Perceptionism (1 Viewer)


Jan 6, 2010

Basic Concept:

The fundamental idea behind perception is that perception is only from an individual perspective and cannot therefore apply universally. Because universal acceptance of everything we ever come into contact with cannot be fully achieved, it is therefore impossible to label an object. On this basis, we provide the reasoning behind nothingness.

Nothingness is the core foundation to freedom of the mind, body and spirit. It provides neutrality, which is beyond all feelings and emotion and carries with it the concept of Nirvana.

Truth is only a personal endeavor, not actually a force or something that exists. For example, truth only exists if lies do. But, if someone believes what he or she says is the truth, regardless of opinion, that person is telling the truth. But because truth is personal, and not a universal thing, truth cannot be measured, or counted, and it certainly cannot be right or wrong in the mind of an individual. Lies also, cannot be proven. One cannot enter the mind of another individual and prove that he or she is telling a lie. Truth is a personal opinion, because it’s 'true' in your mind. Therefore, everything is anything if you think that that's a true fact. Truth and lies therefore do not exist, only opinion exists.

Is it possible to interpret reality? It is not, simply because our reality’s are all contrasting and no one has the correct interpretation because reality is infinitely different within the mind of every individual. For example, I could be a figment of reality, while you could actually exist. But do you know if you exist? You cannot, because simply, an apple is not an apple, rather an orange. Or at least I say so, therefore, it becomes true. Truth is only a personal factor. Just because someone has said something is something that doesn’t make that the be all and end all of that concept.

Truth can't be universal, or all truth would be the same. Truth is made in the eye of the beholder. Everything is everything else, and nothing. We cannot judge our existence because we cannot prove that we exist. Things that are named and classed can to me, have a totally different meaning. If then, everything is something else if I want it to be, nothing has any particular meaning to me and everything is the same, therefore, everything is nothing.

Right and wrong, only exists in the eye of the beholder. Right could be any man's wrong. And how could we say his right is wrong? We cant, we have absolutely no right or authority to do so. So, we must accept that life is simply opinion, well, that is if we are living at all. Because we have not experienced death, we cannot know if we are alive, or a figment of someone's imagination. Like being the dream of someone else. As we have discussed before human perception is wrong, then how can it be right in saying that we are alive? It cannot.

So, what does everyone think?


Currently High
Feb 13, 2009
i read it, and why is everything always nothing? why cant it be something else? everyone seems to think if we cant prove its something, then its nothing, but what if its something else which we arent looking for?

Edit: There is no point to perceptionism in the practical sense, this says: i think, therefore i am, but i may not be

so then i raise the point of why think in the first place? why think about thinking? self-reflection? then what? youve proved that all is nothing, fine, maybe, but as for now, everything is everything, and saying that everything is nothing proves/does nothing

indeed, thinking that everything is nothing is paradox, because if there was in fact nothing, there would be no thinking, hence, this whole concept is flawed in the fact that because we are thinking, because we perceive everything to be nothing, nothing cannot exist as we dont exist, hence the whole concept of what is 'nothing' doesnt exist, there is no nothing

the concept however does have merit for the fact that it inspires a train of thought of individuals perceptions on reality, what they perceive to be 'truth' or 'real'. The concept that you have presented to us however does nothing but confuse us somewhat and presents us with the very depressing notion that we do not exist because our brains are not "switched" that way

Although, what happens if our brains do "switch" the other way, what if we realise that we are in fact nothing and what we perceive around us isnt real? what then? does the whole world around us swtich? and what of the other peoples worlds? do we all live in our own worlds? if so, how then do we interact? or is interaction with other minds all an illusion as well?

really, this whole concept is a waste of time, essentially, you are presenting a "Matrix" scenario, where everything we perceive to be is not what it is and could be a figment of our "imagination" or someone elses

EDit2: you should get out more


Jan 6, 2010
i think Peter Garrett should fund a research scheme into this


Active Member
Nov 5, 2009
Hoboland and Procrastinationland
This is like one of these paradoxical questions similar to "If Pinocchio said "I am telling a lie" what happens to his nose?""

I don't agree that something is nothing though. Something, even if it's an illusion, is something.

I agree with _trickster_ there.
Aug 4, 2009
Edit: There is no point to perceptionism in the practical sense.
Essentially, I agree with this.

Perceptionism is impractical in day-to-day life. Imagine if a crime was committed and the defense was just like 'Oh, well, the crime really just exists in a perceived reality, and therefore we can't say that it was really committed'.

We have to function as if there is a reality which exists for all of us, because otherwise we wouldn't be able to function as a society.

However, an understanding of the fact that everyone perceives things slightly differently is also fundamental.

Taking an absolute stance either way is not functional, a balance is needed.


Aug 27, 2009

Basic Concept:

The fundamental idea behind perception is that perception is only from an individual perspective and cannot therefore apply universally. Because universal acceptance of everything we ever come into contact with cannot be fully achieved, it is therefore impossible to label an object. On this basis, we provide the reasoning behind nothingness.

Nothingness is the core foundation to freedom of the mind, body and spirit. It provides neutrality, which is beyond all feelings and emotion and carries with it the concept of Nirvana.

Truth is only a personal endeavor, not actually a force or something that exists. For example, truth only exists if lies do. But, if someone believes what he or she says is the truth, regardless of opinion, that person is telling the truth. But because truth is personal, and not a universal thing, truth cannot be measured, or counted, and it certainly cannot be right or wrong in the mind of an individual. Lies also, cannot be proven. One cannot enter the mind of another individual and prove that he or she is telling a lie. Truth is a personal opinion, because it’s 'true' in your mind. Therefore, everything is anything if you think that that's a true fact. Truth and lies therefore do not exist, only opinion exists.

Is it possible to interpret reality? It is not, simply because our reality’s are all contrasting and no one has the correct interpretation because reality is infinitely different within the mind of every individual. For example, I could be a figment of reality, while you could actually exist. But do you know if you exist? You cannot, because simply, an apple is not an apple, rather an orange. Or at least I say so, therefore, it becomes true. Truth is only a personal factor. Just because someone has said something is something that doesn’t make that the be all and end all of that concept.

Truth can't be universal, or all truth would be the same. Truth is made in the eye of the beholder. Everything is everything else, and nothing. We cannot judge our existence because we cannot prove that we exist. Things that are named and classed can to me, have a totally different meaning. If then, everything is something else if I want it to be, nothing has any particular meaning to me and everything is the same, therefore, everything is nothing.

Right and wrong, only exists in the eye of the beholder. Right could be any man's wrong. And how could we say his right is wrong? We cant, we have absolutely no right or authority to do so. So, we must accept that life is simply opinion, well, that is if we are living at all. Because we have not experienced death, we cannot know if we are alive, or a figment of someone's imagination. Like being the dream of someone else. As we have discussed before human perception is wrong, then how can it be right in saying that we are alive? It cannot.

So, what does everyone think?
Yeah nice but you misspelt "postmodernism" and forgot to mention that this idea has been explored for several decades.


Jan 6, 2010
i read it, and why is everything always nothing? why cant it be something else? everyone seems to think if we cant prove its something, then its nothing, but what if its something else which we arent looking for?

Edit: There is no point to perceptionism in the practical sense, this says: i think, therefore i am, but i may not be

so then i raise the point of why think in the first place? why think about thinking? self-reflection? then what? youve proved that all is nothing, fine, maybe, but as for now, everything is everything, and saying that everything is nothing proves/does nothing

indeed, thinking that everything is nothing is paradox, because if there was in fact nothing, there would be no thinking, hence, this whole concept is flawed in the fact that because we are thinking, because we perceive everything to be nothing, nothing cannot exist as we dont exist, hence the whole concept of what is 'nothing' doesnt exist, there is no nothing

the concept however does have merit for the fact that it inspires a train of thought of individuals perceptions on reality, what they perceive to be 'truth' or 'real'. The concept that you have presented to us however does nothing but confuse us somewhat and presents us with the very depressing notion that we do not exist because our brains are not "switched" that way

Although, what happens if our brains do "switch" the other way, what if we realise that we are in fact nothing and what we perceive around us isnt real? what then? does the whole world around us swtich? and what of the other peoples worlds? do we all live in our own worlds? if so, how then do we interact? or is interaction with other minds all an illusion as well?

really, this whole concept is a waste of time, essentially, you are presenting a "Matrix" scenario, where everything we perceive to be is not what it is and could be a figment of our "imagination" or someone elses

EDit2: you should get out more

I love feedback. But, every'THING' is no'THING' because labels are personal. Not nessicarily wrong, or impractical, but personal. I agree that its impractical, but its not wrong, or right. Only right to me. But nothing can truely be right. Yes, i realise its depressing and just saying 'Oh hai, your nothing, just like me, so we might as well just not-exist'. But then again, its nihilism with a bit of a twist, and it needs to be refined. I wrote this along time ago, and reflections have been made. But, with your supposed dislike for my '"Matrix" Scenario', well, lets put it into context. Are you the guy who sits at his computer, in the 'world' of the blue pill, where everything is how it seems? Or, like me, can you CLEARLY see that everything is only what it is because someone (and lots of people for that matter) have made it that way, and choose not to be succumbed into just taking things as they are, and developing new (and perhaps a lack of) meaning to things?

Do as you please. But, only some will see where this actually leads to. Most people will just sit there, be like, the apple is the apple, and live that way. I will, on the other hand, know that the apple is not really the apple, and choose to live that way. I mean, go be christian or muslim or hindu. I dont care, ive just come to a conclusion, and it has depth, and reality behind it. How you choose to live in your reality, is up to you.


Mar 2, 2010

Nothingness is the core foundation to freedom of the mind, body and spirit. It provides neutrality, which is beyond all feelings and emotion and carries with it the concept of Nirvana.

lol. what i think is that you should get off whatever the fuck you are smoking



Currently High
Feb 13, 2009
-Hey-;4973610 A[B said:
re you the guy who sits at his computer, in the 'world' of the blue pill, where everything is how it seems?[/B] Or, like me, can you CLEARLY see that everything is only what it is because someone (and lots of people for that matter) have made it that way, and choose not to be succumbed into just taking things as they are, and developing new (and perhaps a lack of) meaning to things?
that supposed to be some kind of thinly veiled insult?

Do as you please. But, only some will see where this actually leads to. Most people will just sit there, be like, the apple is the apple, and live that way. I will, on the other hand, know that the apple is not really the apple, and choose to live that way. I mean, go be christian or muslim or hindu. I dont care, ive just come to a conclusion, and it has depth, and reality behind it. How you choose to live in your reality, is up to you.
hows that going for you then?

honestly, how does 'knowing' that everything isnt what is seems helping you in life?

tell us how you can live knowing that an apple is not the apple, show us the benefits of living in this state of mind


Jan 6, 2010
I enjoy the idea that i can see through what most cant. Also, when im feeling pain (physically or mentally), i can just tell myself that pain is not pain, and im not feeling it. whatever i thought i was feeling, dissapears.



Individui Superiore
Nov 29, 2005
Do as you please. But, only some will see where this actually leads to. Most people will just sit there, be like, the apple is the apple, and live that way. I will, on the other hand, know that the apple is not really the apple, and choose to live that way. I mean, go be christian or muslim or hindu. I dont care, ive just come to a conclusion, and it has depth, and reality behind it. How you choose to live in your reality, is up to you.
Only out to provide that feeback but I can already seem some large flaws.

How did you come to this conclusion? If we all are deluded by subjective bias, the corollary is on what basis can you determine an apple is not an apple? Are you making a universal statement that perceptionism is real and objective- i.e that nothing can be truly known outside of our brain? If so, how can you know this to be true?

You speak of reality but in what sense?

Additionally, what of events which occur regardless of individual perception? (The very existence of the universe, geological events etc). I'm confused as to whether your stating that nothing occurs in reality or simply confining your argument to no absolute knowledge of events which can be obtained? That is, truth can not be obtained. This then coincides with the questions I posed above?

I can see value in perhaps challenging the use of language as only an arbitary, at best, asthetic tool of description, yet this does not preclude truth existing.


Currently High
Feb 13, 2009
I enjoy the idea that i can see through what most cant. Also, when im feeling pain (physically or mentally), i can just tell myself that pain is not pain, and im not feeling it. whatever i thought i was feeling, dissapears.


if i shoot you, in the fucking kneecap

you can think that the gaping hole in your bone isnt there, that aint gonna stop you from walking straight


Learn to science.
Aug 19, 2008
Wikipedia doesn't mention it, so it really must be crap.


Jan 6, 2010

if i shoot you, in the fucking kneecap

you can think that the gaping hole in your bone isnt there, that aint gonna stop you from walking straight
Only if you and me think about walking the same. Which we dont. But i can't prove that.
I don't think i ever walk at all.

Oh, and its called Nihilism with some Buddhism.


Jan 6, 2010
Wikipedia doesn't mention it, so it really must be crap.
Its not on Wikipedia because i thought of it. Or did i? Well, because i cant prove what i thought, it exists, as far as i know it, but I cant prove that it does, so, i guess, It doesnt exist, but it does. :) happy thinking. :lol:

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