Just adding my two cents, a month after the fact (hey, you guys are still enrolling for S2, right?)
I've taken Metaphysics & Epistemology - course was good, tutes were bad, I found the guys as bad as the girls. I'm not sure I can defend my gender on that though, since the worst offender in the tutorial-ruining I've ever seen was this spacey, talkative girl in my Introduction to Political Philosophy course (which was good & interesting). She came out with the weirdest shit. I also took Philosophy of Language. The content was decent but the lectures and tutes dead boring. Lecturer stopped short of reading the textbook verbatim, but it was a near thing - and he didn't write the textbook.
So on that basis, crude generalisations: Michaelis Michaels is good, Philip Quadrio is good, Phillip Staines is bad. Also, for what it's worth, gossip: a lecturer from another school told me Michaelis really knows his shit (my words, lol).
I haven't taken God, Life, the Universe and Everything, but I have heard a lot about it. It's supposed to be really good; the lecturer (Peter Slezak) is pretty intense though, so if you don't like criticism of religion, you might want to steer clear.