well they don't "kick you out" they just ban you from taking any more subjects.. but eventually they would kick you out if you refuse to.
those guys who were taken out of your intro to civil are transfers from electrical or something.. too many of them!!
Basically the UTS degree is advertised as "our students already have one year experience when they graduate so hire them!"
the only way (correct me if i'm wrong) one could get out of doing the dipEngPrac is by dropping it right at the begining of your degree, they can't do much about it.. But do remember IT IS COMPULSORY that you need at least 60 days experience to gain professional accredidation.
though, you may think the DipEngPrac a waste of time.. but it actually pays off in the end.
Railcorp... i went to their presentation...tad boring... rather work for UnitedGroup
I find that if you work for a public sector organisation, though you are busy, the work your involved in doesn't really challange the person.. don't get me wrong there.. it is engineering.. but there is so much politics involved, as everything you do is under the microscope of the community and politicans.. and the projects you get involved in are limited (they usually tender the work out)
man.. i go off the subject easily!
oh for the i2ms listining
a possible reason why the listing was taken off was maybe
a) yes the position no longer is available
b) There is a mistake in the listing, thus it has or will be reposted later