and a little bit lower on his warrior on the hardest battle group: cataclysm.

I hope this helps, you probably shouldnt roll a troll preist, decide what roll you want to fill in the game and pick a class that does that well. Rogues can be really fun, but if you want to be a hybrid, go druid. They tank pretty well, they can heal great, dps like a mage or stealth and dps like a rogue.

i have a 70 warrior, a 70 warlock,[both 70s are decked out] a 50something mage [havent played in ages] 30 something shaman and same for pally, ive tried a fair chunk of the classes and it all comes down to personal preference, i like to dps, but tanking is also great fun. Healing is shit imo and if group wipes you get the blame.

edit: i am over 6 months sober so some of this stuff might not be up to date, i gave my account to my brother and decided to focus on socializing and uni. Best choice i ever made, i am much happier and my life is a ton better. Dont get into this game if you value your social life.


mr jumb
Jun 24, 2004
TacoTerrorist said:
I like the tanking classes, the hybrid classes and the healing classes...
Go druid then imo.

1) Disc/holy priests are one of the best healers in arena because they're such a pain to kill. However, it's a hopeless levelling spec so it wont help you when you're ganked while questing.

2) Yes, as holy. Also both specs are generally in short supply for raids so you'll get a guild easy there. The other cool thing, is that you can still heal fairly well in low level instances as shadow spec, which is something most of the other healers cant do.

3) Yep, they have a bunch of cool escape spells and such. Just make sure you stack spirit and go for the mana-regen talents. It'll mean you'll never need to stop to drink.

4) Very easy.

5) UD are the best horde priest because of the cool racial shadow spell. Apart from that, you really can't go wrong with race, just pick the one you think looks the coolest.

6) Your resto should've been good, so you might be shit. But yeah, refer to 1)
7) Subjective, but they're alright. They have some fun stuff like fear, bubble and mind control.
Jun 16, 2008
jumb said:
Go druid then imo.

1) Disc/holy priests are one of the best healers in arena because they're such a pain to kill. However, it's a hopeless levelling spec so it wont help you when you're ganked while questing.

2) Yes, as holy. Also both specs are generally in short supply for raids so you'll get a guild easy there. The other cool thing, is that you can still heal fairly well in low level instances as shadow spec, which is something most of the other healers cant do.

3) Yep, they have a bunch of cool escape spells and such. Just make sure you stack spirit and go for the mana-regen talents. It'll mean you'll never need to stop to drink.

4) Very easy.

5) UD are the best horde priest because of the cool racial shadow spell. Apart from that, you really can't go wrong with race, just pick the one you think looks the coolest.

6) Your resto should've been good, so you might be shit. But yeah, refer to 1)
7) Subjective, but they're alright. They have some fun stuff like fear, bubble and mind control.
listen to this post. Except with the thing about the racial class, rolling undead will give you a clear advantage in arena with will of the forsaken, and you'll look like an idiot playing a troll priest.

Only problem with priests atm is that resto druids are far superior in arena in terms of both survivability and healing, so pretty much most 2v2 and 3v3 teams would choose a druid over a priest if they had the choice.

And, considering you havn't played any class over lvl 60 yet (the chars u were lvling were prot spec'd and resto spec? wtf?), im really doubting you have the dedication to get through the horrendous grinding to 70 as a priest


Feb 11, 2008
Tauren Druid i had one level 68 and a warlock level 70. sold my acct for 150 bucks, wow was better in the old days.

1) Hard to kill?
very hard, i was a druid and if you learn how to play it well and you are fast you can take on like 3 ppl at once.

2) Highly needed/sought out in groups?
umm i dont know about these days but i used to be able to go to alot of instances, i carried around a full set of healing shit and then my feral stuff so i could interchange if healer or tank died.

3) Capable solo questing?
of course, much easier than it was to level my warlock

4) Easy to find appropriate gear for throughout the game, particularly instance boss drops?
yes almost everything you can use

5) Do trolls make good priests?
yeah they are alright, you can use the rage thing to make your spells cast faster, it works better when you are on low hp

6) Viable in PvP? My prot pally and resto shammy were quite bad.
i completely owned everyone, i had full blues enchanted and i was taking on ppl with full epics and winning, 90 percent of druids i took on i beat.

7) Most importantly, fun to play?
most fun i had playing that game was on my druid. never get tired of it, its not just like shaman where you can melee or spell cast, the whole idea of changing forms in combat and completely changing your stats n stuff is pretty cool. you can be an actual warrior when you want to be and you can be a rogue when you want to be.

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