I was trying to edit a post in the <a href="http://community.boredofstudies.org/showthread.php?t=81019">pi and e thread</a> when McLake closed it. The - should have been a + in my last post in that thread at the bottom. So here it is again.
Here's another proof using only integers.
e*10<sup>9</sup> > 2718281828 and π*10<sup>8</sup> < 314159266
> 2718281828<sup>6</sup>-314159266<sup>4</sup>*10<sup>22</sup>-314159266<sup>5</sup>*10<sup>14</sup>
= 13347592448191460918088230491193011265301397704704
> 0
Hence π<sup>4</sup>+π<sup>5</sup>≠e<sup>6</sup>
Here's another proof using only integers.
e*10<sup>9</sup> > 2718281828 and π*10<sup>8</sup> < 314159266
> 2718281828<sup>6</sup>-314159266<sup>4</sup>*10<sup>22</sup>-314159266<sup>5</sup>*10<sup>14</sup>
= 13347592448191460918088230491193011265301397704704
> 0
Hence π<sup>4</sup>+π<sup>5</sup>≠e<sup>6</sup>
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