blueyez SSSTTOOOPPP put the green cordial down ,.... you remeber what happened last time EVERYONE WHO DOSENT SHE FELL OVER REALLY REALLLY REALLLY BAD AND HURT HERSELF ... yes i know the misery
But we will get back to the point and forget about alll the paian we suffere drinking this stuuuffff together with our powers combined we are captain go get the cordial people girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we shall fight crime and alll evil cordial does for the individuals ,,,together blueyez we shall take over the world with FUNKY chickens ... oh yeah
hey just a mental note cordial is made out of :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
water, sugar, concentrated apple juice, food acid[citric] flavor, preservatives [ sodium benzoate, soduim metabisulphite], colour [ carmoisine].