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PLEASE FILL OUT MY PIP SURVEY!!! i need more people (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Dec 4, 2007
Hey, for my pip society and culture im doing manners in society and the importance people place on them. im looking at how they differ from different generations and different cultures or racial/ ethnic groups.
please fill out my surveys thanxs.

2. sex
3. heritage:
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?



Jul 21, 2004
1.age - 20
2. sex - F
3. heritage: - Sri Lankan but born in Australia
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? yep

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? parents and culture and possibly influenced by buddhism

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? yes

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? no, i'm less weird and random around my parents

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.
yeah. except on busy days where there's like a line of 50 people. then i can understand they don't have time to make small talk.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
they're socially and professionally higher than me. therefore deserve higher respect

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
we sit in the lounge and eat :p

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
decreasing for sure.


Oct 28, 2007
1.age: 17
2. sex: Male
3. heritage: South Korean
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?
5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
My parents & relatives & grandparents
6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
Everyone needs to be treated accordingly. I treat certain people with respect as they deserve it. If I don't get the respect I deserve from others, I would not treat them with one.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?


Dec 7, 2007
1. Age: 18

2. Sex: Female

3. Heritage:Australian

4. Do you think you have been taught good manners? Relitively...but that doesn't mean I actually use them all the time.

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? Parents, mostly. And bits and pieces at school, and to some degree, Sesame Street (I swear, that show taught me everything I need to know in life)

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? Yes. People are much more likely to be nice to you/help you out etc if you're nice to them

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? No. I swear a lot less, for one thing. I also tend not to make fun of my parents as much. But that being said, lots of people are disgusted at the way my parents and I interact. We make fun of each other, and if my parents are annoying me, I'll tell them. Lots of people I know wouldn't ever dream of doing either of those things. I also use please and thanks a lot less at home than I do in public.

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc. Yes. If they ask how I am, I respond, and ask them how they are. I say please and thank you. And I tend to address my teachers with their names, rather than "hey, you" or the equivilant

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc Not so much my doctor, since she's the mother of one of my friends, so I call her by her first name, rather than her title. But definitely teachers - I call them Mr and Mrs/Miss/Ms, which I wouldn't normally do with most adults (my parents are very relaxed about that, so I never really picked it up). And as I said before, I use their names, rather than just a general shout

10. If so why? They've got power to make my life difficult if I don't, basically

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? Sort of. Things like not chewing/talking with your mouth open, yes. No elbows on the table, no. And as soon as you get out of your seat, everyone is totally within their rights to put their feet on it until such time as you come back

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? Yes, but not as much as it would be in some situations. If I ask for something without saying please, I probably won't get it. If mum or dad asks if I want a hot drink, and I just respond with "yeah, coffee", that's fine.

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? Kind of. We have to help with the dishes, and if mum or dad asks us to do the washing or whatever, we do it. But dad is usually home during the day, and takes the opportunity to do cleaning etc while there's no one around

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?' Probably, but it sort of depends. Pregnant woman who's showing, almost definitely. Anyone else, if I've got an armload of heavy books or something, and they've got nothing, and look like they're just fine as it is, probably not

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? Some of them would. But then you have elderly people who don't want to be thought of as elderly and all that jazz

16. Do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? Decreasing. I've had so many little kids address me in a way I never would have dreamed of doing when I was their age. But having spent time in Germany, where they think you're really polite if you say "Please pass the butter" rather than "pass the butter", I gotta say, Australia's not doing too bad at all.


Active Member
May 25, 2007
1.age 17
2. sex male
3. heritage: Born in Australia, but mum is English and dad is italian
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? Yes.

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? I got taught them when i was a child, by my mother and father.

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? Of course.

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? No, which i believe i really should. But i suppose going to a public school makes it a little different.

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc. Yes. Always please, thank you and have a nice day.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc
More manners? No everyone should be treated equal.

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
Yes they are. No elbows on table and so forth.

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? Yes.

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? Yes, i do daily jobs and weekly jobs.

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them? Yes.

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? Yes. If not, they should.

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? They are decreasing. I believe parents do not place enough emphasis on them in households.


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
1.age 18
2. sex F
3. heritage: Scottish/English/Australian
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?
5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
Parents, grandparents
6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
I would tend to treat them all the same. I always say please and thankyou to the busdriver, shop assistant etc and treat them with courtesy. It's much the same with other people.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
They are, but not when nobody's looking...

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?
Not particularly... it just comes naturally.

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?
Yes. I have had chores/ expectations to help out since around 7 years old: before this I was always encouraged to learn skills such as how to wash a car, cook etc.

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?
Yes. I have in the past.

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
I think it is expected, even if the person doesn't say anything. It's less likely that anyone will get up if there are a number of people who could just as easily give up their seats though. Weird, that.

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
I think there's a bit of movement in both directions. People are more tolerant of others (or at least pretend to be) but there does tend to be a lot more people who are in too much of a hurry or too absorbed in their own worlds to show basic courtesey (ie. assuming someone knows you appreciate them, rather than bothering to vocalise this)


Token Member
Jul 7, 2007
where I spend the vast majority of my time
P.S. add into your discussion that your research may be flawed due to people answering in a way that will make them appear to be more socially acceptable (or in this case well mannered) especially seeing as this is on a public forum. Good discussion point :)


1.age: 17

2. sex: Female

3. heritage: Lebanese/ Australian

4. do you think you have been taught good manners?

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
My mother mainly.

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?
Depends on the topic and/or situation

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
I already emit the best i can to everyone and anyone.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
Erms, no not really. But i know them

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?
No, because I choose to show politeness and say "please" and "thank you" when needed. Therefore there is no reason to enforce me to say/do anything

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?
Yes and yes. Especially because i have 4 sisters living under the same roof, so its a must

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
Don’t know but id present the offer anyways

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
Decreasing dramatically
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stop looking at me swan.
Apr 26, 2008
cadbury world.
1.age 17
2. sex female
3. heritage: aussie
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
parents/older siblings

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?
its an aspect of my life but i wouldnt say an "important" one

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?
generally yes

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
higher station than me

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
i hate eating with my family because they eat disgustingly. i try to enforce table manners on my parents but they r slobs so i end up turning the tv up high to block out their noisy eating.

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?
generally yes

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
they might hope i will

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?


Active Member
May 25, 2007
DownInFlames said:
P.S. add into your discussion that your research may be flawed due to people answering in a way that will make them appear to be more socially acceptable (or in this case well mannered) especially seeing as this is on a public forum. Good discussion point :)
So agree with this.


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006

2. sex

3. heritage:

4. do you think you have been taught good manners?

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?
Yes, with respect

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.
Yes - treat others as you want to be treated

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
They deserve my respect, they have earnt it.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
Yes - Practice it always and you never make a mistake when it matters

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?
Yes - life without politeness is yuck

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?
Yes - the family is a team that works together

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?
Yes - without a second's thought

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
Yes - and so they should

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
Definitely decreasing because in Australia particularly parents do not teach their children and expect others to do it. The "respect others" culture has gone and it is all "me me me" and that means no one else deserves any respectful manners. Also, when my children are polite to strangers and in public people are amazed at how polite they are, as if they never hear it otherwise.




Tired Member
Feb 1, 2008
1.age 18

2. sex female

3. heritage: Australian/German

4. do you think you have been taught good manners? in some areas, in others, not so much

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? parents, friends

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? sometimes, but in general, not really

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? yes

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc. generally, if they treat you in the same way.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc yes, but more so if they treat you the same way

10. If so why? ussually people with higher authority provide a service, and your treating them with courtesy allows them to do their job better, in turn receiving their service better

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? no

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? sometimes

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? yes, no

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them? yes

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? yes

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? decreasing


Apr 16, 2008
Hey, for my pip society and culture im doing manners in society and the importance people place on them. im looking at how they differ from different generations and different cultures or racial/ ethnic groups.
please fill out my surveys thanxs.

1.age 15
2. sex F
3. heritage: ??
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?
Yes, definitely

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
My parents

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?
Yes, it is the little things like not pushing into lines, letting people through, saying good morning to people, etc

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?
Pretty much, yes - I have a pretty casual relationship with both my parents and friends

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?
They deserve my respect, because they have worked hard to get to where they are. I am only 15, but I hope that when I am older, people will treat me with the same courtesy.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?
I'm not sure that I understand the question :confused: Yes, I am expected to help around the house

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?
Yes, that is one of the most basic "courtesy" rules. I would feel terribly guilty if I were sitting while they had to stand

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too?
I think that it is generally expected that people should do that, but that they don't, if you know what I mean?

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
Decreasing, I think. There are some people who are just rude (ie no manners at all) but then there are others who are still nice/polite but do not have the same "old-fashioned" manners that people think of when you say "manners"

THANKYOU!!:) That's okay :)


Dec 10, 2007
1.age 17
2. sex female
3. heritage: Australian
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? yep

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?parents/family mainly

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?
God yes

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?nope, i muck around with friends much more than parents but still give them both great respect

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc. yep

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc nope everyone deserves the same level of courtesy and I treat everyone with a high level of respect

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? nope we usually eat seperate

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? yep

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? yep

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?without doubt yep, i hope when i fall pregnant in the future people would do it for me

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? they would probably have a certain level of expectation but they probably know not to expect it from everyone today

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? decreasing


┗(^o^ )┓三
Apr 23, 2007
1.age: 17
2. sex: M
3. heritage: Hong Kong (born in australia...in other words, i'm an ABC)
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? definitely

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? My parents

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? Of course

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? No, I speak to my friends (closer ones) like I'm teasing them constantly. That's what we do.

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? I don't interact with many people besides friend/family. I'm not super polite to my friends though. You don't need to =O Otherwise they'll think you're weird.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? To teachers, obviously =O

10. If so why? So that I don't get detention/bad report

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? No

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? Yes, to an extent

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? Yes

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them? Of course!

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? Depends...Individualism =O But mostly, I might say so.

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? Decreasing.


New Member
May 22, 2008
1.age: 17
2. sex: female
3. heritage: greek
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? id like to think so

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? from my parents

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? yes

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? defiantly not

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc
not really i tend to treat everyone with the same respect, irrespective of their level of authority

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? no

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? depending on the situation really

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? no not really

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them? yes i would

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? i think it would depend of the nature of the person. because some refuse the seat when you offer it to them and some take it like they deserve it.

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? i believe manners are decreasing in todays society


New Member
Apr 10, 2008


2. sex


3. heritage:


4. do you think you have been taught good manners?


5. From whom or where did you get taught them?


6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?


7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? No

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.


9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc


10. If so why?

If your polite you get what you want.

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?

Yes but i have horrible table manners..

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?


13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?

Yes very much so

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?

Of course

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? Secretly


16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?


white ferret

Apr 1, 2007

2. sex

3. heritage:

4. do you think you have been taught good manners?

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?
mum and primary teachers

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?
i would say it is nice to have good manners, but it isnt that important if its in a casual context (ie. day to day life)

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?
not really

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.
yup, unless theyre incompetant, then i sometimes let them know, but does that count as bad manners then?

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?
not particularly, unless someone does something very rude, then it gets pointed out

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases?
its not enforced, but we say it anyway out of habit

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing?
i use to, but less so this year because of 'the stress of HSC year'. so i guess it was emphasised in my upbringing?

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?
yup *cityrail's monotone announcements regarding school children plays in head*

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you to?
sometimes, although once, this really nice lady wanted me to sit down when i offered her the seat!

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?

couldnt help but notice the majority of pplz who replied are females aged 17/18. =P.


New Member
May 28, 2008
1.age 17
2. sex Female
3. heritage: Australian
4. do you think you have been taught good manners? Yes

5. From whom or where did you get taught them? My parents and grandparents

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life? Yes

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends? No

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc. Most of the time

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc Yes

10. If so why? No idea

11. Are table manners enforced within your home? Only when I was younger

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? Again not any more but when I was younger they were

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? I get responsibilities and I'm pretty sure my parents consider the effect most things would have on my upbringing

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them? If noone else did yes

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? I think most of the time it would be expected

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society? Decreasing definately


May 26, 2008
1.age- 15
2. sex-f
3. heritage:paki
4. do you think you have been taught good manners?yes

5. From whom or where did you get taught them?parents

6. Do you think having good manners is an important aspect in your day to day life?yes ofcourse

7. Do you speak to your parents the same as you would your friends?no, i respect my parents a lot more and i am closer to my famiy as compared to my friends

8. Do you treat people who you have daily interactions with manners and courtesy/? Eg shop assistants, bus drivers etc.
yes i do although i am aware of the societal pressures to look down on trades people

9.Do you treat people with higher authority and power with more manners and courtesy? Eg teachers, police officers, doctors etc
no, i am a activist for equality and therfore believe that for the functionaity of society people of varios lvels are needed

10. If so why?

11. Are table manners enforced within your home?yes ut these manners aren't english as i eat curry so use my hands but i follow the tiqutte of eating with five fingers e.t.c

12. Is general politeness enforced eg thankyous and pleases? yes

13. Do you have a responsibility to help around the house and do your parents put that emphasis on your upbringing? yes

14. If for example you were on a bus and there was an elderly person or pregnant lady standing would you give up your seat for them?
yes i would.

15. Do you think in that situation the elderly person or pregnant lady would expect you too? yes-they kind of expect i due to the way they were raised

16. do you think manners are increasing or decreasing in todays society?
the awareness that the generation 'x' manners are decrasing is very visble in todays society
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