the chosen one
in english...translation please? i see elements of what you're expressing but its not clear.
i'd have to say its the girl manthejosiekiller said:thats true nice guys often do not make the first step
but i still dont accept that girls would rather date a jerk than a nice guy cause it would be easier to break up with because:
a) who enters a relationship knowing ur going to break up, its a bit too cynical for me- for me u go into a relationship with no expectations (ie u dont say ill break up then or we will date forever)..........what happens will play out for itself
b)the idea of picking a jerk other a nicer person seems to say that a girl is not taking relationships seriously...they r setting themselves up in a relationship with someone they know to be incapable of being rational/nice- making themselves to be the victim before anything starts
c)wanting to pick a partner who is successful is one thing, but its not for every girl to find an older rich guy to be their sugar daddy the rest of the life...what is happening to the "nice" girls? unfortunately we r ignoring them much as the girls ignore "nice" guys for similar and possible different reasons
so in the end whos fault is it? the "nice" guy or the girl?
thats another thing- the spice in a relationshipim_a_choobie said:haha i know you !me from ur tutor, guess who i am
ye, i think its 80% true. When the girls are fed up with the wild life they settle down with the nice guys. the nice guys get the girl in the end but lose the spice![]()
haha u gotta study his behaviour more carefully. you gotta be careful because if his in it for the sex.....jellybeenz said:Wow... you just described perfectly the actions of a guy I know... This guy confuses me... he is nice to me, he listens, he is always complimentary but he is full of lines and moves-- like the most obvious ones. Its weird. So although this guy is nice, his actions put me off because these actions seem a little too choreographed to the point where I'm sure its all designed for a particular purpose. His niceness also confuses me... do i really like him? or do i just like that he is nice to me because i find it flattering?
i hate those people too. like seriously, they should get a f**king lifeur_inner_child said:Hmmm... I'm a chick,
What I can't stand is those crapheads that think they're bad-ass,
still hang around at the local shopping centre,
run around acting as though they're drug dealers,
when its just cigarettes (big deal),
go out with six girls at once,
think they're fully pimpin' it,
thinks that EVERY GIRL wants them naked,
and drive around the neighbourhood round and round the block with no place to go, hoping someone would walk out of the house, take a glimpse of their hotted up car and go "oooOh that guy is SO BAD!"
I prefer the nice guys.
Wow, that's deep. Also true.Argonaut said:"To finish first, first you must finish."
quiet ulengstar said:Why are we still debating this. We already know there are nices guys and bad boys and girls go for either depending on preference. Unless your continuing to bitch about how girls like bad boys, which in itself is really stupid and will get you nowhere, i see no point for further discussion.