A parody rating system, courtesy of the internet, which is perhaps half true:
10.0: Must be Radiohead
9.5-9.9: Great enough to play on your college radio set
9.0-9.4: Try playing this one on your guitar all night in your dorm room
8.5-8.9: The CD is pretty good but runs the risk of becoming mainstream
8.0-8.4: You should buy any green washed out retro t-shirts by this band
7.5-7.9: Good enough for maybe a sticker on your guitar case
7.0-7.4: Decent enough to talk about in the coffee shop
6.0-6.9: Needs more white guitarists with black-rimmed glasses
5.0-5.9: Might be good for a fratboy band, those neanderthals
4.0-4.9: Reviewer couldn't find any Cloves before writing and was angry
3.0-3.9: Too many unintelligent people might understand it
2.0-2.9: Curls up the ends of our bowl haircuts with shame
1.0-1.9: Did not cause a single tear to flow from our weepy eyes
0.0-0.9: That ain't Radiohead