i) Take the path, Task A -> Task C -> Task E -> Task F -> Task G, which would be 90 minutes. This path is taken as, in the time "25 minutes" it takes for Task C and Task E to be completed, simultaneously Task B and D can too be accomplished. If one was to utilise Task B and D as a basis "ten minutes" each, then Task C and E will not be completed in time for Task F to be attended to.
ii) Basically, in order to understand, and prepare for a means of task completion which doesn't deprive the business of "efficiency measurements". In order to increase the performance objective of "speed" a business must account for both the most efficient and most quick means of producing products. Through the above sequencing tool (CPA) one can extrapolate a means of production which would see the Tasks B, D, C, E be completed in the most efficient manner in order to be finalised upon initiating "Task F". --> Basically just elaborate of those notions in any way you feel comfortable with.