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P1 Restrictions coming July07! (1 Viewer)


Junior Member
Apr 29, 2004
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
I know I'm a bit slow and they've been on the news for ages... but I never realised they were actually OFFICIALLY coming in July 2007. They seem a bit over the top but I guess we'll see how it goes. I guess when they do come in, we'll probably get letters in the mail if we're still on Red P's.

RTA said:
New driving test and provisional driver restrictions
First-year P plate drivers caught speeding will lose their driver’s licence for at least three months under zero tolerance P plate reforms announced today by Roads Minister Eric Roozendaal.
NSW State Plan Priority S7: Safer roads
A peer restriction scheme for all first-year red P plate – or P1 – drivers will be introduced from July this year and P1 drivers will be banned from all mobile phone use while behind the wheel.
A confronting P plate TV advertising campaign will also begin screening across NSW from tonight to reinforce Operation Novus, a NSW Police enforcement campaign targeting P plate drivers after 94 people were killed in P plate crashes in NSW last year. The ad has two endings: one where a police officer stops a speeding driver, the other where he is confronted at a fatal crash scene where a speeding P plate driver killed his best friend.
A tougher driving test for Learner drivers getting their P plates will be introduced later this year, focusing on hazard perception and driver reactions.
“A driver’s licence is a privilege for young drivers and something they hold precious. Abusing this privilege can have tragic consequences,” Mr Roozendaal said.
“P1 drivers caught speeding face a driver’s licence suspension of at least three months.
“Speeding is the biggest killer on NSW roads, and is a factor in 40 per cent of fatalities. There is no excuse for speeding.”
The NSW Government will introduce a series of major P plate reforms in the wake of options presented yesterday by the Young Driver Advisory Panel. They will apply to all P1 licence holders from July.
Peer restrictions with sensible exemptions

P1 drivers will only be able to carry one passenger under the age of 21 between 11pm and 5am.
Exemptions will apply for P1 drivers with work commitments; those who need to carry family members; those engaged in community work like the Rural Fire Service; older P1 drivers aged 25 years and over; and in emergency situations.
The peer restrictions will be introduced at the same time as a similar scheme is introduced in Queensland and allows consistency between the two states.
“Although P1 drivers make up only 3.5 per cent of licence holders, they account for around 13 per cent of fatal crashes which happen in the early hours of the morning,” Mr Roozendaal said.
“And around a third of these P1 drivers had more than one passenger in the car.
“This is a tough decision but we cannot ignore the evidence.
“We need to instil good habits and attitudes in our young drivers in the first weeks and months of their driving lives.
“This is a sensible and effective way of removing major distractions for young drivers, especially at night.
“We are getting on with the job of improving young driver safety.”
Zero tolerance for all speeding offences

Any P1 driver caught speeding will automatically lose their driver’s licence for at least three months.
“More than 18,000 P1 drivers were caught speeding during the 2005-06 financial year – that means one in ten drivers caught speeding in their first year,” Mr Roozendaal said.
“That is an unacceptable figure which this package clearly addresses – the warning to young drivers is slow down or you will lose your licence.”
Tougher licence testing for young drivers

A new Driving Test has been developed by the RTA to prepare new drivers for a more demanding driving environment.
“Learner drivers will sit a longer and more vigorous test with almost twice as much time on the road,” Mr Roozendaal said.
“The new test focuses on hazard perception and how novice drivers respond to these hazards. It has been developed by the RTA to prepare new drivers for a more demanding driving environment and ensure they have the basic skills for a lifetime of safe driving on our roads.
“This is a new direction for driver testing in Australia with new drivers facing a tougher, more safety-focused test in a more demanding traffic environment.”
RTA testing officers at 18 registries have been trained in the new test and have been recently assessing novice drivers in the trial against the criteria for both the new and existing tests.
Under further initiatives:

  • All mobile phone use will be banned for P1 drivers from July. This includes handsfree kits, Bluetooth accessories and the loudspeaker function and is in line with laws to be introduced to Victoria and Queensland. Recent research funded by the NSW Motor Accident Authority shows a 400 per cent increase in crash risk for young drivers when using a mobile phone, regardless if it is hand-held or hands-free.
  • A new and confronting TV advertising campaign will air from tonight targeting P plate drivers, working in conjunction with NSW Police’s Operation Novus.
  • P plates will have to be displayed on the exterior of cars from July after police reports that too many young drivers have been caught hiding their P plates in obscure positions on dashboards.
  • The RTA will this year release two new resources to support all NSW high schools teach driver education. ‘In the Driver’s Seat’ is a road safety education resource which helps Year 11 and 12 students familiarise themselves with issues of driving safely, consider the nature of authority and freedom in a civil society and develop a sense of responsibility towards self-regulation. ‘Low Risk Driving’ is aimed at Years 10 and 11 and provides information and strategies on the key principles of safe driving.
    Road safety issues addressed include country road safety, drink driving prevention, driver fatigue, drugs and driving, occupant protection, pedestrian safety, speeding, young drivers and motorcycle safety.
The NSW Government spends $2.8 million on driver education programs in NSW schools.
The NSW Government is also funding the expansion of an innovative young driver education program targeting teenagers before they start driving.
As announced last year, the $130,000 RTA grant will allow the Rotary organisation to expand its Rotary Youth Driver Awareness (RYDA) program to 20,000 more students across NSW over the next two years.
The behavioural education program uses road crash victims, police as well as drug and alcohol educators and finance experts and targets Year 11 students in a setting away from a school setting.
Changes already announced to young driver laws will also come into force from July and will see all young drivers in NSW spend a minimum of four years on the graduated licensing system.
The earlier reforms were:

  • Increase the mandatory period of supervised driving for Learner drivers from 50 to 120 hours.
  • The 120 hours includes a requirement of 20 hours of night supervised on-road driving for Learner drivers. This is another Australian first.
  • All Learner drivers will have to have their L plates for a minimum of one year before they can apply for a P plate licence. This is a 100 per cent increase on the current six month minimum while the validity of the Learner’s licence will also be extended from three to five years.
Mr Roozendaal thanked the Young Driver Advisory Panel for its timely work over the summer holiday period.
“The panel was established with a range of different representatives so that it could canvas the wide variety of options for improving young driver safety, and it was inevitable there would be no unanimous set of recommendations,” Mr Roozendaal said.
“I commend all the participants for their hard work and commitment throughout the panel’s meetings.”
Source: http://www.rta.nsw.gov.au/newsevents/2007_01_pplate.html

What are your thoughts on this?

I agree with the zero BAC because this way there's no "Hmm should I only have a little?" dilemma, but then... instant lose license for speeding and exterior display requirements for P Plates... Sounds like a pain.

Forgot to drop in the thought that... the max of 1 passenger thing is stupid. Yes they are a distraction in some cases, but I can't see any good of this... chances are that it'll just result in more drink driving... and worse still, rather than trying to stay under the limit, the young ones might figure "Hmm... I won't get caught as long as I drive slow" and end up drinking more. NOTE: I'm not a psych expert!
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Apr 3, 2004
I'm iffy about the passenger thing, if only because you don't want half your partygoers to be designated drivers. Let's face facts, it's not going to happen and people will likely just ignore the law or take off their P plates, like they're already doing.

They should spent money on EDUCATING young drivers to be responsible where alcohol, and driving are concerned... that's the only thing that will really stop drink driving at the root, I think. I went to a course that talked about this kind of stuff - we did emergency stops, and discussed ways of telling people in the back seat to shut up so they wouldn't distract the driver (either tell them to shut up, or kick them out of the car if they won't stop).

With these new rules in place: what happens to the poor kid in the city at 3am who doesn't have a license yet, doesn't have anyone to pick him up, and doesn't have money for a cab? Oh wait his friend has room in his car... but DAMN it's illegal to take one more passenger. So his friend will just have to sleep in the gutter, and possibly get robbed, catch hypothermia, get beaten up, or worse. Yeah great thinking.
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Jan 13, 2007
yea but about the designated driver thing, it can be VERY distracting having drunk idiots in the car with u, especially if they are fucking around, ive had my Ps for almost 2 years now and i still felt very distracted.
Apr 3, 2004
^ hence why you need to learn how to deal with them. If you know you can't drive with them, then don't. If you can, (pref with another sober person in the car) then do because it's better than them driving home by themselves...

another thing is to say BEFORe the party that "You guys can drink and I'll give you a lift home, but if you get totally blind and act like a fool, you can walk".


Jan 13, 2007
nah i was fine, but when they are screaming shit out the window and waving their hands in front of you from the back seat and rubbing yr hair, it DOES become distracting lol. not to the extent that it was dangerous (not for me anyway, i was still able to concentrate) but i can see how some new P platers might turn around or get distracted very easily and cause an accident
Apr 3, 2004
This is why they need to learn BEFOREHAND what kind of things to expect, and how to deal with it :( My parents ALWAYS said to me that if I felt distracted, to pull over and get the situation under control. Even when driving friends that weren't drunk, I'm fine with yelling "SHUT UP" whenever I feel it's neccessary to concentrate. I'm not adverse to pulling the car over and actually getting out of it (taking the keys with me so they can't drive off and leave me behind) if a passenger situation ever gets really bad.

See, we are forced to learn all this stuff about traffic conditions, night driving, wet weather driving... but nothing about what kind of passengers we might have. Honestly, if I was a driving instructor I'd hire actors to act out certain passenger personas (the backseat driver, the drunk, the chatterbox, the person who tries to get you to do foolish tricks) just so the driver a) knows what they're in for, and then b) gets taught how to deal with it (basically with all of the above, they can shut up and be helpful, or walk ;))


Oct 28, 2004
My main problem with this kind of regulation is: The government is playing the probabilities game here, saying that young people are more likely to crash so let's try and reduce the amount of driving they do. But can you imagine if say, all people from country X were more likely to crash? Or if one particular gender was more likely to crash? The government would NEVER discriminate in these cases, because that would just be clear racism or sexism, and there would be uproar in the community. However, the govt is prepared to discriminate based on age. This is a double standard, and the government should be dealing with actual outcomes, rather than probabilities. Regulations that apply on the roads should apply to everyone.

The other thing that disgusts me is the way that all these regulations are put on people who can't even VOTE ffs. (most red P platers would be 17 right?) How can this kind of system really be democratic? "Yes you're a big boy now, you can drive, but hell no you aren't voting yet" How are these 17 year old kids going to actually have any real say(ie. vote) to stop this kind of populist, ineffective policy being used?
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Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
OK these laws are mostly a joke and i cant beleive such kneejerk legislation is going to be brought in.

1. Speeding
verdict: sort of a good idea
Its true that young people tend to speed alot, and maybe stricter penalties will make people slow down, but zero tolerance is pretty harsh... a simple school zone mistake or being a few kms over because you were overtaking and suddenly you cant drive for 3months, lose your job, fail uni or whatever. If speeding is such a big problem, make it zero tolerance for everyone.

2. Peer restricted night driving
verdict: stupidest fucking idea ive ever heard of.
There is way more dangerous shit that could go on if someone isnt able to get a lift because of this, it will result in more street crime, and more drink driving [or people thinking fuck it and taking their P's off - its what i would do rather than leave my drunk mates in the lurch to get beat up]

3. tougher license tests
verdict: good idea
the tests are far too easy as it is, make them a shitload harder, and while you are at it start testing full licensed drivers every 5years or so [more often for the over 80's] to keep them on the ball.

4. Banned mobile phone use
verdict: good idea, but for everyone
I havent seen any statistics that show mobile phones cause a P1 driver to crash more than a normal driver. If you are going to bring this in bring it in for everyone, there have been heaps of fatalities caused by full licensed drivers on phones, ban them. While you are at it, ban passengers for everyone, ban sound systems, ban food or drink in the car and shut down radio stations, because these things have been shown to be as or in some cases more distracting than a mobile phone. Nanny state for the win!

5. P plate positioning
verdict: stupid
why? because there are already laws to do with P plate positioning, their reasoning for banning interior display is because sometimes people put it in an obscure spot. WELL guess what matey? if it isnt in the corner windscreen, [passenger and driver side respectively] and displayed clearly you can get fined for that. Unless the RTA is going to be giving out free P plate holders to be attached externally, its idiotic to be making redundant laws like this.

6. driver education in school
verdict: good idea, what people have been calling have been yelling about for a while. get this shit off the ground asap.

While alot of these laws seem to atleast have some sort of good inentions, really i feel betrayed by our government and i feel targeted. I dont want to be a second class citizen and for most of those laws, if you are bringing them in, bring them in for everyone. Then lets see how the taxpayers and voters react! Its easy to pick on under18s who dont have the right to vote yet, but if i have a choice our shody ass RTA is going to be remodeled to be more like QLD motorways, and no more of this second class citizen bullshit.

Not like it will effect me, on the whole i should be fine but its just stupid... when my sister gets her P's i want her to be able to pick me up and take my drunk ass home[along with a few mates who live near me] not have to catch the train then walk home through a dodgy suburb...


Active Member
Oct 21, 2004
when they speak about this p1 crap does that mean red p platers
coz im gona go for my greens soon n i dnt wanna have that passenger restriction 1, but i think the speeding one applies 2 all p platers right?


May 30, 2005
P1 = Red P Plates.

I think the whole displaying of P-Plates externally is pretty stupid. What about those that stick to the window? So everyone will either have to get magnetic ones or as serius said the rta need to provide the holders for free. As serius also said their are already laws about displaying of plates and their reasons for changing them are exactly why the first law is their in the first place so it seems pretty stupid.


Mar 9, 2004
I didn't know about the part where red P platers can't even use a hands free mobile :/


Jan 29, 2005
Mobile phones should be banned for everyone. Its not holding something to your ear that causes the distraction. It's having a conversation that is the distraction.


Jan 13, 2007
disagreed, i think holding a phone to your ear is way more unsafe than using handsfree.


Jan 29, 2005
disputed said:
disagreed, i think holding a phone to your ear is way more unsafe than using handsfree.
That wasn't my point.

My point is the actual act of having a conversation is unsafe.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2004
I have a problem with basically all of the new restrictions. I'm not going to go into detail because its been said over and over again.

The only new idea that I do support is harder testing and even then I have my doubts. I don't know exactly how much the judgment of the tester will apply but my argument has always been that if you drive around with someone for a while you can tell if they can drive or not. A checklist and points allocated for different things is ridiculous.

If the testers use their judgment instead of a +- points scheme this will work. If they don't then people who shouldn't be driving will continue to be able to get licenses.


Jan 29, 2005

Not "oh you missed that stop sign exiting the driveway"

me: cunt cunt cunts.


Oct 9, 2004
What is the difference between having a conversation on a mobile hands-free and having a conversation with a person in car?! :confused: Both are equally distracting.

I think it's a stupid idea, how are they going to police it? Cops aren't going to be able to see into the car to see a mob phone and car kit when you go driving past.

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