need some help on getting motivated (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 23, 2008
right now i dont know what to do, beginning of year 11 my marks rocked, but second semester my marks slipped dramaticly.

I can think of several reasons. I may have a uai in mind but i dont care about anything much anymore. My dad is sick with a cancer that they dont know anything about, they gave him 6 months but he has been trucking on for a year, but in my mind i am always thinking what about tomorrow, and fuck i just want to do well in the hsc, like get 85 UAI thats my goal, but the way that i am going know it looks like i wont get the chance.

my friend says i am smarter than i give myself credit for but i just dont apply myself, i think thats true, but guys can anyone give me some motivational tips to get my ass of the ground and possibly study techniques, like past papers and such.

It would really rock thanks guys


je t'aime.
Aug 28, 2008
that would suck. really badly.

i know it sounds basic, but timetable your time, ie give an hour to maths? [not sure what subjects you do] then spend half an hour with the fam, then do an hour of something else, then reward yourself by spending time with your dad, or something you really want to do. i would find that a really good reward, because the more work you've done, the more time you get to spend with him or do other things.

it helps if you think positive. my best friend's grandfather got given three weeks to live about six months ago. just keep your head up high. anything could happen tomorrow, but concern yourself with the events of today.

if that's what your friends say, believe them! i know they are there to support you and everything so you may think they're over exaggerating, but they know you better than anyone else most likely, and if they say that, they wouldn't be making it up. believe you could come first in the class if you wanted to, and it's amazing what you can achieve.

past papers are amazing to study with, but only after you've revised the content. it really helps pick your weaknesses and then you can work on them.

hope that helps a little. and keep smiling, it's the best way to get through life =]].


Nov 9, 2008
Damn, that'd seriously suck.

Obviously, you're smart enough to do it, though. One thing I found that helped me was that knowing someone who rarely said things about believing in people, told me he thought I could get 100 if I put my mind to it. It may or may not be the same for you, though.

I agree with hermand, the study timetable might be a help. I know it kind of seems stupid, but in a way, it can give you a sense of achievement for simply having followed it, and generally, if you feel good about one aspect of studying, you're more likely to feel better about the rest of it.

I'm sorry if this doesn't help much, but I'm not the most motivated of people, nor do I know how to really get motivated. This is just what's worked for me.


Mar 13, 2008
Firstly, sorry to hear about your circumstance. If you did not already know, you can apply for special provisions for the HSC under these circumstances. Talk to your school career adviser about it.

I agree, timetable may be a good idea. However, I myself cannot keep to a timetable to win a million dollars - well in that case i might, but otherwise I can't.

What you could do is think of doing well in the HSC for your father - as in, I'm sure if you did really well, he would be very proud of you. This is how I felt when I was trying to get myself motivated - when my grandfather passed away, his wish was to see me get into uni. That didn't happen, but I still felt I should do him proud.

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