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New Member
Mar 19, 2008
1. age gender religion

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day

4. what is anzac day about

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

6. what is valentines day

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

8. is easter exclusively christian, why

9. when is the queens birthday

10. what is christmas all about

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

12. what is boxing day

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays


Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
. age gender religion

18, female, not religious

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays


3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day

dont really know, dont celebrate it

4. what is anzac day about

honouring the dead who died in battle for Australia

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

hell no, its there to make money

6. what is valentines day

a day to celebrate love? again, just a money making scheme

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

No, because you're mum went through hell to get you here, you're dad just waited outside, people respect that as (even though this is steriotypical and a generalization) well as the fact that it is usually the mother who raises the child.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why

No, many non religious people celebrate as its fun for their children

9. when is the queens birthday
no idea

10. what is christmas all about

to christians: jesus birth
to children: presents
to many (imo): family

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

12. what is boxing day
day after christmas

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
Why not? its fun for children

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
not really


Dec 7, 2007
1. Age, gender, religion
18, Female, not religious

2. Do you selebrate any religious holidays?
Yes. We do Christmas and Easter, and since coming back from Germany last year, I'm trying to convince my parents to do Nikolaus Tag

3. What do you believe the meaning of Australia day is?
It commemorates the day captain cook landed at Botany Bay...but in all in seriousness, I'd say it's more about the public holiday than anything else (actually, as far as I'm concerned, it just means JJJ hottest 100 day)

4. What is ANZAC day about?
It commemorates the day that we landed at Gallipoli/all the soldiers who have died in wars

5. Do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done, or to buy her presents?
Aknowledging the things mum has done, which in our house means that we give her presents and someone else cooks dinner, as a thank you sort of thing

6. What is Valentine's day?
The biggest load of commercial crap ever. At least, the way it's celebrated today is. If you love someone, then you shouldn't have to wait until Valentine's day to tell them - spontaneous gifts etc are much more meaningful than gifts that are given because someone feels obliged.

7. Do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day? Why/Why not?
I can't actually tell you what day father's day is...mother's day is the second Sunday in May though. And I think that father's day is less of a big deal because there's still a view that women look after kids, and men are breadwinners, and they therefore do less for kids than mothers. So basically, fathers get less aknowledgment for their work.

8. Is easter exclusively christian? Why/Why not?
I'm pretty sure they actually scabbed the day from some pagan festival, actually. But no, not really. I know plenty of non religious/non christian families who do easter.

9. When is the Queen's birthday?
The second Monday in June, I think. Maybe third. Definitely a Monday in June though, because it's pretty much the only long weekend that schools aren't on holidays for. Not sure when the Queen's real birthday is, mind you.

10. What is christmas all about?
In christian tradition, it marks the birth of Jesus. But in secular society, it's basically just an excuse to give presents

11. is easter exclusively christian, why (You've put this question in twice)

12. What is boxing day?
The day after Christmas. It's now basically a day for travelling back from visiting family/recovering from all the Christmas drinking. Also, some of the best sales of the year. But I THINK it used to be the day that people gave their servants gifts.

13. Do you think we should celebrate halloween? Why/Why not?
I don't really have anything against it. Although, letting little kids run around without adult supervision isn't real bright, so I don't support young kids trick or treating by themselves.

14. Do you feel that there are to many holidays?
I feel ripped off at the number of public holidays that happen during school holidays in NSW. In Victoria, you normally get a 4 day weekend for Melbourne Cup day, as well as a long weekend for labour day, and Queen's birthday. I miss my extra 3 days off school...


Apr 16, 2008
1. age gender religion
16, female, none

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
I celebrate Christmas/Easter and that, but not because of the religion

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
To get together with all your South African mates and have drunken D&Ms about patriotism. Or at least that's the way my parents celebrate it :D

4. what is anzac day about
Commemorating and remembering soldiers who have died and fought in wars

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
I am way too broke to buy her presents, and have to show my love some other way. Mother's day is therefore the one time in the year I wake up early and try my skills in the kitchen, making...toast. They don't even trust me with the tea anymore :(

6. what is valentines day
A day for lovers and cynical people...

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
No, not really. For instance, I don't make toast on Fathers Day :D Seriously, I think it's because it's so much easier to "spoil" a mother, but fathers you can't really spoil, I guess. So it doesn't work out.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
No, Easter is exclusively Chocolatarian

9. when is the queens birthday
Don't know, don't care. It's a day off school and that's all I need to know :D

10. what is christmas all about
Getting presents, wearing embarrassing Santa outfits, being with family and friends. In that order...

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
No, Easter is exclusively Chocolatarian (if you can repeat yourself, so can I :uhhuh:

12. what is boxing day
The day after Christmas...

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
If people want to, then let them, if they don't, well that's their business

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
Does anyone? Who doesn't like holidays??


Mar 10, 2008
Gold Coast
1. age gender religion
17, female, not religious

2. do you celebrate any religious holidays
we have Christmas but we don't celebrate the religious part of it

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
to celebrate a great country and commemorate the first settlement

4. what is anzac day about
honoring the australian and new zealand soldiers who were lost, not only in Gallipoli, but all wars

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to celebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
Just to celebrate what she's done and a way to say thanks

6. what is valentines day
a day for couples to spend together + celebrate their love lol

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
yes, it's the same for both parents I think as most people view them as equal.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
No, I think many non-religious people celebrate easter for the fun of it

9. when is the queens birthday
i don't know

10. what is christmas all about
the birth of jesus

12. what is boxing day
the day after christmas, dec 26th where everything is cheap on sale

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
not really, it's an american holiday that doesn't really mean anything here. Kids like to dress up and get lollies though so I guess it's fine if they want to do that

14. do you feel that there are too many holidays


1. age gender religion
17, male, christian

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
uniting all australians

4. what is anzac day about
australia and newzealand soldiers of ww1

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

6. what is valentines day
A stupid excuse to try and get a girl/boyfriend

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
Yes, cause its the same except its your father..

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
Um no, because everyone loves chocolate lol.

9. when is the queens birthday
9th june?

10. what is christmas all about
jesus's birthday, but i dont really believe in god so...

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
answered above..

12. what is boxing day
Wouldn't have a clue to be honest

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
No, its american...we're aussies...stupid.

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
Nope, can't be enough of them!


not an ATARd
Mar 16, 2008
ya mum
1. age gender religion

16, male, agnostic

2. do you celebrate any religious holidays
easter and christmas, as my family are catholic.

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
to me personally, it's just an excuse to have a bbq.
although im sure there is a deeper, inner meaning.

4. what is anzac day about
remembering our soldiers. now that i care about.

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
celebrate what she has achieved. my mum prefers cards and homemade things more than expensive presents.

6. what is valentines day
an excuse to get love heart lollies and have sex

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
mmm, i think it should be, but i dont think it is.
i think dads are less easy to 'pamper' too.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
no. im not christian. and i love easter. chocolate!

9. when is the queens birthday

noooo idea.

10. what is christmas all about
family coming together, presents, and everyone letting their hair down a bit.

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

12. what is boxing day
when all the best movies come out!

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
i think its a bit of a laugh. good fun! and lollies!

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
definitley not. holidays are great :)


Sep 8, 2007
1. age gender religion

17, f , Christian

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays


3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day

A celebration of all things Australian. Good excuse to get together with Family and friends. Helps unite everyone.

4. what is anzac day about

Remembering those ANZACS who gave their lives for this country. It's about being thankful and paying due respect.

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

ermmm both?

6. what is valentines day

A day to celebrate love i guess. I don't really see it as an important day.

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

Hmmm, i don't think it's given hype by the media as much as mothers day. I think mothers, being this huge maternal figure who usually stick around for a while even if the father walks out or whatever (huge generalization i know) are given more attention. Like when people want to insult you they say "you mum!" not "your dad!" lol

8. is easter exclusively christian, why

No. It can be seen as a general celebration of new life (and chocolate)

9. when is the queens birthday

somewhere in June

10. what is christmas all about

The birth of Jesus

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

already answered that

12. what is boxing day

no clue - just some ppublic holiday after Christmas

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why

hmm, it would be fun to celebrate but i dont think it's really that necessary

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays


New Member
Aug 18, 2008
1. age gender religion
17, female, Christian

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
yeah, Christmas and Easter

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
for me, a day to have a bbq and party with family and friends and celebrate being Aussie.

4. what is anzac day about
remembering our soldiers who went to war

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
yeah, both of those things. just one way to say thanks for everything mums do.

6. what is valentines day
over-rated lol. a day for people to celebrate their love for each other. i think its kinda stupid, as people can show that every day and companies just use it to make money.

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
no, but i'm not sure why.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
no, because although there is religious reasons behind it, Easter is now also about chocolate and easter eggs, which anyone can celebrate.

9. when is the queens birthday
would not have a clue.

10. what is christmas all about
Christmas is really about Jesus being born, but heaps of people dont see it as that. i think for many (including me) its more a reason to hang out with family and give/receive presents.

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
i already answered that lol. ..did you mean to write xmas instead of easter?

12. what is boxing day
the day after Christmas.. a day to relax after the excitement of xmas day.

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
i think thats up to the individual. personally, i do celebrate it as i know a lot of my neighbours so have been going trick or treating since i was about 10. (and still go now, to take my sister.) i dont think its as important as the other holidays mentioned above, and it is probably more for Americans, but kids enjoy it, so why not!

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
nope, i reckon we could do with some more lol


Dec 11, 2007
1 . age gender religion
17 female Islam

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays

yes. Eid, Kandil

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day

the day Australia was founded by the frst fleet (God i'd better be right)

4. what is anzac day about

the day the ANZAC should landed on Gallipoli...as a Turk though i also respect and remember the Turkish soldiers who fought and lost their lives to protect their country

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

buying presents

6. what is valentines day

a day to be all romatic

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

i hate father's day... i dnt see it as important (personal reasons) but do stuff out of duty

8. is easter exclusively christian, why

in australia yes i guess because it is majority

9. when is the queens birthday

...no idea...but i like public holiday

10. what is christmas all about

something about Jesus Christ...birth/rebirth? i think Easter is the Death

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

well it Is about Jesus Christ...

12. what is boxing day

day after Christmas to pack stuff up

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why

yes!!! fun fun fun!

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays


goldmambo #5.
Sep 6, 2007
Not Cooma.
1. age gender religion
17, f, christian

2. do you celebrate any religious holidays
christmas.. easter

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
the meaning of australia day is... double time and a half at work, unless they let you off, when it means bacon & eggs for brekky at the beach

4. what is anzac day about
the vets (veterans, not veterinarian surgeons)

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to celebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
uhhhhh the 2nd one. its a hallmark holiday, but i wish her a happy mothers day.

6. what is valentines day
a hallmark holiday?

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
no. non-christians at work have been celebrating it too, more as a family get together than a religion thing though obviously.

9. when is the queens birthday

10. what is christmas all about
presents =D

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
ummm same as q8

12. what is boxing day
the day to get over christmas hangovers in readiness for new years

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
candy =D

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays


Sep 14, 2007
Beverly Hills
1. age gender religion
17, female, christian

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
christmas is about it... and i guess easter.

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
haha. go watch the bigpond ad. =D
no, umm, to celebrate our australian pride and herritage?
but really, just an excuse to get paid more at work and if not have a bludgy day! the true australian way.

4. what is anzac day about
remembering the sacrafice that our "diggers" made?

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
mothers day is a bit of both. its a good excuse to celebrate the work shes done for you, but really every year becomes the biggest marketing excuse ever.

6. what is valentines day
again, like mothers day, a good excuse for girls to feel all loved (if they have a significant other) or feel completely depressed (if they're single - happy single awareness day?), but again, a marketing excuse.

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
umm, i guess its the same?

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
i wouldnt think so. everyone loves chocolate.

9. when is the queens birthday
no clue in hell.
all i know is that this year i got paid double time and a half, and used all the tip money to buy us all lunch. =D

10. what is christmas all about
presents, i could be my good christian self and say remembering the death of our lord and all that. but like ALL the previously mentioned "holidays" its a marketing excuse.

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
didnt i already get asked this?

12. what is boxing day
really, now THAT is a bludge day. no questions asked.
national hangover recovery day.

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
no, its too american now. but then again, its an excuse for another holiday, so sure.

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays

haha nooo way. as much as i hate the whole marketing thing, I GET A DAY OFF! or get paid more...either way. =D


New Member
Sep 22, 2008
1. age gender religion
16 F notreallyreligious

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
Christmas, easter

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
supposed to be some celebration abotu australia but realistically a day to not work and get drunk

4. what is anzac day about
remembering war veterans...realistically a day to not work + get drunk

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
not really. i think its overplayed by companies etc to sell products

6. what is valentines day
a majorly embarrassing, pointless day where singles walk around with shut eyes so they arent assaulted with dozens of couples

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
nope. men generally dont want as many pressies and are not as sentimental etc...eg they arent likely to love a piece of paper with a tacky drawing (generalisation i know)

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
no. heaps of nonchristians celebrate easter (eg my family) but focus on the chocolate rather than jesus

9. when is the queens birthday

10. what is christmas all about

holidays and an excuse to spend all the money youve saved since last christmas

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
same as #8 but focused on presents

12. what is boxing day
No effing idea.

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
No. its too american and we dont have 'candy' in australia

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
yes and no


Sep 6, 2008
1. age gender religion

16 female christian

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays


3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day

celebrating australia?

4. what is anzac day about

um...celebrating the ANZACs

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents

um..kinda of

6. what is valentines day

a day created to boost sales of chocolates

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY

no bcoz guys dont really care about recieving gifts

8. is easter exclusively christian, why

no bcoz some people like easter for chocolate

9. when is the queens birthday


10. what is christmas all about

birth of jesus

11. is easter exclusively christian, why

isnt this the same q as q8?

12. what is boxing day

day after christmas and when most people open pressies?

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why

donno i dont really know whats the purpose of halloween

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays

no not really wish they were abit longer tho


New Member
Oct 27, 2006
flamebot said:
1. age gender religion
- 18. Girl, Christian

flamebot said:
2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
-Nope not really, not unless you count christmas and easter, but they are just for fun really.

flameboat said:
3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
-The time when Australia became a c-c-country? Nah, i reckon its just a day for a barbeque with family and watch them all get drunk, fall over and make them clean the next morning :lol:

flamebot said:
4. what is anzac day about
- Remember all those who died or suffered in war on our behalf

flamebot said:
5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
-I dont have a mother......

It's just to spoil her and remind her of how non-existent she really is....

flamebot said:
6. what is valentines day
- A time for a guy to give a girl chocolates and a girl to give a guy.... a teddy?

flamebot said:
7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
-Der! My father is existentt atleast!

flamebot said:
8. is easter exclusively christian, why
NO!! Every one needs chocolate and pancakes in the morning!!

flamebot said:
9. when is the queens birthday
-When that weekend comes when i realise i dont have to go to school that monday and get somewhere... maybe

flamebot said:
10. what is christmas all about
-Water fights, presents, cricket, dinner (mmmmm), chocolate coins..... FAMILY bllargh

flamebot said:
11. is easter exclusively christian, why

12. what is boxing day
11- REPEAT!!

12- The day the box was created!! and where you pack all your presents up and return them for money ^^ kidding....

flamebot said:
13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why

flamebot said:
14. do you feel that there are to many holidays


Sep 8, 2008
Robot Pirate Island
1. age gender religion
17, Female, Atheism.

2. do you selebrate any religious holidays
Only the commercial ones. I like it when people try to buy my love - in the non whoring oneself out way. That's free.

3. what do you beleive is the meaning of australia day
I honestly have no idea. We tried figuring it out at work right before Australia Day but we were all clueless.

4. what is anzac day about
Remembering fallen soldiers/people involved in the war as well as those currently serving.

5. do you feel that mothers day is there to clebrate the things that you mum has done or buying her presents
A little of both.

6. what is valentines day
It's just a way for corporation to make oodles of cash off saps. I still like it though. I'm valentines day bitch.

7. do you feel fathers day is as big as mothers day. WHY
For me no. My Mother would murder me if I didn't make a big fuss over Mother's Day. My Dad's more indifferent.

8. is easter exclusively christian, why
Well I'm not a Christian but I still celebrate easter and follow some of the traditions like eating fish on Good Friday.

9. when is the queens birthday
Not on her actual birthday?

10. what is christmas all about
Buying love and happiness - it seems that what it's about now anyway.

11. is easter exclusively christian, why
See above.

12. what is boxing day
The day after Christmad. That's pretty much as far as my knowledge goes.

13. do you think we should celebrate halloween, why
I think it's fun to dress up but it's more of an American thing.

14. do you feel that there are to many holidays
No. We need another one hence why I created my own. Stair Appreciation Day. Bestest day of the year.
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