OFFICIAL Easter Show Thread (3 Viewers)


Aug 26, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

relax your sacks. im sure tutoring can go on hold for two weeks. its year 10, you wont die


Jan 22, 2010
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

relax your sacks. im sure tutoring can go on hold for two weeks. its year 10, you wont die
eh yeh i know but my mum forces me so like yeh :S
bahahas but i can lie to her cus shes really gullible :)


Aug 26, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

tell her you're selling crack
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

Unless you need cash fast (which I doubt a year 10 student would) stick to going to tutor - you don't need a job at the moment. And you're wasting a lot of cash skipping tutor...

Year 10 is quite underrated, and that's why a bunch of people always struggle with Maths or English in years 11 and 12, because they think year 7-10 is useless. You're going to feel really dumb when you get an ATAR you don't deserve, all just because you spent a whole bunch of time working, earning a measly amount of cash, instead of focusing on school.

It's also quite immoral telling lies to your mom and wasting her cash for a few measly bucks.

But it's just my opinion - it's your life do whatever you wanna do.
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

Well, he is only in year 10 and he is in syd tech which i believe is a selective school.
Then that's all the more reason not to. I also went to a selective school and it can get cut throat - 1 mark can be a difference of 30+ ranks in certain subjects e.g. Maths. I score the top marks in 3 consecutive exams and only moved up 1 rank. Lost 1-2 mark and fell from 1st to god know how much.

If a year 12 student is prepared to sacrifice her holidays then why not a year 10 student.
That's not a great justification - if a year 12 quit school, why not a year 10 student? If a year 12 studied for 23 hours straight, why not a year can't use a single anecdote as a means for giving advice - it's like the playground talk - "If the Year 2s can play in the sandpit why can't I?"

If I sound like being a preachy schoolteacher, it's because I know people who deserved so much higher ATARS but ended up being too bogged down or distracted by work - even casual work, from years 9-10+. Of course, there might be exceptions, and like I said, it's your lives, do whatever you want with it.

Whatever you choose, whether it be showbags or studying, best luck with it.


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

I think in this situation theres no problem with choosing study instead of work in highschool- but don't have a mad cry when you get to uni and can't get employed anywhere.
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

I think in this situation theres no problem with choosing study instead of work in highschool- but don't have a mad cry when you get to uni and can't get employed anywhere.
agree with may-cat.
u can achieve an awesome atar but when u get to uni and have no experience don't go cry.
That's not true. There are people who have all the experience in the world, and can't bag a job.

I quote from JB10:

I've had about 1.5 years at KFC, 6 months at a carwash and 3 years construction work (working about 1 day a fortnight).. Still nothing, lol
And he was struggling to find work... even with he surplus amount of experience. There are countless other similar cases, and here's SpoonSamba's as another one of these:

The problem is I have applied at everywhere you have mentioned and many more in about 10 different districts for each store and even they don't want me to gain the experience i need for a good job. ITS IMPOSSIBLE NOBODY WANTS ME
So I hardly think getting a grand collection of 'experience' will serve you that well. So don't make random assumption that limited experience can get you a job. It won't.

u can achieve an awesome atar but when u get to uni and have no experience don't go cry.
Would u prefer working as a casual for the rest of your life or a high end job?

And besides, there are an endless number of people who get work with zero experience. Heard of the 'Lying on Resumes' segment on the News recently? Apparently, a fair chunk of high school grad lied on their resumes and still got work.

As for me? I had zero work experience, but yet can easily find a job as an ajudicator due to 5 years of debating. So as you can see, if you had a plan, and know how to get there, you don't need the "work experience."


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

hahahahahaha, rationalise all you want but the fact is that for the large majority of people if you get to 19/20 years old and you have zero work experience, you will have big problems finding employment.
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

hmm so studying is good??
i thought if i just coop myself up all day sstudying i will end up introverted and have no social/communication skills to land a job. wow
studying does you get high end jobs...
hahahahahaha, rationalise all you want but the fact is that for the large majority of people if you get to 19/20 years old and you have zero work experience, you will have big problems finding employment.
Lamest comebacks ever. If you're going to have an argument, have facts and prove a point instead of resorting to childish schoolgirl extremes "Oh, I'll study 24/7 and have no social life... wah." So much for communication skills eh? You're being whipped by a guy who had zero work experience? Isn't that amazing? :D

This is what I said:

Unless you need cash fast (which I doubt a year 10 student would) stick to going to tutor - you don't need a job at the moment. And you're wasting a lot of cash skipping tutor...
I'm not condoning getting a job - just get it for the right reasons, not because "oh it's aviliable and I'll do it."

And I can't believe you would support this guy lying to his mother and wasting her money. So deceit is worth it now is it?

You don't need this overrated "experience" you claim.

Oh, and why not throw in a quote about another pro study program: from pjiggy...

tutoring kids is THE job
its good pay,cash in hand and not as stressful.u just need to set up a syllabus ,get a lot of good resources,talk non-stop throughout the lesson.
ive been private tutoring 9 kids a week plus a class ever since my HSC ended a few months ago, which comes up to almost $200 a week
try it!
So unless you can make a valid point and realize that you just fabricated the fact I said study 24 hours, instead of getting a job for the right reason (which was what I said), then I suggest you stop posting and dig yourself into a deeper pit. :D


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

oh lawd, such a serious boy, i had better mind my 'comebacks'! Yes some people can manage to land jobs at that age with no experience, but those people are very lucky indeed. My friends and i all work and we get inundated with resumes from first/second year uni students who have no experience, it is a very rare thing that they even get a second glance before they go in the bin.

Ask anyone who works in typical 'firstjob' workplace, if you get to that age and you have no experience unless they are fucking desperate or you possess some other desired skill they will not hire you because it is simply not worth their money.

Just because people decide to focus on their grades instead of getting jobs does not mean they are very high achievers who participated in extra curricular activities or who can tutor. Lets be honest, a lot of people use study as an excuse to not get a job because their parents already provide for them and they just plain can't be bothered.

All i'm saying is that there are a lot of positives to be gained from undertaking some casual employment during high school, if it turns out to not work for you then you can quit. You would likely be a casual so it wouldn't be a big issue at all, you will find a lot of people even comment that working forces them to stay organised and on top of their school work.
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

All i'm saying is that there are a lot of positives to be gained from undertaking some casual employment during high school, if it turns out to not work for you then you can quit. You would likely be a casual so it wouldn't be a big issue at all, you will find a lot of people even comment that working forces them to stay organised and on top of their school work.
It still comes back to what I said. Don't get a job unless you have a good reason too. In this student's case, you can see that his mother is paying tuition, and is really hoping he will do well. Hence, I see no reason why he needs this job - it's not like he needs the cash. And the fact that he's willing to deceive and forfeit the hard earned dollars does not sit well with me.

And yes, I agree 100% there are definite benefits from working, but it doesn't necessarily mean you will get future jobs - as I quoted before, JB10 had an amazing resume, but struggled too.

What this comes down to is the fact that you didn't read my post, which was good advice for this particular student, but instead you chose to have a pointless argument with me about study vs work...and again, if you've read my posts, I don't support extremes

But as I said, work is great, but have a plan beforehand to see what u need, and think of WHY you're working or wanting to work.
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Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

While working in high school does not necessarily guarantee you a job in the future, it certainly helps a great deal you realise! That in itself should be a big consideration to take into account when assessing whether or not you should be working. That is my opinion and i do not believe it is pointless.
Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

While working in high school does not necessarily guarantee you a job in the future, it certainly helps a great deal you realise!
Then could you care to explain how a whole threadful of people who have surplus work such as this:

I've had about 1.5 years at KFC, 6 months at a carwash and 3 years construction work (working about 1 day a fortnight).. Still nothing, lol
Can still struggle to find work like people who have limited or no experience?

It certainly helps a great deal you realise!
I agree, but doing ANY task can be argued as beneficial - joining a swim team can help you, acting can help you, debating can hep you. You have to look at the task and analyze what traits can be gained, and whether they help you or not in your situation.

I mean, even though you might an abundance of "communication skills," guess what? The H.S.C is a written exam and about how much you learned the content, not about how well you asked a customer if he preferred an M&M Mcflurry or an Oreo one.

you will find a lot of people even comment that working forces them to stay organised and on top of their school work.
A "lot" is a bit of an exaggeration isn't it? And it can be argued the other way as well - there will be people who can't balance work and study.

That is my opinion and i do not believe it is pointless.
See the irony? You claim to have such great communication skills but can't realize the fact that you're going off on a tangent and not even reading what people have posted:

What this comes down to is the fact that you didn't read my post, which was good advice for this particular student, but instead you chose to have a pointless argument with me about study vs work...and again, if you've read my posts, I don't support extremes
You've argued about how all this experience and benefits from work over study, when the points I was making was to a particular student and how his situation didn't need him to work. So unless you can answer the question, and tell the OP why he should work, and not study, and why he should lie to his mother in order to get a job and throw away the cash she pays for his tuition then go ahead. If you can't then the rest is irrelevant, and hence "pointless."

This isn't a debate of work vs. study, and you keep missing that point - it's whether this student benefits from studying or working.

I think i will study my ass of this term.
Then work most of my holidays and have a 5 day rest before school starts

That's the plan.
earn some cash for things i need like textbooks
A good plan if you're being serious. Going to work is either about getting cash, or as a stepping stone for your long term goal. Let's be frank, people work for these factors, not for the experience as experience comes attached to all jobs. :p


Active Member
Mar 9, 2006
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

Then could you care to explain how a whole threadful of people who have surplus work such as this:

Can still struggle to find work like people who have limited or no experience?

I agree, but doing ANY task can be argued as beneficial - joining a swim team can help you, acting can help you, debating can hep you. You have to look at the task and analyze what traits can be gained, and whether they help you or not in your situation.

I mean, even though you might an abundance of "communication skills," guess what? The H.S.C is a written exam and about how much you learned the content, not about how well you asked a customer if he preferred an M&M Mcflurry or an Oreo one.

A "lot" is a bit of an exaggeration isn't it? And it can be argued the other way as well - there will be people who can't balance work and study.

See the irony? You claim to have such great communication skills but can't realize the fact that you're going off on a tangent and not even reading what people have posted:

You've argued about how all this experience and benefits from work over study, when the points I was making was to a particular student and how his situation didn't need him to work. So unless you can answer the question, and tell the OP why he should work, and not study, and why he should lie to his mother in order to get a job and throw away the cash she pays for his tuition then go ahead. If you can't then the rest is irrelevant, and hence "pointless."

This isn't a debate of work vs. study, and you keep missing that point - it's whether this student benefits from studying or working.

And why did you decide that it wouldn't benefit him? Even if he doesn't NEED the money, it can help, and the experience will definitely help him get future jobs

What this comes down to is the fact that you didn't read my post, which was good advice for this particular student, but instead you chose to have a pointless argument with me about study vs work...and again, if you've read my posts, I don't support extremes
You said he wouldn't benefit from work, she said he would. It's not going off on a tangent.
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Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

And why did you decide that it wouldn't benefit him? Even if he doesn't NEED the money, it can help, and the experience will definitely help him get future jobs
Can you read? This is what I said

And yes, I agree 100% there are definite benefits from working
But obviously the negatives e.g. lies and wasting tution money is not worth it.

You said he wouldn't benefit from work, she said he would. It's not going off on a tangent.
No she didn't. She raised the topic of work vs. study in general, and said there are benefits in work, which - no shit Sherlock there obviously are, but has no application to the O.P, since none of cat's posts are even about him.
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Sep 11, 2008
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

I think that's enough argument over work vs. study - we can talk till the sun falls out of the sky about advantages and disadvantages, but it's not going to change opinions much anyways. I'm also sure the op already has a big chunk of ideas to ponder over lol :p. Now let's get back to being co-operative, helpful people and get to some other threads :kiss:


Jan 22, 2010
Re: Selling showbags at the Easter Show :S

Hey did the form have 6 questions?
like the first one about abandoning study etc like u said, question 2 if u worked at the show b4?
question 3 education question 4 fit?

seem familar at all to you?/

please reply to your thrrad!!!!

and anyone elsse go this form please reply loll
LOL wow at all those comments about study vs. work O_O
ummm yeh i got the form, but i cant be bothered filling it out and stuff because i dont have a bank account etc. so im just gonna wait for bensons to reply with high hopes tht im getting in :)


Aug 26, 2008
Re: Sydney Easter Show

what the FUCK
got a reply from bensons trading saying i didn't make it hahaha balls
oh well still waiting to hear back from ze other one


Aug 26, 2008
Re: Sydney Easter Show

yeah bensons fucked me off
has anyone heard back from hunter leisure yet?

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