Well, i got mine done at House of Pain, and the artist told me "i'm going to do one line and see how you cope" next thing i know, he didnt stop lol !Anyone have any tips for the tattoo experience?
just don't be so scared that you'll tense, it's hard but try ! i was scared shitless considering i was underage and my parents would never allow it (now they're fine with it) but yes, try to ease your nerves, take someone with you and chat to them during the process, it'll make a difference !
i'm not going to lie to you, it'll hurt but if you've made the decision to get it and is confident on it, than bear with it many people ask what it feels like, but seriously it's a kind of pain you'll never be able to explain unless you've experienced it. the closest i can relate it to is a razor blade, but it'll be over soon and you'll enjoy it for the rest of your life .
here's a pic of mine haha ! (ive been meaning to go back to get the word thickened for like a year, but im so lazy haha)