1) You're not going because none of your friends are? I'm going to make friends! And, everyone's friends after the first drink or two!
2) You're not going because your parents wont let you? Most of you will be 18 then or very close to it, they cant say no, and you'd probably be surprised, if they thought you really wanted to, they'd probably give in with a bit of work. Unless of course you dont work and rely on parents for money, then, you're just weak, get a job like the rest of us slaves.
3) Its a waste of money? You people will turn 40 and say to yourself... "WOW! I've got shitloads of money saved up! but, the best half of my life is over and I've spent my whole life reading books (which i borrowed from the library to save money from buying them of course), and i have no life nor good memories, i wasted my youth, didnt have fun, and all those other kids i grew up with may be $500 shorter than me, but damn, they love life and havent they made the most of it!" I pity the psyciatrist dealing with you in 20 years time.
He who dies with the most toys/money, STILL DIES!
I spent the summer holidays on a road trip to the Gold Coast with my best friends, we went to the big day out, and I was nearly choking at paying $115 for one day of music, but I tell you what, I wouldnt trade it for the world, thats 2 weeks of work for me, all gone in a day, but thinking back to the fun I had still makes me smile 3 months later, I'd do it all over again, I'm not even really into music that much, but it was just the atmosphere, the friends, you cant beat that. Go to schoolies you nerds!
4) anyone who thinks schoolies is only about the alcohol probably is wasting their time, its more than that, if you think its just about getting drunk, dont go. If you realize its about hanging out with friends, making new friends, enjoying life, and celebrating the culmination of 13 years of hard work at school, GO TO SCHOOLIES!