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Nelson bags surfing lessons (1 Viewer)


Feb 20, 2003
From the SMH (really AAP, but yeah):

School surfing classes 'a disgrace': Nelson
September 7, 2005 - 8:14PM

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Surfing ... the minister has some concerns about the value of surfing as a Higher School Certificate course.

Surfboard riding was today facing a wipeout as a Higher School Certificate subject in NSW schools, with the federal government branding its curriculum status "an absolute disgrace".

Byron Bay High School, on the NSW north coast, developed the course last year as part of its applied sport, leisure and recreation courses.

The NSW Board of Studies this year endorsed it as a Higher School Certificate subject that counts towards the student's final marks, but does not count toward students' Universities Admission Index scores.

About 16 students at the school have chosen the course, among them surfers on the world junior contest tour who are sponsored by surfboard and surfwear companies including Billabong, Quicksilver and Rip Curl.

Federal Education Minister Brendan Nelson said the sport made a mockery of the education system.

"It's bad enough that we've got some of these cappuccino courses in our universities," Mr Nelson said.

"That we're now apparently offering it as an HSC subject ... well it's just an absolute disgrace."

NSW Education Minister Carmel Tebbutt said she had today asked the Board of Studies to explain why it had allowed surfing to be included in the school curriculum.

Advertisement"Part of the value of having board-endorsed courses is that you can put in place creative courses for students who have no intention of going on to university and it keeps them connected to school," Ms Tebbutt told reporters.

"I wouldn't want to lose that benefit but I've got some concerns about the value of surfing as a Higher School Certificate course."

But Ms Tebbutt later said she would have no difficulty accepting the board's decision if it could be shown the course would provide a path for the students to help them find employment and keep them connected to education.

Byron Bay High School principal Barry Miller said the course was a legitimate vocational subject that gave the students a link to the district's prosperous surf industry.

He said they learned event management, marketing and advertising skills, how to make and care for their equipment, forecasting weather and surf conditions and how to judge surfing contests.

"We're talking in terms of links to a multi, multi million dollar industry here that these students could well and truly get access to," Mr Miller told AAP.

"When people criticise, they are looking at the superficial stuff - why are kids surfing when they should be at school?

"But this is very much a vocational course."

The NSW Board of Studies said the course met the requirements for an HSC subject because it focuses on job opportunities and developing skills.

"It isn't a 'mickey mouse' course," the board's president, Gordon Stanley, told ABC radio.

"It's a course which covers a range of skills which are important for employment in the surfing industry.

"And of course that employment might range from promotion through to building and developing surfboards."


So what do y'all think of this. By the way I don't really think this belongs in light news, simply because it brings up the important debate about the role of vocational education at schools, and "cappuccino courses" etc. And Brendan Nelson being an idiot.

I personally think Brendan Nelson is being an absolute dick. If this subject is going to encourage more kids to stay at school then why not? It doesn't count for a UAI and it is a vocational course...

I can't see what the problem is with kids pursuing their passion.... to me, this is similar to people studying dance or drama or TAFE vocational courses like cookery etc. It has tangible outcomes for a certain career path.

Basically Nelson doesn't know if he is coming or going. Aren't there too many people at uni nowadays according to him? But he doesn't want people to undertake vocational education in certain areas?

Basically I think he is an absolute wanker that knows nothing about the realities of his own portfolio. He is contradictory and reactionary. He has no vision for education in this country, none whatsoever.

Anyway, what do you all think?


poulet de montagne
Oct 31, 2003
hehe. at Lismore SCU you can do a degree in surfing studies, now there's HSC surfing... lol! how amusing.

i agree with Ash, it's just another vocational path, who cares?

He said they learned event management, marketing and advertising skills, how to make and care for their equipment, forecasting weather and surf conditions and how to judge surfing contests.
^ it's not like they just go out and surf the whole time, the course sounds like it does have merit...
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Active Member
May 29, 2003
La La Land
chookyn said:
hehe. at Lismore SCU you can do a degree in surfing studies, now there's HSC surfing... lol! how amusing.

i agree with Ash, it's just another vocational path, who cares?

^ it's not like they just go out and surf the whole time, the course sounds like it does have merit...
yep...technical shit about how to spot a gigantic sexy wave...


Aug 11, 2005
i think if it counted towards your UAI it would be very outrageous

but seeing as it doesn't, it would probably only be taken up by people who aren't intending to go to university anyway.

i have to admit, i did think that it sounded pretty ridiculous when i read it. but now that i've thought it over i think it isn't such a bad idea. i mean, it's not like it would count for your whole hsc, just 1 or 2 units of it and i think there's a limited amount of vocational courses that you're allowed to take anyway. at least it allows kids to get an insight into the industry while still having the 'safety net' of school, rather than throwing away their whole education first only to realise later that they made a mistake.

and things like marketing, event management etc. are all transferrable skills, it's not like they're specific to the surfing sector.

maybe they should make it a more generalised subject, call it like 'Professional Sporting Studies' or something and do the marketing, event management stuff and have different sports such as surfing for focus studies or something.


Retired. Gone fishing.
Sep 26, 2004
Doesn't count towards the HSC. So what's the problem?

Obviously felt the need to put his head into the public domain. Being education minister you would hope that he would come out with something more substantial than knocking the surfie kids up the coast.

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