Aznmichael92 said:
Has that happened to any of yous in regards to your school? It is not only my school that gets talked about. I am really annoyed as these girls know nothing about a school and they go on talking about crap.
Read this people before you say that I am defending my school only. Only namu picked it up.
Anus McLovin said:
Clearly you're the kind of kid who IS dragging the school down. 95's not a bad mark or anything, but i'm pretty sure the average UAI would increase if they got rid of people like you.
maybe or maybe not.
Anus McLovin said:
What I find funny is Fort St. kids are usually the ones who start all the bitching. It's a matter-of-fact that almost nobody puts down Fort St. as their No.1 Selective School preference. It's these same kids who, if not for their lack of good marks, would have been attending and defending higher ranked schools (i.e. Ruse, Baulko, North Sydney, Sydney High etc.)
Actually that is not always true. We are not usually the ones that start it. I never said anything against other schools. Did I? If I did can you quote it? If you do think that I only defend my school then you are wrong. There are other schools lower ranking than Fort Street where I actually try to defend. Now if I name a school and give a comment, you think I am making it up. What is the point of me defaming another school if you already think I am that kind of person? I do not hold any grudges against any other schools.
Anus McLovin said:
Aznmichael92, i am sure that unless you live within walking distance, Fort St. was not your first choice. You're just bitter about it.
thats true
i am in sorta walking distance from it and so it was my first choice
Um if i wasnt living in walking distance of it, Fort Street would be my second choice. Sydney Boys would have been my first choice cause of transportation. I wouldn't have put down James Ruse as it's not very convenient for me to travel. Oh just wondering, if I did put down Sydney Boys as my first choice, would I be accepted with a mark of like 226?
At first I never intended in putting down Fort Street as one of top two choices. Probably third choice but then I went to the open morning and other stuff, I put it down as 1st choice cause of the environment. This is probably because I haven't really heard much about it. The information I gathered about selective schools changed my thought about Fort Street completely. Never regretted my choice.